Difficulty Quotes

Text Quotes
The history of man is essentially zoological; it becomes human late in the day, and then only in the beautiful souls, the souls alive to justice, goodness, enthusiasm, and devotion. The angel shows itself rarely and with difficulty through the highly-organized brute (Difficulty Quotes)
Over the years, I observed that many talented graphic designers, including those in my own family, had difficulty getting their designs to market. I thought it would be possible to hold open stationery design competitions where all designers could participate (Difficulty Quotes)
The really cool challenge of 24’ was learning on camera how to be a dramatic actress. The biggest difficulty was the industry side of things. I was very lucky that I had Joel Surnow, one of the creators of 24,’ in my corner. Early on, the Fox executives couldn’t believe that I was on the show (Difficulty Quotes)
The difficulty with poetry is that it doesn’t have the life that Shakespeare or Jane Austen have beyond the page. You can’t make a costume drama out of it. There’s no place for it to go except trapped inside its little book (Difficulty Quotes)
Young people coming up who are having difficulty with their so-called celebrity need to get back into their lives. It’s your life and you can’t let the fact that you do something pretty good take away the joy of it (Difficulty Quotes)
The difficulty is the levels of secrecy we had to maintain around the project at all different times. We had to keep it a secret while making it so we could move under the radar so we could get the stories. Before it came out we had to keep it on lock down to protect the safety and security of some people who appear in the film (Difficulty Quotes)
There’s a new line of research showing that people who don’t get enough sleep, they’re body doesn’t metabolize as well. And so they actually - it leads to weight gain. So if you’re not getting enough sleep, you might have difficulty losing weight (Difficulty Quotes)
The difficulty with coming up with a curriculum is mainly that faculty aren’t trained to think in terms of general education. They’re trained to think in terms of their own discipline, or their specialty (Difficulty Quotes)
Some people erroneously believe that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members are not Christian. We have difficulty understanding why anyone could accept and promote an idea that is so far from the truth (Difficulty Quotes)
For one who feels compelled, as I do, to accept the existence of the Master Architect, it is important to examine his handiwork for the light it throws on him and on his program for his children. For me, there has been no serious difficulty in reconciling the principles of true science with the principles of true religion (Difficulty Quotes)
The difficulty is, Pell Grants are an attempt to do the right thing, and that is to give the low-income student an opportunity to access higher education, and that’s a good thing. And welfare was an attempt to help those most in need. The difficulty is, often times a program is so successful that it grows and grows and grows and grows (Difficulty Quotes)
For me, most of the anxiety and difficulty of writing takes place in the act of not writing. It’s the procrastination, the thinking about writing that’s difficult (Difficulty Quotes)
When someone we love is having difficulty and is giving us a bad time, it’s better to explore the cause than to criticize the action. (Difficulty Quotes)
The accumulation of skill and science which has been directed to diminish the difficulty of producing manufactured goods, has not been beneficial to that country alone in which it is concentrated; distant kingdoms have participated in its advantages. (Difficulty Quotes)
The biggest aggravation in the Arab world, the biggest reason for their anger toward us and the creation of those suicide terrorists, is Israel and the difficulty with the Palestinian issue. (Difficulty Quotes)
Why does Medicare have such difficulty accommodating a cut - no, wait, a trim to its annual spending increase - of two measly percentage points? Two words: baby boom. (Difficulty Quotes)
People tend to want to follow the beaten path. The difficulty is that the beaten path doesn’t seem to be leading anywhere. (Difficulty Quotes)
Somewhere in your house is a game that could use a good beating. Pick it up. Play to the end. Get all the achievements/trophies out of it. So you’ve maxed out all your points. Play it again at a harder difficulty. Do something. It’s startling the number of games people own but haven’t beaten for one reason or another. (Difficulty Quotes)
When I was really small, my mother had difficulty keeping me dressed, as I liked to be naked! I definitely had very strong ideas on what I wanted to wear. My favourite look was always Action Man and Spiderman. Now though, I really like beautiful clothes. (Difficulty Quotes)
He looked at her as a man looks at a faded flower he has gathered , with difficulty recognizing the beauty for which he picked and ruined it. (Difficulty Quotes)
There is something mysterious yet definitely accessible to us all under the agitated waves of difficulty that allows us to feel and flow along a more comprehensive intuitive and spiritual understanding of true meaning. And to find solace, accepting serenity and even beauty within it. (Difficulty Quotes)
I always had difficulty as a model just being myself. I can be very shy, and I used to have a lot of anxiety about working on set. (Difficulty Quotes)
All real difficulty stems from no responsibility. Full responsibility is not fault; it is recognition of being cause. (Difficulty Quotes)
It is with considerable difficulty that I remember the original era of my being (Difficulty Quotes)
Listen deeply. Meditate on that which is arising. Even if it’s boredom or difficulty or maybe a feeling of being stuck, that in itself can be the work for your practice. (Difficulty Quotes)
I know it’s more five-star now than it was then, but it’s still a difficult tour. In the same way as India and Pakistan players find it difficult coming to Australia. People sometimes have difficulty believing that. (Difficulty Quotes)
How I hate this folly of not believing in the Eucharist, etc.! If the gospel be true, if Jesus Christ be God, what difficulty is there? (Difficulty Quotes)
I think it is the height of ignorance to believe that the sexual act is an independent function necessary like sleeping or eating. Seeing, therefore, that I did not desire more children, I began to strive after self-control. There was endless difficulty in the task. (Difficulty Quotes)
Hope -- Hope in the face of difficulty. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The audacity of hope! In the end, that is God’s greatest gift to us...A belief in things not seen. A belief that there are better days ahead. (Difficulty Quotes)
Since the beginning of my recording career in 1975, I have had a little difficulty because the pop stations think I’m a jazzer who doesn’t have a feeling for pop, so it’s hard to get my records played. Similarly, black urban radio doesn’t understand that with my R (Difficulty Quotes)