Different Quotes

Text Quotes
I looked like a woman in glasses, but I had dreams of leading a very different kind of life, the life of a woman who would not wear glasses, the kind of woman I saw from a distance now and then in a bar (Different Quotes)
All the gods are the same unknowable mystery, just as each face of a jewel strikes light in a different direction (Different Quotes)
Don’t you long for something different to happen, something so exciting and new it carries you along with it like a great tide, something that lets your life blaze and burn so the whole world can see it? (Different Quotes)
There is no truth on this island of yours. Rather, there are as many truths as there are stars in the sky; and every one of them different (Different Quotes)
If it had been any different, if I had been born just one minute later, or been in the wrong pace at the right time or vice versa, the life that I’ve lived and come to love would not exist. And that is a situation that I would not want to consider in the slightest (Different Quotes)
For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again (Different Quotes)
It’s strange how memory gets twisted and pulled like taffy in its retelling, how a single event can mean something different to everyone present (Different Quotes)
I don’t know how you perceive my mission as a writer, but for me it is not a responsibility to reaffirm your concretized myths and provincial prejudices. It is not my job to lull you with a false sense of the rightness of the universe. This wonderful and terrible occupation of recreating the world in a different way, each time fresh and strange, is an act of revolutionary guerrilla warfare. I stir the soup. I inconvenience you. I make your nose run and your eyeballs water (Different Quotes)
Its not bad to be different. Sometimes it’s the mark of being very very talented (Different Quotes)
Lets face it, you did steal me. But you saved my life too. And somewhere in the middle, you showed me a place so different and beautiful, I can never get it out of my mind. And I can’t get you out of there either. You’re stuck in my brain like my own blood vessels (Different Quotes)
Each soldier was the living image of the others, but there was one who was a bit different. He had only one leg, for he was the last to be cast and the tin had run out. Still, there he stood, just as steadfast on his one leg as the others on their two; and he is the tin soldier we are going to hear about (Different Quotes)
I know a lot about when I was a little girl, because my sister used to keep a diary. Today I keep her diary in a drawer next to by bed. I like to see how her memories were the same as mine, but also different (Different Quotes)
Fortunately for me, I ran across some girls I could get along with so I could enjoy high school life okay, but it must be awful for kids who don’t get along with anybody. We’re different from our parents, a completely different species from our teachers. And kids who are one grade apart you are in a different world altogether. In other words, we’re basically surrounded by enemies and have to make it on our own (Different Quotes)
In short, everything about his life was different for him at the bottom of that well (Different Quotes)
If, in our world, there is any chance of becoming the person you haven’t yet become... will I know how to seize that chance, turn my life into a garden that will be completely different from my forebears’? (Different Quotes)
We love people differently at different stages of our knowledge of them. As love changes its hape and its nature, we have to decide what we’re going to do about that love on any given day (Different Quotes)
At that moment I had a thrilling sharp intuition. I knew it as if I held it in my hands: In the gloom of death that surrounded the two of us, we were just at the point of approaching and negotiating a gentle curve. If we bypassed it, we would split off into different directions. In that case, we would forever remain just friends (Different Quotes)
Dying for love might be pitiable, but it wasn’t much different, finally, from any other kind of dying (Different Quotes)
What is this called, what I am doing, to myself, to my life, this wallowing, this pondering, this rolling over and over in the same places of my memory, wearing them thin, wearing them out? Why don’t I ever learn? Why don’t I ever do anything different? (Different Quotes)
.. when the first rubber ball smacked her in the head and made her brains rattle in her skull, she knew that something about this dodgeball game was different (Different Quotes)
It was anyway all a long time ago; the world, we know now, is as it is and not different; if there was ever a time when there were passages, doors, the borders open and many crossing, that time is not now. The world is older than it was. Even the weather isn’t as we remember it clearly once being; never lately does there come a summer day such as we remember, never clouds as white as that, never grass as odorous or shade as deep and full of promise as we remember they can be, as once upon a time they were (Different Quotes)
The general plot of life is sometimes shaped by the different ways genuine intelligence combines with equally genuine ignorance (Different Quotes)
Pop and metal aren’t friends. Each knows exactly where the other lives and tries to keep its distance. They choose different streets, neighborhoods, zip codes (Different Quotes)
It’s different being afraid when there’s the hope it will amount to something (Different Quotes)
Don’t be like anybody else. Be different. Then you can make a contribution. Otherwise, you just echo something; you’re just a reflection (Different Quotes)
Covers, so many covers, so many different, delectable pictures, and although, metaphorically speaking, it is the thing I hate most, when it comes to literature I always judge books by their covers. First the cover will catch my eye, then I read the back of the book, and then finally the first page (Different Quotes)
I know now that we never get over great losses; we absorb them, and they carve us into different, often kinder, creatures (Different Quotes)
So I found myself telling my own stories. It was strange: as I did it I realised how much we get shaped by our stories. It’s like the stories of our lives make us the people we are. If someone had no stories, they wouldn’t be human, wouldn’t exist. And if my stories had been different I wouldn’t be the person I am (Different Quotes)
I want to experience as many different tastes, sights, emotions, conflicts, and cultures as possible, so that I can expand the canvas of my memory and enrich my comedy (Different Quotes)
At the time, sword and sorcery stories were quite popular. There were female warriors waving swords around as well, but the genre is populated entirely with people who have absolutely no responsibility to anyone, so I knew my story would have to be completely different from any of these (Different Quotes)