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In acting there’s two different things: You’re either pitching in a scene, or you’re catching  (Different Quotes) I wanna record these girls individually. And then, I wanna cut a blues album on me. But all of it, original stuff, you know. When I listen to the blues today, it’s like they all sounds similar. I wanna do something different, to try to add to the blues flavor  (Different Quotes) Every country I’ve had different hit records, so we have to change the set to fit the country  (Different Quotes) There are different types of love, and my love for my child is like me and my mum. We’ve gone through a lot of rocky patches, but we never stop loving  (Different Quotes) I think if we open ourselves to all different kinds of men and all groups, we find a lot more opportunities to love  (Different Quotes) There’s only so much you can do until you get on set and see the aesthetics of what you’re dealing with. Then you see what the other players are giving to you. It’s all about the transfer of energy between different actors  (Different Quotes) Youre always in a different headspace when you make each record, so hopefully theyre all different. You just pick up things that you wish you hadnt done on the first one  (Different Quotes) Kids need stuff which is different than what their life is that they can kind of live through  (Different Quotes) There have been many different artists that have been inspirational. I suppose the question is directed to what was the reason why I went into fantasy illustration  (Different Quotes) God gave us all exactly the same fingers, arms, legs, and feet, but in our different countries we divided them all a little differently as we feel it, do you understand?  (Different Quotes) The fame you earn has a different taste from the fame that is forced upon you  (Different Quotes) Being a producer, I deal with a lot of different directors, and some of them would drive me insane with all the different histrionics, and the mystique that they carry  (Different Quotes) I moved out at 18. I always studied classes and trained a lot, you know. I think nowadays is such a different time because there’s so many channels promoting the celebrity aspect of things  (Different Quotes) We had a week off in the middle of shooting, but as soon as everyone stopped, we all went down with six different types of flu and other unmentionable diseases  (Different Quotes) The whole format of entertainment that I did seems to be fading away. The music business of today is completely different when you see the videos and the music  (Different Quotes) You go into the disease as one person and come out of it as a different person. It has changed my perspective on everything. Things that used to upset me no longer do  (Different Quotes) Trying different things is very important to me. I see people and want to wear their clothes and drive in their cars for awhile. Thats probably one reason I became an actor  (Different Quotes) Maybe with your emotions and your feelings, someone else can say it in a different way than you would, which brings new life to the way you might sing it  (Different Quotes) It’s a whole different kind of anxiety. But the great thing about doing a theatre job is that once the ball starts rolling you just have to go with it, it’s inexorable  (Different Quotes) It’s fun to be a little bit different in the world, to make a few new trails of your own  (Different Quotes) Corny answer is of course is that everyone who wants musicals are children in different ways, aren’t they? So you think of them in different ways. There are things of mine I’m sorry haven’t come here  (Different Quotes) Intuition makes much of it; I mean by this the faculty of seeing a connection between things that in appearance are completely different; it does not fail to lead us astray quite often  (Different Quotes) The business today is completely different and it’s very producer driven, so that a songwriter needs to have producing chops, be a singer, songwriter, or find a singer to develop  (Different Quotes) Imagination which comes into play in falling in love is different from any other. Certainly in my case, and I’ve fallen in love all my life, one imagines the person to be as you want them to be. They frequently turn out to be someone different, for better or worse  (Different Quotes) I mean I think children love the idea that there are different viewpoints and different words for things and different worlds. And the more that they pretend to be other people, the harder it is for them to hate them and misunderstand them when they grow up  (Different Quotes) Right now, it hasn’t affected my music other than the fact that I don’t have time to write any of it. That’s no different from when I first started and I lived at home. I would play the guitar in the afternoon and then my mom or my dad would come home and I’d have to quit  (Different Quotes) I spent a lot of my childhood not fitting in, in a lot of different ways  (Different Quotes) It is my opinion that everything must be based on a simple idea. And it is my opinion that this idea, once we have finally discovered it, will be so compelling, so beautiful, that we will say to one another, yes, how could it have been any different  (Different Quotes) I really wasn’t even sure if I should continue acting. I would like try and figure out if I could be good enough to do it. It was like 10 or 12 years into my career before I felt like maybe I can do it. It was such a different time than now  (Different Quotes) I felt betrayed by him, extremely betrayed. He made me believe that if I followed a certain protocol of supplements and different drugs that I could become number 1 in the world  (Different Quotes)
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