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Differing Quotes

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It's very dramatic when two people come together to work something out. It's easy to take a gun and annihilate your opposition, but what is really exciting to me is to see people with differing views come together and finally respect each other  (Differing Quotes) Smiles are probably the most underrated facial expressions, much more complicated than most people realize. There are dozens of smiles, each differing in appearance and in the message expressed  (Differing Quotes) There is scarcely a technical issue for which you cannot find expert witnesses of differing opinions  (Differing Quotes) Hawaii is a special place because we have a very diverse population there, who are very respectful and tolerant of those who have differing opinions and different views  (Differing Quotes) In terms of a narrative nonfiction book, when you’re describing scenes that you have multiple sources for, and that you have differing sources for, and you decide to choose a path that puts all that information together, well yeah, there’s definitely going to be a little bit of the author in that. But there’s nothing wrong with that  (Differing Quotes) Ourselves are cosmic and capacious beyond conjecture, and to experience some notion of the planetary perspective is the richest income from travelling. It takes all to inform and educate all. Sallies forth from our cramped firesides into other homes, other hearts, are wonderfully wholesome and enlarging. Travel opens prospects on all sides, widens our horizon, liberates the mind from geographical and conventional limitations, from local prejudices and national, showing the globe in its differing climates, zones, and latitudes of intelligence  (Differing Quotes) I believe in evil. It is the property of all those who are certain of truth. Despair and fanaticism are only differing manifestations of evil  (Differing Quotes) Creeds and causal systems have argued with each other for millennia, and even so we and our ancestors have managed to live in a world of differing opinions. Philosophical disputes don’t often affect the price of fish or wine  (Differing Quotes) The story was the important thing and little changes here and there were really part of the story. There were even stories about the different versions of stories and how they imagined the differing versions came to be  (Differing Quotes) We have no evidence as yet about mind or the power to think; it seems to be a widely different kind of soul, differing as what is eternal from what is perishable; it alone is capable of existence in isolation from all other psychic powers  (Differing Quotes)
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