Difficulties Quotes

Text Quotes
I sometimes suspect that half our difficulties are imaginary and that if we kept quiet about them they would disappear (Difficulties Quotes)
We have no firm hold on any knowledge or philosophy that can lift us out of our difficulties (Difficulties Quotes)
What do you want most to do? That’s what I have to keep asking myself, in the face of difficulties (Difficulties Quotes)
The main cause of my difficulties stemmed from the tragedy of my daughter’s unsound birth and my inability to face my feelings (Difficulties Quotes)
When you grow up on film, people sometimes have difficulties accepting the fact that you are growing up. They always imagine you younger (Difficulties Quotes)
Before you begin a thing, remind yourself that difficulties and delays quite impossible to foresee are ahead. If you could see them clearly, naturally you could do a great deal to get rid of them but you can’t. You can only see one thing clearly and that is your goal. Form a mental vision of that and cling to it through thick and thin (Difficulties Quotes)
Upon the whole, I am inclined to think that the far greater part, if not all, of those difficulties which have hitherto amused philosophers, and blocked up the way to knowledge, are entirely owing to our selves. That we have first raised a dust, and then complain, we cannot see (Difficulties Quotes)
Lovely female shapes are terrible complicators of the difficulties and dangers of this earthly life, especially for their owners (Difficulties Quotes)
At the present time there exist problems beyond our ability to solve, not because of theoretical difficulties, but because of insufficient means of mechanical computation (Difficulties Quotes)
Ordinary people who know nothing of phonetics or elocution have difficulties in understanding slow speech composed of perfect sounds, while they have no difficulty in comprehending an imperfect gabble if only the accent and rhythm are natural (Difficulties Quotes)
The difficulties in the study of the infinite arise because we attempt, with our finite minds, to discuss the infinite, assigning to it those properties which we give to the finite and limited; but this... is wrong, for we cannot speak of infinite quantities as being the one greater or less than or equal to another (Difficulties Quotes)
Mentally imagine you are buying the business or applying for the job that will earn your fortune. Review each step you’d take, the obstacles you might meet, the difficulties you would meet. Continue imagining each step until you mentally reach your wealth goal (Difficulties Quotes)
It is among the commonplaces of education that we often first cut off the living root and then try to replace its natural functions by artificial means. Thus we suppress the child’s curiosity and then when he lacks a natural interest in learning he is offered special coaching for his scholastic difficulties (Difficulties Quotes)
I had to face a lot coming through this journey, a lot of sacrifices, difficulties, challenges, and injuries (Difficulties Quotes)
These are the times in which a genius would wish to live. It is not in the still calm of life, or the repose of a pacific station, that great characters are formed. The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties. Great necessities call out great virtues. When a mind is raised, and animated by scenes that engage the heart, then those qualities which would otherwise lay dormant, wake into life and form the character of the hero and the statesman (Difficulties Quotes)
All great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage (Difficulties Quotes)
I hate to complain... No one is without difficulties, whether in high or low life, and every person knows best where their own shoe pinches (Difficulties Quotes)
It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is fro m among such individuals that all human failures spring (Difficulties Quotes)
How did you ever happen to remember that I might be hungry? But of course you would. Will you mind very much if I run myself into serious difficulties now and again after we are married, just for the pleasure of seeing you rise to the occasion? (Difficulties Quotes)
No relationship is without its difficulties and this is certainly true when one or both of the persons involved has an autistic spectrum disorder. Even so, I believe what is truly essential to the success of any relationship is not so much compatibility, but love. When you love someone, virtually anything is possible (Difficulties Quotes)
I am struck by how sharing our weakness and difficulties is more nourishing to others than sharing our qualities and successes (Difficulties Quotes)
I lay in the dark thinking about the difficulties of family, how crazy and crooked the stories of a bloodline can be (Difficulties Quotes)
There is no man who loves a woman that does not desire to come to her for the renewal of his courage, for the cutting asunder of his difficulties. And that will be the mainspring of his desire for her. We are all so afraid, we are all so alone, we all so need from the outside the assurance of our own worthiness to exist (Difficulties Quotes)
Unused to the situations in which I find myself, and embarassed by the slightest difficulties, I seldom discover, till too late, how I ought to act (Difficulties Quotes)
For all it’s problems and difficulties, life is mostly a wonderful experience, and it is up to each person to make the most of each day. I hope you are successful in your life, but look to the heavens and the earth and especially to other people to find your real wealth. Wherever I am, wherever you go, know that my love goes with you (Difficulties Quotes)
A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing (Difficulties Quotes)
Do not be discouraged by the resistance you will encounter from your human nature; you must go against your human inclinations. Often, in the beginning, you will think that you are wasting time, but you must go on, be determined and persevere in it until death, despite all the difficulties (Difficulties Quotes)
Most of our difficulties, our hopes, and our worries are empty fantasies. Nothing has ever existed except this moment. That’s all there is. That’s all we are. Yet most human beings spend 50 to 90 percent or more of their time in their imagination, living in fantasy. We think about what has happened to us, what might have happened, how we feel about it, how we should be different, how others should be different, how it’s all a shame, and on and on; it’s all fantasy, all imagination. Memory is imagination. Every memory that we stick to devastates our life (Difficulties Quotes)
You’re trying to escape from your difficulties, and there never is any escape from difficulties, never. They have to be faced and fought (Difficulties Quotes)
It is well, when in difficulties, to say never a word, neither black nor white. Speech is silver but silence is golden (Difficulties Quotes)