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I come from the performance world, but the idea of a worship song is different. It’s useful music  (Different Quotes) I keep myself content by doing lots of different stuff and make sure that my next role is completely different to the last. I just enjoy the versatility of it, the challenge of doing lots of different things. It keeps the job interesting  (Different Quotes) Recognizing and respecting differences in others, and treating everyone like you want them to treat you, will help make our world a better place for everyone. Care... be your best. You don’t have to be handicapped to be different. Everyone is different!  (Different Quotes) The exchange between different cultures can not possibly be seen as a threat, when it is friendly. But I believe that the dissatisfaction with the overall architecture often depends on the quality of leadership  (Different Quotes) I wouldn’t dream of following a fashion... how could one be a different person every three months?  (Different Quotes) Love at first sight is a revival of an infantile impression. The first love object reappears in a different disguise  (Different Quotes) I grew up knowing I could have had a million different lives. It makes your life mysterious and your imagination go wild  (Different Quotes) We are a lot more alike than we are different and it’s important to remember that  (Different Quotes) Our minds are all different and I believe cultivating a keen introspective sensitivity is absolutely essential in discovering our potential  (Different Quotes) I never saw myself as being ambitious, I saw myself as being in love with the profession. I’m a people person. I love to get to know different kinds of people  (Different Quotes) I can see both sides of term limits, and I think, in different positions, term limits make more sense than in some others  (Different Quotes) The internet has become such a great tool not just for chefs but for everyone. The net has given everyone the tools to see and almost experience new and different ideas  (Different Quotes) Despite the amazing diversity we’re blessed with in this country, schools are still in large part segregated because of economic disparity. Sports are one of the few areas where kids are really given the opportunity to interact with those of different races and religions  (Different Quotes) I like to try all kinds of styles so it always challenges me and forces me to try to look different  (Different Quotes) The dinner table is a lively debate, and everybody weighs in in a different way. I like that, though  (Different Quotes) I have things planned for every character like what they’re doing down the road and coming to different realizations but I don’t have how they overlap  (Different Quotes) We’re not going to pierce everything that we have and paint our faces trying to get a different market. We’ll grow with our audience. We’re just going to keep doing what we do  (Different Quotes) People like me who were engaging in brinkmanship with the party economic bosses and the open dissidents who were being arrested were pursuing a common goal in different ways  (Different Quotes) Each song has its own secret that’s different from another song, and each has its own life. Sometimes it has to be teased out, whereas other times it might come fast. There are no laws about songwriting or producing. It depends on what you’re doing, not just who you’re doing  (Different Quotes) To me, the appeal of opera lies in the fact that a myriad of singers and instruments, each possessed of different qualities of voice and sound, against the backdrop of a grand stage and beautiful costumes, come together in one complete and impressive drama  (Different Quotes) Learn to invest in the best quality you can afford and wear pieces in different ways  (Different Quotes) I do have a library of events I can talk about and I always expect to find a different point of view on it so even if I talk about the same event in the same town it’s fresh  (Different Quotes) I wasn’t the kind of person that liked waiting for autographs or following them, I just liked to go to the shows, study their records, driving many, many hours to different states to go to concerts  (Different Quotes) I’d rather play here in this small bar and just do a good show. Because it’s fun and there’s no expectations, it’s encouragement to be different, do something new  (Different Quotes) I think there are different ways of being rigorous, and I am asking people to be as rigorous in their pleasure as in their criticism  (Different Quotes) I’m an artist who works with pictures and words. Sometimes that stuff ends up in different kinds of sites and contexts which determine what it means and looks like  (Different Quotes) Things change and work changes. Right now I like the idea of enveloping a space and getting messages across that connect to the world in ways that seem familiar but are different  (Different Quotes) At the same time we are aware that our various religions and ethical traditions often offer very different bases for what is helpful and what is unhelpful for men and women, what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil  (Different Quotes) Up until doing this movie, I hadn’t really paid a huge amount of attention to those genres, but after finishing this movie, it really gave me a different sense of appreciation of the way the movies play out  (Different Quotes) I never wanted to retire. I wanted to kind of shift my work pattern so I could stay fresh and invigorated, and use the experience that I had gained in 30 years, but in a slightly different direction  (Different Quotes)
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