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It was different, though, knowing something in your thoughts and then hearing it confirmed, made real, planted in the world like a tree  (Different Quotes) I lost some of my friends because I got so famous, people who just assumed that I would be different now. I felt like everyone hated me. That is the most unhappy time of my life  (Different Quotes) Teenage readers also have a different relationship with the authors whose work they value than adult readers do. I loved Toni Morrison, but I don't have any desire to follow her on Twitter. I just want to read her books  (Different Quotes) There was once a caustic comment from someone suggesting I was breeding a new race. Fans from different countries have married, amazing things like that. I've been to some of the weddings. I went to one here the other day, a pagan ceremony  (Different Quotes) If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away  (Different Quotes) A whole lot of us believers, of all different religions, are ready to turn back the tide of madness by walking together, in both the dark and the light - in other words, through life - registering voters as we go, and keeping the faith  (Different Quotes) And I will do everything that I can as long as I am President of the United States to remind the American people that we are one nation under God, and we may call that God different names but we remain one nation  (Different Quotes) Two nations between whom there is no intercourse and no sympathy; who are as ignorant of each other's habits, thoughts, and feelings, as if they were dwellers in different zones, or inhabitants of different planets. The rich and the poor  (Different Quotes) God made so many different kinds of people. Why would he allow only one way to serve him?  (Different Quotes) A lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe that was the right thing for them. We chose a different path. Our belief was that if we kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallets  (Different Quotes) American policy seems to be wed to a perpetual state of war. Why? History shows that the world will always be in flux or turmoil, with different peoples competing for visibility and power. The U. S. Cannot fix the fate of every nation  (Different Quotes) Before I'd written movies, I never could do big set piece scenes with a lot of different speakers - when you've got twelve people around a dinner table talking at cross purposes. I had always been impressed by other people's ability to do that  (Different Quotes) When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking  (Different Quotes) The charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that, from age to age, nothing changes and yet everything is completely different  (Different Quotes) It appears that every man's insomnia is as different from his neighbour's as are their daytime hopes and aspirations  (Different Quotes) In order to know whether a human being is young or old, offer it food of different kinds at short intervals. If young, it will eat anything at any hour of the day or night  (Different Quotes) I used to write things for friends. There was this girl I had a crush on, and she had a teacher she didn't like at school. I had a real crush on her, so almost every day I would write her a little short story where she would kill him in a different way  (Different Quotes) I feel very deeply about the need to respect and tolerate people of different social - or sexual orientation. But at the same time, I believe marriage should be preserved as an institution for one man and one woman  (Different Quotes) Our nation is too different, too diverse to say that what works in Massachusetts is somehow going to be grabbed by the federal government, usurping the power of states and imposing a one size fits all plan on the nation. That will not work  (Different Quotes) No architect troubled to design houses that suited people who were to live in them, because that would have meant building a whole range of different houses. It was far cheaper and, above all, timesaving to make them identical  (Different Quotes) I have a Ph. D. In cell biology. And that's really manual labor. I mean, experimental science, you do it with your hands. So it's very different. You're out there in a lab, cleaning test tubes, and it just wasn't that fascinating  (Different Quotes) I respect the fact that many denominations have different points of view with respect to gay marriage and they can hold that in the sanctity in the place of their religion and not bless them or solemnize them  (Different Quotes) My books are shelved in different places, depending on the bookstore. Sometimes they can be found in the mystery section, sometimes in the humor department, and occasionally even in the literature aisle, which is somewhat astounding  (Different Quotes) The broadest pattern of history - namely, the differences between human societies on different continents - seems to me to be attributable to differences among continental environments, and not to biological differences among peoples themselves  (Different Quotes) I think people appreciate a songwriter who shows different sides. The whole angst thing is cool, but if that's all you've got, it's just boring. Everything I write, whether it's happy or sad, has a sense of humor to it  (Different Quotes) Historically, musicians know what it is like to be outside the norm - walking the high wire without a safety net. Our experience is not so different from those who march to the beat of different drummers  (Different Quotes) In the sense that you're not at the centre of power, like a president or prime minister of a major power, everyone is marginalised; my position doesn't isn't unique in that respect. I think there are different sorts of relevance in different contexts  (Different Quotes) I can walk about London and see a society that seems an absolutely revolutionary change from the 1950s, that seems completely and utterly different, and then I can pick up on something where you suddenly see that it's not  (Different Quotes) Yes, all fundamentalists feel that in a secular society, God has been relegated to the margin, to the periphery and they are all in different ways seeking to drag him out of that peripheral position, back to center stage  (Different Quotes) Different men seek after happiness in different ways and by different means, and so make for themselves different modes of life and forms of government  (Different Quotes)
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