Difficult Quotes

Text Quotes
The challenges in this place are real and sometimes very difficult, but I’ve learned to slow down and look for beauty in my days, for the mysteries and blessings woven into everything, into the very words we speak (Difficult Quotes)
Life was a short window and there was no sense in doing the wrong thing over and over even if it was so difficult to stop (Difficult Quotes)
It is difficult to find anything more healthy to drink than good cold water, such as flows down to us from springs and snows of our mountains. This is the beverage we should drink. It should be our drink at all times (Difficult Quotes)
It’s easier to crush a dream than realize one, forming a bond is infinitely more difficult than breaking one (Difficult Quotes)
We loved each other in the same difficult, unusable way where you took turns doing it, instead of ever managing to do it at the same time (Difficult Quotes)
As I understand it, a born executive is a guy who, when anything difficult or unexpected happens, yells for somebody to come and help him (Difficult Quotes)
Saying that you love is easy, but living up to those simple words is the most difficult thing you’ll ever do (Difficult Quotes)
It will soon be difficult to put up a shelf without a degree in shelf putting up (Difficult Quotes)
And it’s really very difficult to kill someone when all your inner instincts would oblige you to take off your hat first! (Difficult Quotes)
Someone once said anyone can be great under rosy circumstances, but the true test of character is measured by how well a person makes decisions during difficult times (Difficult Quotes)
Well, I would have struck him, but I would have had to get up. You have no notion how difficult it is to arrange skirts when sitting down; it took me five minutes together the first time (Difficult Quotes)
It’s so hard to communicate because there are so many moving parts. There’s presentation and there’s interpretation and they’re so dependent on each other it makes things very difficult (Difficult Quotes)
It is a difficult matter to gain the affection of a cat. He is a philosophical, methodical animal, tenacious of his own habits, fond of order and neatness, and disinclined to extravagant sentiment. He will be your friend, if he finds you worthy of friendship, but not your slave (Difficult Quotes)
Lines drawn into his face suggested he had spent many years thinking very hard over very difficult problems (Difficult Quotes)
It is easy to surpass a predecessor, but difficult to avoid being surpassed by a successor (Difficult Quotes)
Whereas the tourist generally hurries back home at the end of a few weeks or months, the traveler belonging no more to one place than to the next, moves slowly over periods of years, from one part of the earth to another. Indeed, he would have found it difficult to tell, among the many places he had lived, precisely where it was he had felt most at home (Difficult Quotes)
Although according to certain philosophers it is quite difficult to distinguish the jester from the melancholic, life itself being a comic drama or a dramatic comedy (Difficult Quotes)
Place the lives of children in their formative years, despite the convictions of their parents, under the intimate control of experts appointed by the state, force them to attend schools where the higher aspirations of humanity are crushed out, and where the mind is filled with the materialism of the day, and it is difficult to see how even the remnants of liberty can subsist (Difficult Quotes)
Don’t we all deserve forgiveness? I hope we do; I believe we do. Forgiveness says as much about the character of the person bestowing it as the person receiving it. Learning to forgive may be the most difficult of human acts,and the closest thing to divinity, whatever you decide that is (Difficult Quotes)
I think relationships are very difficult. It’s very easy to get swept away with excitement, glamour, and passion. I think the trick is to look for friendship rather than passion (Difficult Quotes)
Each of us is leading a difficult life, and when we meet people we are seeing only a tiny part of the thinnest veneer of their complex, troubled existences. To practise anything other than kindness towards them, to treat them in any way save generously, is to quietly deny their humanity (Difficult Quotes)
If we hope to live not just from moment to moment, but in true consciousness of our existence, then our greatest need and most difficult achievement is to find meaning in our lives (Difficult Quotes)
Why is life so difficult? Why can’t we be just ourselves and have everyone accept us the way we are? (Difficult Quotes)
It seems to me that the moralist is the most useless and contemptible of creatures. He is useless in that he would expend his energies upon making judgments rather than upon gaining knowledge, for the reason that judgment is easy and knowledge is difficult. He is contemptible in that his judgments reflect a vision of himself which in his ignorance and pride he would impose upon the world. I implore you, do not become a moralist; you will destroy your art and your mind (Difficult Quotes)
It’s very difficult to feel contempt for others when you see yourself in the mirror (Difficult Quotes)
That all things are possible to him who believes, that they are less difficult to him who hopes, they are more easy to him who loves, and still more easy to him who perseveres in the practice of these three virtues (Difficult Quotes)
Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have. Without having a goal it’s difficult to score (Difficult Quotes)
There’s nothing more difficult than saying goodbye to a house where you’ve suffered (Difficult Quotes)
Never underestimate how extraordinarily difficult it is to understand a situation from another person’s point of view (Difficult Quotes)
Rapid innovation is the cure for the ills we face, but because innovation is difficult and susceptible to failure, we might need to rethink the way we approach innovation and how we drive it through our companies (Difficult Quotes)