Differently Quotes

Text Quotes
Men don’t think and differently from women - they just make more noise about being able to (Differently Quotes)
I feel like being an artist and being an activist are separate things; I know some people who feel very differently. (Differently Quotes)
Fitness is defined differently by everyone, but for me, the most important thing is being healthy. As tennis players, what we do is not the healthiest thing. We almost abuse our bodies. (Differently Quotes)
There’s only one true superpower amongst human beings, and that is being funny. People treat you differently if you can make them laugh. (Differently Quotes)
I don’t think that genius goes hand in hand with being socially inept or being a sociopath or being a misanthrope, but I do think that it is a mind that can think so differently - so beyond how one is supposed to think. (Differently Quotes)
It is hard to watch myself. I’m hypercritical, and it’s difficult to watch a performance when I may end up being at odds with it - wishing I’d done something differently or that they had edited it a certain way. (Differently Quotes)
There were many influences on me while growing up. In the late Seventies and early Eighties when I was growing up in Hyderabad, it was a bit more laid-back, and that gave you time to think about things differently without perhaps being caught up in the narrow approach to one’s journey through life. (Differently Quotes)
It is nice to be around people who think differently than you. They challenge your ideas and keep you from being complacent. (Differently Quotes)
Once you realize you’re a spiritual being, you see life so differently. You respect things. You’re more responsible to yourself and others. (Differently Quotes)
Rather than constantly questioning and challenging our beliefs and being willing to think differently about the opportunities that are out there, we withdraw into what we’ve done before. And in a world that’s rapidly changing, that’s a formula for vulnerability. (Differently Quotes)
I honestly want to help. I don’t believe I feel differently from other people. I think we all want justice and equality, a chance for a life with meaning. (Differently Quotes)
Let me say that I consider myself a deep believer in the reality of God. I might define God quite differently from the way some people in the Christian faith would do so, but I do not doubt the reality of that experience. (Differently Quotes)
To me, a feminist belongs in the same category as a humanist or an advocate for human rights. I don’t see why someone who’s a feminist should be thought of differently. (Differently Quotes)
Why shoot for the moon? It matters because when you try to do something radically hard, you approach the problem differently than when you try to make something incrementally better. (Differently Quotes)
As a whole, the managers today are different in temperament. Most have very good communication skills and are more understanding of the umpire’s job. That doesn’t mean they are better managers. It just means that I perceive today’s managers a bit differently. (Differently Quotes)
When you are in a growth company, you have to really open people’s eyes to the bigger possibilities so they think differently. Once they understand how to define success and what their role is in success, they make better decisions, and you can push decision-making down. (Differently Quotes)
Forgiveness means letting go of the hope for a better past. You won’t be able to forgive yourself for not doing things differently until you stop wishing things were different (Differently Quotes)
In some ways, you get to find your voice better in [a sequel] because you have to define how you’re doing it differently. (Differently Quotes)
Cancer has enormous diversity and behaves differently: it’s highly mutable, the evolutionary principles are very complicated and often its capacity to be constantly mystifying comes as a big challenge. (Differently Quotes)
Whom one is speaking to - or which aspect of their character - fundamentally determines the meaning and consequences of an exhortation. ‘Indulge Your Desires’ comes across very differently on a billboard advertising SUVs than it does spray-painted across the broken windows of an SUV dealer. It follows that what you say is not nearly as important as how and when you say it. (Differently Quotes)
Don’t blame others when something goes wrong. Don’t blame yourself endlessly, either. Just find ways to do it differently next time. (Differently Quotes)
Everyone makes mistakes, Jenna. Everyone has regrets and guilt for things they should have done differently in their lives. Shit happens, and we do the best we can at the time. You can’t blame yourself forever. (Differently Quotes)
What we perceive things to be when they come out of our mouth is not what the listener perceives it to be. They think it differently. They’re not your blood. They’re not your mind. You get in an argument. (Differently Quotes)
If my mind was in your body going through the same circumstances. I would act differently, and likewise. Judging in nature is separation. (Differently Quotes)
I know how my body operates differently from what it did when it was 30 and when it was 20. As unhealthy as I am, I’m weirdly aware of exactly how my body functions. (Differently Quotes)
How does anybody change from the time that they’re 18 till they’re 25? Everything kind of changes. You see the world much differently, and you get your priorities in order a little bit more. (Differently Quotes)
You need to be naive enough to do things differently. No big publishing house would have allowed us to co-create a fully designed, four color business book in landscape format - because it was contrary to the publishing industry logic. However, we thought of Business Model Generation as a product, not just a book - similar to Apple products. (Differently Quotes)
Turing was always a legend among computer/geeky kids. He was such an outsider in his own time, and because of that, he was able to see things differently. It was a story that had been well told in books, onstage and on TV, but never on film. (Differently Quotes)
People look at you differently if you wear a bow tie, as opposed to a necktie (Differently Quotes)
The Chimney Sweeper’s Boy’ began differently from any previous book I’d written. It actually derives from a story a friend - the novel’s dedicatee, Patrick Maher - told me. (Differently Quotes)