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There are estimated to be fewer that 50 prodigious savants worldwide. If we were brought together, it would be disappointing in the sense of us having different abilities. One thing that would make me feel united with them would be the sense of us having grown up in isolation  (Different Quotes) I think every person has their own identity and beauty. Everyone being different is what is really beautiful. If we were all the same, it would be boring  (Different Quotes) I like to have fun but my fun is different from other people’s fun  (Different Quotes) Newspapers are busily experimenting with different models. Traditionally, and I suspect in hindsight very mistakenly, online news was free. And once given free access readers felt it was their entitlement  (Different Quotes) Comedy covers such a wide range of different styles that I’m not really qualified to talk on all of them any more than anyone else is  (Different Quotes) For home games, I bring my clothes to the arena. I bring two different outfits that I can pick after the game. Road game, I got to wear what I walk in with  (Different Quotes) You know, I feel like my job is to write a book. Then filmmakers come and they make a movie. And they’re two really different art forms  (Different Quotes) I think it’s a mistake to treat different realms of knowledge as if they are some how fundamentally the same  (Different Quotes) I wish we had a system where you are given a bill including service and that people were paid properly so they didn’t have to rely on tips. In different restaurants there are different policies and it’s all very confusing  (Different Quotes) I always try and learn as much as I can from different departments on a film set  (Different Quotes) I’m different, and I have to be a warrior to be that way. But I have had some success; I hope I have touched the lives of some wonderful people, all by being what I see as myself but some others people see as different  (Different Quotes) I’ve always wanted to make a music video with skating and different imagery, something very artistic  (Different Quotes) I’m very, very open to experimenting with different people and trying to find different methods of writing and making music  (Different Quotes) In my old age, my mind gets more open, and I listen to so many different types of music and I guess that all reflects in my work  (Different Quotes) I believe in work, in connections between the players, I think what makes football great is that it is a team sport. You can win in different ways, by being more of a team, or by having better individual players. It is the team ethic that interests me, always  (Different Quotes) Living your life 40 floors up, looking out every day on ocean and skies, you see the world from a different point of view. It’s like living in a very interesting fishbowl, but since no one can see up here, it’s like a fishbowl with a limo tint  (Different Quotes) While nobody has identified any gene for religion, there are certainly some candidate genes that may influence human personality and confer a tendency to religious feelings. Some of the genes likely to be involved are those which control levels of different chemicals called neurotransmitters in the brain  (Different Quotes) I try to update my arsenal constantly. Learning different martial arts since childhood. To understand what’s out there. To really be in tune  (Different Quotes) When people ask where I studied to be an ambassador, I say my neighborhood and my school. I’ve tried to tell my kids that you don’t wait until you’re in high school or college to start dealing with problems of people being different. The younger you start, the better  (Different Quotes) Chess as a sport requires a lot of mental stamina, and this is what that makes it different from a physical sport. Chess players have a unique ability of taking in a lot of information and remembering relevant bits. So, memory and mental stamina are the key attributes  (Different Quotes) To me, the trick is not how can I make people laugh. It is, how can I make people laugh in a different way  (Different Quotes) That’s the great thing about incubating something on the web: you have the potential to go to other platforms. Every single platform has a different audience that you find  (Different Quotes) Fashion doesn’t look good only on models; it can look good on different people of different ages and different body shapes  (Different Quotes) A tablet replacing an exercise book is not innovation, it’s just a different way to make notes  (Different Quotes) Every congresswoman surely endures the same strains that drive some of her male colleagues to have affairs: lots of travel, families far away, heady work that makes a domestic routine seem distant and boring. But the stakes are much higher for women, because they are still judged by a different standard  (Different Quotes) A book and a movie are different animals. You need a cinematic perspective to be involved in the motion pictures. And this is something I lack  (Different Quotes) I was passionate about reading from an early age, and I would always be carrying a different book each week  (Different Quotes) I am violently untidy. My desk is overcrowded. I write my first drafts in longhand in a long notebook using a plastic throwaway fountain pen. Then I work on a word processor using a different desk and a different room  (Different Quotes) Over the years I have developed a picture of what a human being living humanely is like. She is a person who understand, values and develops her body, finding it beautiful and useful; a person who is real and is willing to take risks, to be creative, to manifest competence, to change when the situation calls for it, and to find ways to accommodate to what is new and different, keeping that part of the old that is still useful and discarding what is not  (Different Quotes) I was not ladylike, nor was I manly. I was something else altogether. There were so many different ways to be beautiful  (Different Quotes)
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