Die Quotes
Text Quotes
We are free only if we face the challenge of freedom, do the work of freedom, fight the fight of freedom and die the death for freedom (Die Quotes)
Life is not being sure what will come next or how it will come. We guess at everything we do. We take leap after leap in the dark and that’s the joy of living and the beauty of faith. When we grow tired, when we sit still, that’s when we begin to die... One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time (Die Quotes)
I will not let a political party tell me how to live, when to die or what to believe in. Our souls are linked to the universe, but we can never see heaven, because our flesh ties us to the earth and the people around us. But when the people around you have lost their will to be free, then earth becomes a hell (Die Quotes)
What do I think happens when we die? I think we enter into another stage of existence or another state of consciousness that is so extraordinarily different from the reality we have here in the physical world that the language we have is not yet adequate to describe this other state of existence or consciousness. Based on what I have heard from thousands of people, we enter into a realm of joy, light, peace, and love in which we discover that the process of knowledge does not stop when we die. Instead, the process of learning and development goes on for eternity (Die Quotes)
In adult centers the nerve paths are something fixed, ended, immutable. Everything may die, nothing may be regenerated (Die Quotes)
Life is a hurricane, and we board up to save what we can and bow low to the earth to crouch in that small space above the dirt where the wind will not reach. We honor anniversaries of deaths by cleaning graves and sitting next to them before fires, sharing food with those who will not eat again. We raise children and tell them other things about who they can be and what they are worth: to us, everything. We love each other fiercely, while we live and after we die. We survive; we are savages (Die Quotes)
What is the difference between a living thing and a dead thing? In the medical world, a clinical definition of death is a body that does not change. Change is life. Stagnation is death. If you don’t change, you die. It’s that simple. It’s that scary (Die Quotes)
Stagnation is death. If you don’t change, you die. It’s that simple. It’s that scary (Die Quotes)
You’re not supposed to die with your potential. A life well lived squeezes all the potential placed within and does something with it (Die Quotes)
Really, then, our problem is not weakness, but independence! And in covenant, you die to independent living (Die Quotes)
And one day we will die and our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea. But for now we are young; let us lay in the sun and count every beautiful thing we can see (Die Quotes)
Swimming is a confusing sport, because sometimes you do it for fun, and other times you do it to not die. And when I’m swimming, sometimes I’m not sure which one it is (Die Quotes)
Making money ain’t nothing exciting to me. You might be able to buy a little better booze than the wino on the corner. But you get sick just like the next cat and when you die you’re just as graveyard dead as he is (Die Quotes)
It was the most emphatic display of selflessness I have seen on a football field. Pounding over every blade of grass, competing if he would rather die of exhaustion than lose, he inspired all around him. I felt such an honor to be associated with such a player (Die Quotes)
Because it’s still a heartache. And nothing makes you want to die more than that (Die Quotes)
Children die every day because millions of us tell ourselves that caring is just as good as doing (Die Quotes)
All of society is built to prop up that lie, the whole world a big, noisy puppet show meant to distract us from the fact that at the end, you’ll die, and you’ll probably be alone (Die Quotes)
Indeed our words will remain lifeless, barren, devoid of any passion, until we die as a result of these words, whereupon our words will suddenly spring to life and live amongst the hearts that are dead, bringing them to life as well (Die Quotes)
Children are our crop, our fields, our earth. They are birds let loose into darkness. They are errors renewed. Still, they are the only source from which may be drawn a life more successful, more knowing than our own. Somehow they will do one thing, take one step further, they will see the summit. We believe in it, the radiance that streams from the future, from days we will not see. Children must live, must triumph. Children must die; that is an idea we cannot accept (Die Quotes)
When I die, nobody cry at my funeral, in fact let’s all have a party; I’ve lived the life of ten men. I lived all my dreams and more (Die Quotes)
Among adults there are few saved because of sins of the flesh. With the exception of those who die in childhood, most men will be damned (Die Quotes)
There is a difference between a person who is dying and a person who is suicidal. I do not want to die. I am dying (Die Quotes)
To have control of my own mind... to go with dignity is less terryfying. When I look at both options I have to die, I feel this is far more humane (Die Quotes)
For the truth is that I already know as much about my fate as I need to know. The day will come when I will die. So the only matter of consequence before me is what I will do with my allotted time. I can remain on shore, paralyzed with fear, or I can raise my sails and dip and soar in the breeze (Die Quotes)
Never become too busy for your brother or your sister. For when your parents die, it is your hearts alone that will realize how the joys and pains of family have shaped your lives (Die Quotes)
Here on the drawing board fingers and noses leak from the air brush maggots lie under if I should die before if I should die in the back room stacked up in smooth boxes like soapflakes or tunafish wait the undreamt of (Die Quotes)
The world censures those who take up arms to defend their causes and calls on them to use nonviolent means in voicing their grievances. But when a people chooses the nonviolent path, it is all too often the case that hardly anyone pays attention. It is tragic that people have to suffer and die and the television cameras have to deliver the pictures to people’s homes every day before the world at large admits there is a problem (Die Quotes)
If the rich could hire others to die for them we, the poor, would all make a nice living (Die Quotes)
Sooner or later we all must die. Warriors choose to do so on their feet, standing between their enemies and those they hold dear. With a weapon in their hands. Cowards choose to do so on their bellies. Unarmed (Die Quotes)
The bubble headed bleach blonde comes on at five, she can tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye. It’s interesting when people die, gives us dirty laundry (Die Quotes)