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I want to be gone out of myself, and you to be lost to yourself, so we are found different  (Different Quotes) Torture will give a dozen pence or more to keep a drab from bawling at his door. The public taste is quite a different thing - torture is positively paid to sing  (Different Quotes) I would define the poetic effect as the capacity that a text displays for continuing to generate different readings, without ever being completely consumed  (Different Quotes) I like people. They're entertaining. I just may laugh at different things than most people. I laugh at mistakes. I laugh at how you recover from mistakes  (Different Quotes) I have discovered with advancing years that few things are entirely black or white, but more often different shades of grey  (Different Quotes) The cultural treasures of the past, believed to be dead, are being made to speak, in the course of which it turns out that they propose things altogether different than what had been thought  (Different Quotes) I've had to guess at her, sewing her skin together as I sew mine, though with a different stitch  (Different Quotes) This is where I live now. If you had known me once, you'd still know me now though in a different light and life. This is no place you ever knew me  (Different Quotes) It is absolutely impossible to transcend the laws of nature. What can change in historically different circumstances is only the form in which these laws expose themselves  (Different Quotes) I have never known birds of different species to flock together. The very concept is unimaginable. Why, if that happened, we wouldn't stand a chance! How could we possibly hope to fight them?  (Different Quotes) Money is a crystal formed of necessity in the course of the exchanges, whereby different products of labour are practically equated to one another and thus by practice converted into commodities  (Different Quotes) A few moments may change our character for life, by giving a totally different direction to our aims and energies  (Different Quotes) Oh dear! how she could have loved him if he had but been different, with a difference which she felt, on reflection, to be one that went low deep down  (Different Quotes) How different our standard is from Christ's. We ask how much a man gives. Christ asks how much he keeps  (Different Quotes) There is only one way to see things, until someone shows us how to look at them with different eyes  (Different Quotes) The trouble with wars is that they all look alike to people who aren't involved. Only the skin color of the dead is different  (Different Quotes) I'd go to, like, six different schools in one year. We were on welfare, and my mom never ever worked  (Different Quotes) I don't say you're self censoring - I'm sure you believe everything you're saying; but what I'm saying is, if you believed something different, you wouldn't be sitting where you're sitting  (Different Quotes) His body and his mind went about their different businesses. The former, freed from conscious instruction, breathed, rolled, sweated, and digested. The latter went dreaming  (Different Quotes) But Apple really beats to a different drummer. I used to say that Apple should be the Sony of this business, but in reality, I think Apple should be the Apple of this business  (Different Quotes) Advertisers and marketers should be looking to bring new experiences to different parts of the brain. It's a more profound idea than just dropping a billboard into a video game  (Different Quotes) I regard romantic comedies as a subgenre of sci fi, in which the world operates according to different rules than my regular human world  (Different Quotes) If he ever listened to poor colored women the world would be a different place, I can tell you  (Different Quotes) No matter how dark you are, no matter what you think your heritage is or how inevitable your fall is, you can always make a choice in the next second to be different  (Different Quotes) And I think both the left and the right should celebrate people who have different opinions, and disagree with them, and argue with them, and differ with them, but don't just try to shut them up  (Different Quotes) Man has always seen himself the peak of creation. The part of the universe that thinks. The purpose for it all. It's no doubt a gratifying view, but the universe may have a different opinion  (Different Quotes) I really look at my childhood as being one giant rusty tuna can that I continue to recycle in many different shapes  (Different Quotes) The trouble is it's very difficult to pin point the most important thing because Aids affects everyone in different levels of society, differently and you have to respond to it differently  (Different Quotes) I have to write for everyone. What really fascinates me is how you make films or make stories that can genuinely be shared by different groups  (Different Quotes) Writing, when properly managed, (as you may be sure I think mine is) is but a different name for conversation  (Different Quotes)
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