Different Quotes

Text Quotes
Fake is the latest trend. Be different, be real (Different Quotes)
I worry my soulmate is on a different dating site (Different Quotes)
Well, each interpretation of an event, setting or character is unique to each of those who read it because they clothe the author's description with the memory of their own experiences. Every character they read is actually a complex amalgam of people they've met, read or seen before - far more real than it can ever be just from the text on the page. Because every reader's experiences are different, each book is unique for each reader (Different Quotes)
Alexander of Whitby taught that the universe is like a tapestry only parts of which are visible to us at a time. After we are dead, we will see the whole and then it will be clear to us how the different parts relate to each other (Different Quotes)
It's somewhat bizarre to learn that many of you think that other humans are somehow different enough to be hated and killed when in reality you're all tiresomely similar in outlook, needs and motivation, and differ only by peculiar habits, generally shaped by geographical circumstances (Different Quotes)
It always surprises me after a family row to find that the world outdoors has remained the same. While the passions and feelings that accumulate like noxious gases inside a house seem to condense and cling to the walls and ceilings like old smoke the out-of-doors is different. The landscape seems incapable of accumulating human radiation. Perhaps the wind blows anger away (Different Quotes)
A John is different from a sucker. When you're with a sucker you're on alert all the time. You give him nothing. A sucker is just to be taken but a John is different. You give him what he pays for. When you're with him you enjoy yourself and you want him to enjoy himself too (Different Quotes)
The hide was being flayed off the still living body of the revolution so that a new age could slip in to it; as for the red bloody meat, the steaming innards - they were being thrown onto the scrapheap. The new age needed only the hide of the revolution - and this was being flayed off people who were still alive. Those who slipped into it spoke the language of the revolution and mimicked it's gestures, but their brains, lungs, livers and eyes were utterly different (Different Quotes)
If a weaker baboon be attacked by a stronger baboon the weaker baboon will either (a) present his hrump fanny I believe is the word, gentlemen, heh heh for passive intercourse or (b) if he is a different type baboon more extrovert and well-adjusted, lead an attack on an even weaker baboon if he can find one (Different Quotes)
Animation is different from other parts. Its language is the language of caricature. Our most difficult job was to develop the cartoon's unnatural but seemingly natural anatomy for humans and animals (Different Quotes)
... two different kinds of Japanese psychotherapies, one based on getting people to stop using feelings as an excuse for their actions and the other based on getting people to practice gratitude (Different Quotes)
You've never been married, so you don't know, but it is a fragile thing. Nothing ever goes away, everything stays inside it. It is a different reality (Different Quotes)
It was different in America: the incessant perpetuation of collective fantasies makes people crave the truth and nothing but the truth - reality is the fastest American commodity (Different Quotes)
Displacement results in a tenuous relationship with the past, with the self that used to exist and operate in a different place, where the qualities that constituted us were in no need of negotiation. Immigration is an ontological crisis because you are forced to negotiate the conditions of your self-hood under perpetually changing existential circumstances (Different Quotes)
I don't believe rape is inevitable or natural. If I did, I would have no reason to be here. If I did, my political practice would be different than it is. Have you ever wondered why we [women] are not just in armed combat against you? It's not because there's a shortage of kitchen knives in this country. It is because we believe in your humanity, against all the evidence (Different Quotes)
To permit writers to use forms which violate convention just might permit writers to develop forms which would teach people to think differently: not to think about different things, but to think in different ways (Different Quotes)
I think there are different kinds of fame. There's fame which is plastic and about paparazzi and money and being rich, and then there's the fame, which is when no one knows who you are but everyone wants to know who you are (Different Quotes)
Who's to say I'm not an entirely different person? Because I am. You have to understand, five years ago I was a waitress (Different Quotes)
Well my music was different in high school; I was singing about love - you know, things I don't care about anymore (Different Quotes)
There is something great in whatever you look at. Many people look but few people see;to leave a distinctive footprint, do not just look but see for seeing will make you different (Different Quotes)
Anyone who has ever been able to sustain good work has had at least one person--and often many--who have believed in him or her. We just don't get to be competent human beings without a lot of different investments from others (Different Quotes)
The thing about her is, she's good-natured. He knew it the second he saw her standing by the parking meters. He could just tell from the soft way her belly looked. With women, you keep bumping against them, because they want different things, they're a different race. Either they give, like a plant, or scrape, like a stone. In all the green world nothing feels as good as a woman's good nature (Different Quotes)
In asking forgiveness of women for our mythologizing of their bodies, for being unreal about them, we can only appeal to their own sexuality, which is different but not basically different, perhaps, from our own. For women, too, there seems to be that tangle of supplication and possessiveness, that descent toward infantile undifferentiation, that omnipotent helplessness, that merger with the cosmic mother-warmth, that flushed pulse-quickened leap into overestimation, projection, general mix-up (Different Quotes)
Most of us probably entertain either of these attitudes on different days. On a good day (as we perceive it), we tend toward self-righteous Pharisaism. On a not-so-good day, we allow ourselves to wallow in a sense of failure and guilt. Either way we've moved away from the gospel of God's grace, trying to relate to God directly on the basis of our performance rather than through Christ (Different Quotes)
And we would all try to do it in our heads, and all arrive at different results, and sneer at one another (Different Quotes)
Turning fifty is an entirely different matter altogether. “At fifty, the madwoman in the attic breaks loose, stomps down the stairs, and sets fire to the house. She won’t be imprisoned anymore, (Different Quotes)
Foolish people - when I say foolish people in this contemptuous way I mean people who entertain different opinions to mine. If there is one person I do despise more than another, it is the man who does not think exactly the same on all topics as I do (Different Quotes)
Only peril can bring the French together. One can't impose unity out of the blue on a country that has 265 different kinds of cheese (Different Quotes)
How can anyone govern a nation that has two hundred and forty-six different kinds of cheese? (Different Quotes)
Every man of genius sees the world at a different angle from his fellows, and there is his tragedy (Different Quotes)