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Our discussion has shown that while in war many different roads can lead to the goal, to the attainment of the political object, fighting is the only possible means  (Different Quotes) I enjoy the speed of fashion. I love doing different things and I think I still have something valid to say in fashion  (Different Quotes) I don’t know whether machine translation will eventually get good enough to allow us to browse people’s websites in different languages so you can see how they live in different countries  (Different Quotes) If different cultures connect with each other, they are less likely to want to shoot each other  (Different Quotes) Writing is a process of self-discipline you must learn before you can call yourself a writer. There are people who write, but I think they’re quite different from people who must write  (Different Quotes) The object of psychology is to give us a totally different idea of the things we know best  (Different Quotes) When wiggling through a hole the world looks different than when scrubbed clean by the wiggle and looking back  (Different Quotes) I mean, language fascinates me anyway, and different words have different energies and you can change the whole drive of a sentence  (Different Quotes) Each character I play has different dimensions. I’m not interested in words that pull them together  (Different Quotes) Religion has become so many different things. Religion is an economic thing for some people. Religion is a gun  (Different Quotes) My father loved all different types of music. He wasn’t a snob. He wasn’t a purist  (Different Quotes) Here’s another piece of advice, only date people who have read a different set of books than you have read, it will save you lots of time in the library  (Different Quotes) Cutting, and suicide, two very different symptoms of the same problem, are gaining on us. I personally don’t know a single person who doesn’t know at least two of these victims personally  (Different Quotes) Every decision a person makes stems from the person’s values and goals. People can have many different goals and values; fame, profit, love, survival, fun, and freedom, are just some of the goals that a good person might have. When the goal is to help others as well as oneself, we call that idealism. My work on free software is motivated by an idealistic goal: spreading freedom and cooperation. I want to encourage free software to spread, replacing proprietary software that forbids cooperation, and thus make our society better  (Different Quotes) Have you ever heard the wonderful silence just before the dawn? Or the quiet and calm just as a storm ends? Or perhaps you know the silence when you haven’t the answer to a question you’ve been asked, or the hush of a country road at night, or the expectant pause of a room full of people when someone is just about to speak, or, most beautiful of all, the moment after the door closes and you’re alone in the whole house? Each one is different, you know, and all very beautiful if you listen carefully  (Different Quotes) A conversation goes sometimes into personal things and that’s nicer. You look to each other and you have a different picture, you get into a relationship  (Different Quotes) A fulfilling life is different to each person. You have to acknowledge your dreams, and not just wait for life to happen, and opportunities to come knocking at your door  (Different Quotes) In sculpture did ever anybody call the Apollo a fancy piece? Or say of the Laocoon how it might be made different? A masterpiece of art has in the mind a fixed place in the chain of being, as much as a plant or a crystal  (Different Quotes) A mustache really defines your face. My dad had a mustache when I was growing up, and I can still remember when he shaved it, he looked like a completely different person  (Different Quotes) Abortion is inherently different from other medical procedures because no other procedure involves the purposeful termination of a potential life  (Different Quotes) America’s strength is not our diversity; our strength is our ability to unite people of different backgrounds around common principles. A common language is necessary to reach that goal  (Different Quotes) And suddenly I realised that I was no longer driving the car consciously. I was driving it by a kind of instinct, only I was in a different dimension  (Different Quotes) And that is the reason why this victory is great, because different players have made contributions to the win  (Different Quotes) Anything that’s different from your own realm of experience as a human being, whether it’s driving a car or a boat, or using guns, anything that separates you from yourself and leads you more towards this character’s existence is a big help  (Different Quotes) As the time goes by, you change, your learn new things, your attitude is different. For the moment, I’m still enjoying ski racing so much that it would be difficult for me to think about ending my career  (Different Quotes) Bias has to be taught. If you hear your parents downgrading women or people of different backgrounds, why, you are going to do that  (Different Quotes) Dating is different when you get older. You’re not as trusting, or as eager to get back out there and expose yourself to someone  (Different Quotes) Essex is an amazing county, with its own set of rules. It’s a completely different world  (Different Quotes) Europe is scooters. Europe is five young people on one bench sharing a chocolate bar. Their idea of entertainment and fun is so much different than ours, which is exactly why a movie about them would be funny  (Different Quotes) Everyone is different, but I’m not standoffish at all. I’m not one of those people who prefer to write a note. I’ll walk right up to you and ask you out! Even if the answer’s no, I’m totally cool with it  (Different Quotes)
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