Difference Quotes

Text Quotes
The difference between the dinosaurs and us is that we have a space program and we can vote (Difference Quotes)
The greatest rewards come when you give of yourself. It’s about bettering the lives of others, being part of something bigger than yourself, and making a positive difference (Difference Quotes)
I would love for people to be able to think of me as a guy who stood up for what he believed in and helped make a difference for the vets (Difference Quotes)
Tonally, there was no discussion; I just don’t know any other way to do it. I don’t want to make people feel bad, and I don’t want to make their problems into a joke. I do love telling people when they’re right and wrong, but for the most part, it was always going to be about real fights where people have a real difference of opinion and a real dispute. I want to make jokes, but I also want to make a decision that is fair (Difference Quotes)
There is a difference between a person who is dying and a person who is suicidal. I do not want to die. I am dying (Difference Quotes)
There were a lot of running backs as good as me. The real difference was that I could focus. I never laid back and relied on natural ability (Difference Quotes)
They’re trying to say that greater federal authority would have made a difference,... The reality is that the feds are the ones that screwed up in the first place. It’s not about authority. It’s about leadership... They’ve got all the authority already (Difference Quotes)
One difference between savagery and civilization is a little courtesy. There’s no telling what a lot of courtesy would do (Difference Quotes)
If you see what you do each day as your way of loving the world and helping it heal, then life gets to be a lot different. The difference between burning up and burning out is the difference between loving what you are doing and not loving it (Difference Quotes)
The difference in being good at some thing and being great at something is usually found in the little things (Difference Quotes)
I make no special difference between architecture and design, they are two different stages of invention (Difference Quotes)
Interiors speak! Rooms emphasize whether one exists or lives, and there is a great difference between the two! (Difference Quotes)
I have met with political leaders, legislators, and diplomats, seeking the next steps to press in reducing and eliminating the nuclear threat in this century. I have participated in public coalitions developing programmes for action to combat the global rash of small arms. All are trying and making a difference (Difference Quotes)
The spectacle of a judge pouring over the picture of some nude, trying to ascertain the extent to which she arouses prurient interests, and then attempting to write an opinion which explains the difference between that nude and some other nude has elements of low comedy (Difference Quotes)
True men of this world do not wish. They change that which they know can be changed, they accept what cannot, and they always strive for the wisdom to know the difference (Difference Quotes)
Every art, like our own, has in its composition fluctuating as well as fixed principles. It is an attentive inquiry into their difference that will enable us to determine how far we are influenced by custom and habit, and what is fixed in the nature of things (Difference Quotes)
The difference between being a winner and being a loser is how you pick yourself up again, especially when you’re down for the third or fourth or twentieth time! (Difference Quotes)
It had struck me that the world was full of holes, holes which you could fall into, never to be seen again. I couldn’t understand the difference between disappearance and death. Both seemed the same to me, both left holes. Holes in your heart holes in your life (Difference Quotes)
A poet is not somebody who has great thoughts. That is the menial duty of the philosopher. A poet is somebody who expresses his thoughts, however commonplace they may be, exquisitely. That is the one and only difference between the poet and everybody else (Difference Quotes)
A sentence can offer a moment of quiet, it can crackle with energy or it can just lie there, listless and uninteresting. What makes the difference? The verb (Difference Quotes)
The artist is a collector. Not a hoarder, mind you, there’s a difference: Hoarders collect indiscriminately, artists collect selectively. They only collect things that they really love (Difference Quotes)
The real difference between telling what happened and telling a story about what happened is that instead of being a victim of our past, we become master of it (Difference Quotes)
Accidents often produce the best solutions… only you can recognize the difference between an accident and your original intent (Difference Quotes)
Politics matters. Ideas matter. Democracy matters, because all of us need to be able to make a difference (Difference Quotes)
Information has become king, whereas wisdom should be king and there is a big difference between the two (Difference Quotes)
The difference between a novelist and someone who tinkers around with writing is this: novelists finish their books (Difference Quotes)
Toxic masculinity hurts men, but there’s a big difference between women dealing with the constant threat of being raped, beaten, and killed by the men in their lives, and men not being able to cry (Difference Quotes)
I’m a skeptic not because I do not want to believe, but because I want to know. How can we tell the difference between what we would like to be true and what is actually true? The answer is science (Difference Quotes)
Take time to smell the roses. Appreciating the little things in life really can make all the difference (Difference Quotes)
Losing love is like organ damage. It’s like dying. The only difference is, death ends. This? It can go on forever (Difference Quotes)