Die Quotes
Text Quotes
The last show we played, I was straight as a die. It did feel weird not to be hiding behind alcohol or dope, but being focused was... good (Die Quotes)
It is a blessing to die for a cause, because you can so easily die for nothing (Die Quotes)
While I had often said that I wanted to die in bed, what I really meant was that in my old age I wanted to be stepped on by an elephant while making love (Die Quotes)
Men, I am not ordering you to attack. I am ordering you to die. In the time that it takes us to die, other forces and commanders can come and take our place (Die Quotes)
It is better to die for an idea that will live, than to live for an idea that will die (Die Quotes)
There’s night and day, brother, both sweet things; sun, moon, and stars, brother, all sweet things; there’s likewise a wind on the heath. Life is very sweet, brother; who would wish to die? (Die Quotes)
No one is so old that he cannot live yet another year, nor so young that he cannot die today (Die Quotes)
Die before the one whom you love; to live after he dies is to live a worthless life in this world (Die Quotes)
The self... is not an organic thing that has a specific location, whose fundamental fate is to be born, to mature, to die; it is a dramatic effect arising diffusely from a scene that is presented (Die Quotes)
One of the beauties of art is that it reflects an artist’s entire life. What I’ve learned over the past 30 years is really beginning to inform what I make. I hope that process continues until I die (Die Quotes)
I will die. The person who succeeds me will also have to die. But elections, you won’t have (Die Quotes)
A nation is the sum of its memories, and when those memories are allowed to die, it is less of a nation (Die Quotes)
Happy people die whole, they are all dissolved in a moment, they have had what they wanted (Die Quotes)
So we die before our own eyes; so we see some chapters of our lives come to their natural end (Die Quotes)
For me, a few hours ago, this campaign came to an end. For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die (Die Quotes)
Engage in combat fully determined to die and you will be alive; wish to survive in the battle and you will surely meet death (Die Quotes)
All love affairs are tragedies in the end unless the lovers die at the same moment (Die Quotes)
Only a dead nation remembers its heroes when they die. Real nations respect them when they are alive (Die Quotes)
It could be that the total scenario for human beings is an insoluble mystery until we die, followed by nothing at all (Die Quotes)
Our apologies, good friends, for the fracture of good order, the burning of paper instead of children. How many must die before our voices are heard, how many must be tortured, dislocated, starved, maddened? When, at what point, will you say no to this war? (Die Quotes)
The bird with the thorn in its breast, it follows an immutable law; it is driven by it knows not what to impale itself, and die singing. At the very instant the thorn enters there is no awareness in it of the dying to come; it simply sings and sings until there is not the life left to utter another note. But we, when we put the thorns in our breasts, we know. We understand. And still we do it. Still we do it (Die Quotes)
The best thing for a man to do is to be born and, being born, to die at once (Die Quotes)
Slum kids die slowly, their lives eroded at so languid a pace that even they would have trouble tracing the disintegration. To the children of war death explodes like a car bomb (Die Quotes)
A broken heart is a monument to a love that will never die; fulfillment is a monument to a love that is already on its deathbed (Die Quotes)
Most creatures have a vague belief that a very precarious hazard, a kind of transparent membrane, divides death from love; and that the profound idea of nature demands that the giver of life should die at the moment of giving (Die Quotes)
Vulgarity finds its antidote; old crudities become softened with time. Distinctions, both those that are useful and those that are burdensome, flourish and die, reflourish and die again (Die Quotes)
Believe me; all evil comes from the old. They grow fat on ideas and young men die of them (Die Quotes)
I am gonna write poems til I die and when I have gotten outta this body I am gonna hang round in the wind and knock over everybody who got their feet on the ground (Die Quotes)
Thus we see that the all important thing is not killing or giving life, drinking or not drinking, living in the town or the country, being unlucky or lucky, winning or losing. It is how we win, how we lose, how we live or die, finally, how we choose (Die Quotes)
Freedom has never been free... I love my children and I love my wife with all my heart. And I would die, die gladly, if that would make a better life for them (Die Quotes)