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We say of an animal that it is intelligent, and we say the same thing of a woman; but in neither case is it usually appropriate, clearly for very different reasons  (Different Quotes) A situation is always comic if it participates simultaneously in two series of events which are absolutely independent of each other, and if it can be interpreted in two quite different meanings  (Different Quotes) Micing it from two different angles in front of the speaker sounds huge, and it’s so simple  (Different Quotes) I saw the excitement, going to different places, being able to explore emotion in a healthy way  (Different Quotes) Though the names karma yoga and sannyasa are different, the truth at the heart of both is the same  (Different Quotes) I’d have to be superman to do some of the things I’m supposed to have done, I’ve been at six different places at six different times  (Different Quotes) I must confess I knew very little about the trance scene, I’m more house and commercial dance but it was really interesting and different  (Different Quotes) I was an only child, but then my parents resettled with different partners, and I am now one of six  (Different Quotes) I sometimes feel like I could do another job. Anything. Maybe because as an actress you’re playing different characters, everything feels possible  (Different Quotes) A book reaches a different crowd of people. There are 50 different stories of very different individuals participating in their communities either locally or nationally in meaningful ways  (Different Quotes) Iraq did not spontaneously opt for disarmament. They did it as part of a ceasefire, so they were forced to do it, otherwise the war might have gone on. So the motivation has been very different  (Different Quotes) I hardly expected the grand jury to sustain me, after they saw everything different from what it had been while I was there. Yet they did, and their report to the court advises all the changes made that I had proposed  (Different Quotes) Vivid images are like a beautiful melody that speaks to you on an emotional level. It bypasses your logic centers and even your intellect and goes to a different part of the brain  (Different Quotes) When you have great songs that are going to live longer than the composers, everything you can do to bring those different elements and nuances out, serve the song  (Different Quotes) Men don’t have as many difficulties and are more supported to combine the different aspects of their life  (Different Quotes) The green revolution has an entirely different meaning to most people in the affluent nations of the privileged world than to those in the developing nations of the forgotten world  (Different Quotes) The excitement level for me working on projects is really not a bit different from when I was 26  (Different Quotes) I grew up in a small town where everyone wanted to be the same or look the same and was afraid to be different  (Different Quotes) Also, I walk and hike in several different nearby parks near our home several early mornings a week  (Different Quotes) By the time I was 19, punk had occurred. It had a completely different cultural dynamic to it which rejected everything and started again from the year zero  (Different Quotes) In the globalized world that is ours, maybe we are moving towards a global village, but that global village brings in a lot of different people, a lot of different ideas, lots of different backgrounds, lots of different aspirations  (Different Quotes) And frankly, being a woman I think gives me a slightly different take on a lot of the issues and on a lot of the solutions to the problems we face  (Different Quotes) You can have many different selection systems, but the bottom line has to be a system that, once the judge takes office that judge will feel that he or she is to decide the case without reference to the popular thing or the popular will of the moment  (Different Quotes) I think in the end there are only 20 or 30 tenets of basic cooking. It’s going at perhaps the same issue from different angles, from different points of view, from different presentation styles, that really makes things sink in and become embedded  (Different Quotes) I’m cut from a different cloth. I would never moon someone. I was raised in a good family  (Different Quotes) I wanted stores that would feel like a comfortable room in my apartment, cozy and colorful and different  (Different Quotes) Mail armor continued in general use till about the year 1300, when it was gradually supplanted by plate armor, or suits consisting of pieces or plates of solid iron, adapted to the different parts of the body  (Different Quotes) It was like two different photographers, and shot in three different locations and it was really fun to do. There were 12 beautiful girls in it. It was great  (Different Quotes) No, I think the future of humanity will be like the past, we’ll do what we’ve always done and there will still be human beings. Granted, there will always be people doing something different and there are a lot of possibilities  (Different Quotes) And the basis on which we agreed to operate with them involved a manifesto, where it states that we proceed from different ideologies and policies. One thing that we insisted on was that they should take an oath to reject racism and discrimination  (Different Quotes)
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