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You know. I’ll try anything. I’ll do anything. I’ll explore. Try different takes. All that kind of stuff to do sometimes, to do good performances, but always conducive to having a good time creatively  (Different Quotes) I just feel I’m on a different page from the reviewers, so I’ve learned not to care about them too much  (Different Quotes) Our feeling is that the most important thing on a set is that actors have enough confidence to try different things. If there’s stress or tension, they won’t go out on a limb because they won’t want to embarrass themselves if they don’t feel completely comfortable  (Different Quotes) I’m always interested in trying to investigate different personalities. I want to keep myself guessing and keep the fear element alive, so that I don’t get too comfortable  (Different Quotes) What I find really interesting is to try and mix it up, to push myself and try different things. I don’t want to stay in my comfort zone. I want to take risks and keep myself scared  (Different Quotes) It’s been six years since I have had a drink and I have two girls, and my priorities are a lot different now and I just can’t believe I was that guy. And I would not go back, I would not trade the way I am now for anything  (Different Quotes) It’s completely different to work with a woman that is my age, maybe younger  (Different Quotes) Innovation happens because there are people out there doing and trying a lot of different things  (Different Quotes) I’d have to just say that working with other people, it’s a different world from school  (Different Quotes) I work really long hours and work a lot and have done press tours and junkets, but there is nothing like a presidential campaign that I have experienced before... I think at one point we visited three different cities in one state in 12 hours. It’s exhausting  (Different Quotes) I never studied anything about film technique in school. Eventually, I realized that cinema and theater are not so different: from the gut to the heart to the head of a character is the same journey for both  (Different Quotes) I am always a beginner. I only try to include different parts of life; the pastoral, the tragic, et cetera  (Different Quotes) I think of myself as being a relatively intelligent man who is open to a lot of different things and I think that questioning our purpose in life and the meaning of existence is something that we all go through at some point  (Different Quotes) I think all married couples tend to run things by each other in every capacity and we’re not different to them  (Different Quotes) Now, the language that had grown up and formed itself on those principles is what one is dealing with, and the problem is to bring a work of art in that medium into another medium formed on different principles and heard and understood in a different way  (Different Quotes) I prefer lump charcoal over briquettes but I do use both for different reasons and different recipes and sometimes I combine them both when I really want the woodsy aroma from the lump charcoal and long, even heat from the briquettes  (Different Quotes) Because everything about the voice interests me, I felt it would be fascinating to learn a completely different style of singing  (Different Quotes) Anyone who creates something new or does something different artistically is going to be singled out  (Different Quotes) The thing that I like about being me is that everybody gets a different feeling from me  (Different Quotes) Maybe if I’d not been able to kick a ball it would have been different, but I doubt it because all my mates are decent blokes now, just normal fellas with families  (Different Quotes) On the one hand, we’re constantly told about recycling and cutting back, and on the other hand we have to buy the next gadget that comes along three weeks after the last one you bought. It’s absolutely insane. We’ve been suckered into buying and buying and upgrading and upgrading. We’re being given two very different mantras at the moment, I think  (Different Quotes) One thing that makes art different from life is that in art things have a shape... it allows us to fix our emotions on events at the moment they occur, it permits a union of heart and mind and tongue and tear  (Different Quotes) Getting to meet people that I’ve admired my entire life, and getting to meet them in such a way where they’re coming in to play completely different characters than I had ever seen them do is just wonderful  (Different Quotes) I’ve always chosen incredibly different roles and things that are quite offbeat. That way you’re not limited  (Different Quotes) So, you can set up an orchestra down this end of the railway station playing one particular area, and simultaneously at the other end something completely different going on. And in the middle they meet, or not, depending  (Different Quotes) We play melodic music, we play songs, we play all kinds of things and when you improvise you don’t just shut out different languages, you use all the languages that you have  (Different Quotes) Children make you a better everything. Daughters open up a whole different sensibility to you. When you have children, it focuses you on them as opposed to on yourself  (Different Quotes) I believe that the brain has evolved over millions of years to be responsive to different kinds of content in the world. Language content, musical content, spatial content, numerical content, etc  (Different Quotes) Also, if nothing else, writing this book has really changed the way I experience bookstores. I have a whole different appreciation for the amount of work packed into even the slimmest volume on the shelves  (Different Quotes) If it’s a cocktail party, I generally make five or six different things, and I try to choose recipes that feel like a meal: a chicken thing, a fish or shrimp thing, maybe two vegetable things, and I think it’s fun to end the cocktail party with a sweet thing  (Different Quotes)
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