Differences Quotes

Text Quotes
Without aggression, it becomes possible to think well, to be curious about differences, and to enjoy each other’s company. (Differences Quotes)
Before we start talking about genetic differences, you gotta come up with a system where there’s equal opportunity, (Differences Quotes)
Except for their genitals, I don’t know what immutable differences exist between men and women. Perhaps there are some other unchangeable differences; probably there are a number of irrelevant differences. But it is clear that until social expectations for men and women are equal, until we provide equal respect for both sexes, answers to this question will simply reflect our prejudices. (Differences Quotes)
We have our differences since the beginning of America. It’s a legitimate difference. What is the role of government, et cetera, federal, state, local? (Differences Quotes)
The Soviet Union came apart along ethnic lines. The most important factor in this breakup was the disinclination of Slavic Ukraine to continue under a regime dominated by Slavic Russia. Yugoslavia came apart also, beginning with a brutal clash between Serbia and Croatia, here again ‘nations’ with only the smallest differences in genealogy; with, indeed, practically a common language. Ethnic conflict does not require great differences; small will do. (Differences Quotes)
Being different is ... interesting; there’s nothing implicitly inferior or superior about it. Great difference, of course, produces natural caution; and if the differences are too extreme ... well, then, reality tends to fade away. (Differences Quotes)
I have a good Muslim friend who comes over to my house. Good guy; reads the Qur’an in Arabic. He comes over to my house and we talk about faith and we talk about things we have in common, but I can’t shy away from the differences that we have. So I talk about why I’m not a Muslim and about the evidence that exists that show Christianity is true. (Differences Quotes)
If you chase the market, it’s not going to come to you. You have to have faith in yourself. I think one of the differences in what I call ‘civilians’ and ‘authors’ is that we have an antenna hat buzzing all the time. (Differences Quotes)
I wasn’t necessarily frustrated in Fall Out Boy, but there were things that didn’t get satisfied, desires left wanting. We didn’t all meet on the same kind of music. When bands break up, there are all these buzz words that get tossed around to maintain a front for the audience, but in this case there literally were creative differences. (Differences Quotes)
I was listening to one of my favorite songs that Phil wrote and had an extreme emotional moment just before I got the news of his passing. I took that as a special spiritual message from Phil saying goodbye. Our love was and will always be deeper than any earthly differences we might have had. (Differences Quotes)
...the differences between the conservative and the radical seem to spring mainly from their attitude toward the future. Fear of the future causes us to lean against and cling to the present, while faith in the future renders us receptive to change. (Differences Quotes)
There are clear differences between and some- and there may be protective factors in a female brain. (Differences Quotes)
In the name of feminism, we denied some essential aspects of our authentic selves. While feminism should have been nothing if not a celebration of our own unique characteristics, we insisted that we had no unique characteristics... that gender differences were hogwash, and a feminine woman was nothing more than a plaything for men. (Differences Quotes)
A curious observation is the uniform way that committees review curriculum for each field of study. Too often, authorities have a knee-jerk impulse to declare that ‘all curriculum areas will be the same.’ In fact, real and significant differences exist between fields of study. (Differences Quotes)
As film-makers, it is very important for us to find common ground between cultures, and maybe that’s less the case for politicians who benefit more from finding the conflicts and differences between us. (Differences Quotes)
Kids are naturally curious about what they don’t know, or don’t understand, or what is foreign to them. They only learn to be frightened of those differences when an adult influences them to behave that way and censors that natural curiosity. (Differences Quotes)
We’re resolving our differences and we’re looking forward to putting out a record next year. (Differences Quotes)
Suffering took hold of me like a magic spell abolishing all differences between friends and strangers. (Differences Quotes)
You know what the funniest thing about Europe is? It’s the little differences. (Differences Quotes)
So I think what you see in this show is it’s really not a just world at all, but you get what you give. So in terms of world view, I would say that’s where the differences lie. (Differences Quotes)
Let’s create an integrated global community where we have shared benefits and responsibilities, and we don’t fight because of our differences. (Differences Quotes)
I just don’t think that the differences you make by donating to a museum or an art gallery really compare to the differences you make by donating to the charities that fight global poverty. (Differences Quotes)
There are differences in the businesses themselves, but the fundamentals are the same: give customers a good experience, charge them a reasonable price, listen to them, and treat them with respect. (Differences Quotes)
I try to be good to myself. Look, we’re human and people have differences. (Differences Quotes)
I hope...that mankind will at length, as they call themselves reasonable creatures, have reason and sense enough to settle their differences without cutting throats; for in my opinion there never was a good war, or a bad peace. (Differences Quotes)
While Secretary Rumsfeld and I have had our differences, he deserves Americans’ respect and gratitude for his many years of public service. (Differences Quotes)
Don’t neglect adverse situations. Sometimes, they carry the yolk of great differences. When you break them away, you waste the yolk! (Differences Quotes)
When strangers meet, great allowance should be made for differences of custom and training (Differences Quotes)
It may happen that small differences in the initial conditions produce very great ones in the final phenomena. (Differences Quotes)
I’m not interested in the difference between good and bad, I’m interested in the differences between good and great. (Differences Quotes)