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Dio Quotes

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The studio thought I was crazy to perform all of my own fencing stunts, but I loved it  (Dio Quotes) When I get in the studio the idea is just to work and bang out as many as I can  (Dio Quotes) In scoring we have a lot that was not evident in the shooting. The radio is on all the time  (Dio Quotes) Where studious of ease, I slumbered seven years, and then lost by degrees  (Dio Quotes) The difference between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views a mistake  (Dio Quotes) We were all ruled by the studio system. I signed a contract for seven years  (Dio Quotes) There is only one absinthe drinker, and that’s the man who painted this idiotic picture  (Dio Quotes) Plus, we spend most of our time writing music. Most of the time is spent in the studio in my house  (Dio Quotes) So that studio served its purpose, and still is working very well for other people right now  (Dio Quotes) I also spend a lot of time on political blogs, and music blogs getting things for my radio show  (Dio Quotes) I started in radio, again accidentally. I wasn’t looking for this kind of work at all  (Dio Quotes) The insidiousness of science lies in its claim to be not a subject, but a method  (Dio Quotes) I want to build a studio in my backyard. The interest rates are low now, so who knows  (Dio Quotes) The idiot is indeed the good man, but only because he doesn’t know any better  (Dio Quotes) A grandiose subject is not an assurance of a grandiose effect but, most likely, of the opposite  (Dio Quotes) Why does it have to come from the studios? And why does it have to involve advertising?  (Dio Quotes) The great universal family of men is a utopia worthy of the most mediocre logic  (Dio Quotes) They’re mostly done before we went into the studio, although I do like writing in the studio  (Dio Quotes) There is no vice that doth so cover a man with shame as to be found false and perfidious  (Dio Quotes) Only mediocrity is sure of itself, so take risks, and do what you really want to do  (Dio Quotes) Time has touched me gently in his race, and left no odious furrows in my face  (Dio Quotes) You’re an idiot, babe. It’s a wonder that you still know how to breathe  (Dio Quotes) I wish I had an origin story for you. When I was four, I was bitten by a radioactive myth  (Dio Quotes) Each progressive spirit is opposed by a thousand mediocre minds appointed to guard the past  (Dio Quotes) What do they sound like? Great! Grunge noise and mystical studio abstractions  (Dio Quotes) This is one of the compliments that mediocrity pays to those who are not mediocre  (Dio Quotes) The radio is now something people listen to while they are doing something else  (Dio Quotes) As against having beautiful workshops, studios, etc., one writes best in a cellar on a rainy day  (Dio Quotes) Excellence in education need not mean elitism, and equity need not mean mediocrity  (Dio Quotes) Over and over again mediocrity is promoted because real worth isn’t to be found  (Dio Quotes)
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