Difficult Decision Quotes

Text Quotes
The most difficult part of any endeavour is taking the first step, making the first decision (Difficult Decision Quotes)
The most difficult thing is the decision to act! (Difficult Decision Quotes)
Making a decision to sell is the most difficult thing we do (Difficult Decision Quotes)
Difficult times require difficult decisions. But supporting this bill shouldn’t be a difficult decision. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
I’ve had to make the difficult decision to follow my intuition, and allow myself the space and time to explore my true purpose in life. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
Presidents don’t have the benefit of hindsight. You have to make difficult decisions based on the information that’s before you at that moment. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
A difficult decision for the referee’s assistant. I wouldn’t beat him up over it. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
Despite my involvement in difficult and sometimes controversial questions I have received consistent support from the people of Ashfield. They have recognised that it is necessary to take difficult decisions, that newspapers do not always report fairly or accurately. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
At a time when we’re having to take such difficult decisions about how to cut back without damaging the things that matter the most, we should strain every sinew to cut error, waste and fraud. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
As a policymaker, as a public servant, I come to Washington, D.C., and I make difficult decisions and I make difficult decisions every day. And sometimes those decisions upset people. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
Men - the colour of their tie is the most difficult decision they have to make every day (Difficult Decision Quotes)
What’s called a difficult decision is a difficult decision because either way you go there are penalties. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
I love my brother, I love my dad, actually love my mother as well, hope that’s ok. And I admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions they had to make. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
Going against the tide has never been difficult for me. It wasn’t even a conscious decision but the natural consequence of following my own instinct. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
The time has come to make the difficult decision. Charity begins at home. We can no longer afford to rebuild Afghanistan and America. We must choose. And I choose America (Difficult Decision Quotes)
Deciding to get back together with someone is a complicated and difficult decision. Just remember that the person you are getting back together with is the same person who, not long before, looked you in your beautiful face, took full stock of you and all your qualities, and told you that he was no longer in need of your company (Difficult Decision Quotes)
It is folly to believe that Congress and the president, on their own, will make the necessary and difficult decisions to address the impending financial debacle. After all, they and their predecessors engineered the approaching tsunami. As the situation becomes direr, the federal government’s actions will grow more oppressive (Difficult Decision Quotes)
It’s really not a difficult decision when you reflect on it, ... The situation is just so tenuous with where it’s going to hit. You don’t want to take any chances. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
They were often the first students in their family to go to college and the very idea of higher education was still foreign to them. They had to make a conscious and often difficult decision to come to college (Difficult Decision Quotes)
I always tell people when it’s time to make a decision to stay or go [at a job], if it’s a difficult decision, you should stay. If it’s an easy decision, you should go. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
A lot of what I do is running businesses rather than buying stocks. My worst decision is probably when I know I have the wrong chief executive running the business, and I keep on waiting to make the difficult decision of replacing him. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
Well, we’ve faced very difficult decisions and challenges in our country, every one of us have, as we - since September 11th, as we fought the war on terror, all of those decisions that the President had to make to put young men and women in harm’s way. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
I had lost a clear sense of the vision and values instilled in me as a child and was no longer driven by any mission or passion. I made the difficult decision to pull back from the noise of my life and reinvent the way I was living and leading. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
When I have a difficult decision to make, I imagine myself as a 90-year-old guy looking back on his life. I imagine what I’ll think about myself at that point in time, and it always makes it really easy to go for it. You’re only going to regret that you wimped out. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
I have a lifetime 100% pro-choice voting record. I understand that people disagree on this issue, but I believe that it is a woman’s decision, it’s a difficult decision, but it’s a decision between her and her physician. I will do everything that I can in 50 states of this country to make sure that women have a choice. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
I have always worked hard, and seeing so many Icelanders make tremendous efforts to cope with difficult tasks and decisions inspires me. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
Even the once simple home mortgage now has so many flavors and styles and variations that it is difficult for people to make a decision. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
Life presents you with so many decisions. A lot of times, they’re right in front of your face and they’re really difficult, but we must make them. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
Turning a culture around is very difficult to do because it’s based on a series of many, many decisions, and the organization is framed by those decisions. (Difficult Decision Quotes)
The decision to use only the name Christo was made deliberately when we were young because it is difficult for one artist to get established and we wanted to put all the chances on our side. (Difficult Decision Quotes)