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As women have played an increasingly important role in politics, there is no question that they've brought a different perspective, focusing attention on a broader set of issues and building alliances with other women  (Different Quotes) And I think what people in New Jersey have gotten to know about me over the last decade that I've been in public life is what you see is what you get. And I'm no different when I'm sitting with you than I am when I'm at home or anyplace else  (Different Quotes) I feel like the people from Iceland have a different relationship with their country than other places. Most Icelandic people are really proud to be from there, and we don't have embarrassments like World War II where we were cruel to other people  (Different Quotes) I think music is the greatest art form that exists, and I think people listen to music for different reasons, and it serves different purposes. Some of it is background music, and some of it is things that might affect a person  (Different Quotes) My experience of life is that it's very fragmented; certain kinds of things happen, and in another place, a different kind of thing occurs. I would like my work to have some vivid indication of those differences  (Different Quotes) Humanity takes itself too seriously. It is the world's original sin. If the caveman had known how to laugh, the world would have been different  (Different Quotes) Books and movies are different art forms with different rules. And because of that, they never translate exactly  (Different Quotes) Marx, as we have seen, solved it by declaring capital to be a different thing from product, and maintaining that it belonged to society and should be seized by society and employed for the benefit of all alike  (Different Quotes) Have you ever just stopped and realized that if you hadn't met a certain person in your life, your life would be completely different  (Different Quotes) I've had to keep exploring different ways of presenting the music so I don't repeat myself  (Different Quotes) The sublimity of administration consists in knowing the proper degree of power that should be exerted on different occasions  (Different Quotes) We do not step out of the world when we pray; we merely see the world in a different setting. The self is not the hub but the spoke of the revolving wheel. It is precisely the function of prayer to shift the center of living from self consciousness to self surrender  (Different Quotes) Every woman's heart has different instructions. They're written through her eyes, in her smile, through her actions and in her tears  (Different Quotes) My philosophy comes from a worldview that looks at the world as one. It's a holistic view that sees the world as interconnected and interdependent and integrated in so many different ways, which informs my politics  (Different Quotes) Every night I fell asleep to a different Beatles album. So I'm very familiar with the Beatles; Ringo was my favorite Beatle until I grew up and then changed. I made the switch over to George Harrison just in time to regain my cool  (Different Quotes) I have to say that when you tour the world, obviously, the jetlags and different hours and ways of living and traveling, a lot of hours in the plane, and you wake up in the morning and you're not quite sure where you are, and it is very tiring  (Different Quotes) A lot of people... Kind of make heroes that are separate from us, people who are, you know, like... John Wayne and Errol Flynn and, you know, denzel Washington... People who are different, who are larger than life  (Different Quotes) I don't ever know where I'm going. Because one of the wonderful things about writing, which is different than working in programming, you don't need to know. You could just write and discover where you're going. and it's a great deal of fun  (Different Quotes) If Helen of Troy could have been seen eating peppermints out of a paper bag, it is highly probable that her admirers would have been an entirely different class. It is the thing you are found doing while the horde looks on that you shall be loved for - or ignored  (Different Quotes) One is by a watch to keep time exactly. But, by reason of the motion of the ship, the variation of heat and cold, wet and dry, and the difference of gravity in different latitudes, such a watch hath not yet been made  (Different Quotes) It's not my fault that there is this gap between rich and poor, it is the fault of governments. I want a different world. One where I don't wake up thinking I'm so lucky to be able to feed my daughter  (Different Quotes) At the descriptive level, certainly, you would expect different cultures to develop different sorts of ethics and obviously they have; that doesn't mean that you can't think of overarching ethical principles you would want people to follow in all kinds of places  (Different Quotes) They tend to be pretty abstract ones then, like doing what will have the best consequences; obviously you wouldn't specify what consequences are best, they may be different in some circumstances, so at a lower, more specific level, you may well get differences  (Different Quotes) I have a personality that tends to be somewhat compulsive, and I do tend to think in a circular way. I dwell on the same things over and over and I try to figure out different ways of looking at the same issue  (Different Quotes) Faith is different from proof; the latter is human, the former is a gift from God  (Different Quotes) In returning I read a very different book, published by an honest Quaker, on that execrable sum of all villanies, commonly called the slave trade  (Different Quotes) I'm always trying to bring unusual content to a different audience - a non art world audience  (Different Quotes) One thing that changed when I moved upstate was that I became interested in different materials. I started making the stone benches because I was seeing rocks  (Different Quotes) I've had a chance to fly a lot of different airplanes, but it was nothing like the shuttle ride  (Different Quotes) It's so different now coming out as a new artist today than it was when I came out almost ten years ago. Now, it's all about singles, it's really quick, it's online. I came out when people sold records and they still do today but - I don't know what the key is  (Different Quotes)
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