Dignity Quotes

Text Quotes
Think of it! We could have gone on longing for one another and pretending not to notice forever. This obsession with dignity can ruin your life if you let it (Dignity Quotes)
In a world so redolent with wonder, how can we allow ourselves to conduct our daily lives with so little insight, such absence of dignity? (Dignity Quotes)
As a woman you are better off in life earning your own money. You couldn’t prevent your husband from leaving you or taking another wife, but you could have some of your dignity if you didn’t have to beg him for financial support (Dignity Quotes)
A truth our socetiy must not lose sight of and that is the sanctity of every human life and the dignity of every indvidual (Dignity Quotes)
Democracy is not just the right to vote, it is the right to live in dignity (Dignity Quotes)
Dignity is as essential to human life as water, food, and oxygen. The stubborn retention of it, even in the face of extreme physical hardship, can hold a man’s soul in his body long past the point at which the body should have surrendered it (Dignity Quotes)
Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of a people. But stories can also repair that broken dignity (Dignity Quotes)
Poverty has its advantages. When you’re that poor what would you have that anyone would want? Except your peace of mind. Your dignity. Your heart. The important things (Dignity Quotes)
Surely until all of us own and honor one another’s dead, until we have admitted to our murders and forgiven one another and ourselves for what we have done, there can be no truce, no dignity and no peace (Dignity Quotes)
We are defined by our dignity to rise above debasement. We are certainly better people for doing so (Dignity Quotes)
Respect for the dignity of others includes treating them as rational creatures capable of being persuadad by rational argument, even in the face of frequent evidence to the contrary (Dignity Quotes)
Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to carry on with dignity in spite of it (Dignity Quotes)
Remember the dignity of your womanhood. Do not appeal, do not beg, do not grovel. Take courage, join hands, stand besides us, fight with us (Dignity Quotes)
Intelligence is the effort to do the best you can at your particular job; the quality that gives dignity to that job, whether it happens to be scrubbing a floor or running a corporation (Dignity Quotes)
I leave you love. I leave you hope. I leave you the challenge of developing confidence in one another. I leave you respect for the use of power. I leave you faith. I leave you racial dignity (Dignity Quotes)
Peace, to have meaning for many who have only known suffering in both peace and war, must be translated into bread or rice, shelter, health and education, as well as freedom and human dignity (Dignity Quotes)
Labour markets are about people. And people have a right to be treated with dignity and respect (Dignity Quotes)
Your life is a sacred journey. It is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path... exactly where you are meant to be right now... And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, and of love (Dignity Quotes)
The essence of spirituality is the duty to live to its full the glorious destiny of being human. The purpose of religion should be to empower all people in this adventure of living with dignity and fulfillment (Dignity Quotes)
I have no friends. The more you learn about the dignity of the gorilla, the more you want to avoid people (Dignity Quotes)
The ultimate is not to win, but to reach within the depths of your capabilities and to compete against yourself to the greatest extent possible. When you do that, you have dignity. You have the pride. You can walk about with character and pride no matter in what place you happen to finish (Dignity Quotes)
We are not fighting for the right to be like you. We respect ourselves too much for that. When we advocate freedom, we mean freedom for us to be black, or brown, and you to be white, and yet live together in a free and equal society. This is the only way that integration can bring dignity for both of us (Dignity Quotes)
Women’s rights in essence is really a movement for freedom, a movement for equality, for the dignity of all women, for those who work outside the home and those who dedicate themselves with more altruism than any profession I know to being wives and mothers, cooks and chauffeurs, and child psychologists and loving human beings (Dignity Quotes)
Let us never cease to feel compassion for those in want. Let us never tire of helping victims of injustice and oppression. He who puts his faith in the restoration of human dignity cannot be wrong (Dignity Quotes)
... I vowed that I would always respect the right of an individual to kill himself. Whether suicide was a moral or immoral act I no longer felt sure, but of the dignity of its intransigence I was convinced (Dignity Quotes)
Creating a world that is truly fit for children does not imply simply the absence of war... It means having primary schools nearby that educate children, free of charge... It means building a world fit for children, where every child can grow to adulthood in health, peace and dignity (Dignity Quotes)
Enjoy life. Have fun. Be kind. Have worth. Have friends. Be honest. Laugh. Die with dignity. Make the most of it. It’s all we’ve got (Dignity Quotes)
I take comfort that aging happens to everybody. It’s part of life. Aging offers great lessons in dignity, since the indignity wins in the end. Yes, it bothers me when I have lines or puffiness or droops. But it connects me with the human race. Like weather bringing people together, aging brings people together (Dignity Quotes)
... Basketball doesn’t care what color your skin is. It doesn’t care what language you speak or what religion you practice. It doesn’t care if you’re big or small, fast or slow. It just asks you to play, to complete, to lose with dignity, to win humility (Dignity Quotes)
This is not just about women. We men need to recognize the part we play, too. Real men treat women with the dignity and respect they deserve (Dignity Quotes)