Dignity Quotes

Text Quotes
One’s appearance bespeaks dignity corresponding to the depth of his character. One’s concentrated effort, serene attitude, taciturn air, courteous disposition, thoroughly polite bearing, gritted teeth with a piercing look - each of these reveals dignity. Such outward appearance, in short, comes from constant attentiveness and seriousness. (Dignity Quotes)
To find beauty in the sad, hope in the midst of loss, and dignity in failure is great poetic art (Dignity Quotes)
It is quite beneath the dignity of a person holding a Bachelor of Arts degree to engage in such a vulgar occupation as the writing of novels. (Dignity Quotes)
I see a New York where people who are down on their luck can get back on the road to responsibility, a job and dignity. (Dignity Quotes)
We need fresh, new leadership with bold ideas and a new approach to get more people back to work with quality jobs and restored dignity in the lives of our Utahns. (Dignity Quotes)
The question isn’t whether you have a good master or a bad master. It’s to be your own master. That is the dignity of humanity. (Dignity Quotes)
All dignified people in the world, whether Arabs or Muslims or others with dignity, are very proud of the speech made by president Bashar al-Assad a few days ago here in Damascus. For me he is the last Arab ruler, and Syria is the last Arab country. It is the fortress of the remaining dignity of the Arabs, and that’s why I’m proud to be here. (Dignity Quotes)
I find men’s clothing fascinating because sometime between, say, 1930 and 1936 a handful of basic shapes were created and still prevail as a sort of scale of expression, with which every man can project his own personality and his own dignity. (Dignity Quotes)
All great enterprises have a pearl of faith at their core, and this must be ours: that Americans are still a people born to liberty. That they retain the capacity for self-government. That, addressed as free-born, autonomous men and women of God-given dignity, they will rise yet again to drive back a mortal enemy. (Dignity Quotes)
I write for myself, and I write for my friends and people who I have a connection with. I try to give some dignity to peoples’ lifestyles that tend to be ignored. (Dignity Quotes)
Do not romanticize the poor...We are all people, human beings subject to the same temptations and faults as all others. Our poverty damages our dignity. (Dignity Quotes)
In life you’ll meet a lot of jerks. If they hurt you, tell yourself that it’s because they’re stupid. That will help keep you from reacting to their cruelty. Because there is nothing worse than bitterness and vengeance... Always keep your dignity and be true to yourself. (Dignity Quotes)
Everything on earth is beautiful, everything -- except what we ourselves think and do when we forget the higher purposes of life and our own human dignity. (Dignity Quotes)
There were no black images of dignity, no images of beautiful black people. There was this big hole. I tried to fill it. (Dignity Quotes)
Labor wants pride and joy in doing good work, a sense of making or doing something beautiful or useful - to be treated with dignity and respect as brother and sister. (Dignity Quotes)
The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within - strength, courage, dignity. (Dignity Quotes)
We have been educated into believing someone else’s concept of the deity, and someone else’s standard of beauty. You have the right to practice any religion and politics in a way that best suits your freedom, your dignity, and your understanding. And once you do that, you don’t apologize. (Dignity Quotes)
Since being in India, I am more convinced than ever before that the method of nonviolent resistance is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for justice and human dignity. (Dignity Quotes)
The goal - is the dignity of the black man in America. He wants respect as the human being. He wants recognition as a human being. (Dignity Quotes)
I love Obama’s calm and dignity. A lot of people confuse that with being aloof, but I know people that have held that job. It’s a 24-hour barrage of information. (Dignity Quotes)
The Church of England holds very firmly, and continues to hold to the view, that marriage is a lifelong union of one man to one woman. At the same time, at the heart of our understanding of what it is to be human is the essential dignity of the human being. (Dignity Quotes)
People in the countryside carry a sense of dignity. They wear it, don’t they? Like a badge? I’m being genuine. (Dignity Quotes)
The American’s literature is all about being hot and sexy, inspiring a girl and going to bed with her. It focuses on being a hero, saving lives and surviving last, but it has nothing to do with dignity, serenity. (Dignity Quotes)
Real education enhances the dignity of a human being and increases his or her self-respect. If only the real sense of education could be realized by each individual and carried forward in every field of human activity, the world will be so much a better place to live in. (Dignity Quotes)
A building is a human being’s space and the background for his dignity and its exterior should reflect its contents and function (Dignity Quotes)
You are a great, mighty and powerful spiritual being with dignity, direction and purpose (Dignity Quotes)
I don’t know of a Democrat - whether they’re a conservative, a centrist or a liberal Democrat - that doesn’t think that it’s important to have quality jobs that pay decent wages so that families can support themselves, so that they can have the dignity of being able to afford health care, put money aside for pension, buy a home. (Dignity Quotes)
A company has a greater responsibility than making money for its stockholders. We have a responsibility to our employees to recognize their dignity as human beings. (Dignity Quotes)
Whose rights will we acknowledge? Whose human dignity will we respect? For whose well-being will we, as a people, assume responsibility? (Dignity Quotes)
Hate crimes are different from other crimes. They strike at the heart of one’s identity - they strike at our sense of self, our sense of belonging. The end result is loss - loss of trust, loss of dignity, and in the worst case, loss of life. (Dignity Quotes)