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Dio Quotes

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I think that audio and video over the internet in the sense of teleconferencing and telephone calls. Maybe we’ll actually have picture phone through your work station  (Dio Quotes) People get passionate about a song. It’s been my experience if you put out radio candy, something commercial, it doesn’t sell records  (Dio Quotes) Choreography is mentally draining, but there’s a pleasure in getting into the studio with the dancers and the music  (Dio Quotes) When I graduated college I needed to make money while I was pursuing acting, so I read screenplays and made a living writing coverage on them for studios  (Dio Quotes) The radio for these women is like television is for us today, which is really like looking at the radio  (Dio Quotes) I’ve heard some tunes in recent years that were pretty close to that same idea. The idea was you turn on the radio and you want to hear some music and up comes a commercial  (Dio Quotes) When I was starting out, young actresses had the studio system to protect them. Now you have a host of sharks, from your agent to your publicist to your lawyer  (Dio Quotes) I live in a very small town and now that I’ve closed down my studio, I’m working at home  (Dio Quotes) I had to be at least 8 or 9; I was listening to everything on the radio. You name it, I heard every song  (Dio Quotes) Good art theory must smell of the studio, although its language should differ from the household talk of painters and sculptors  (Dio Quotes) Back in the day, I used to be in the studio recording 20 hours a day. And that was all of the time. I still record a lot of hours, but I don’t go as long as I used to  (Dio Quotes) Experience has taught me to believe that, these human beans are the most insidious enemies man, with a tendency to corpulence in advanced life, can possess, though eminently friendly to youth  (Dio Quotes) Getting used to the studio and everything was fun, we freaked about alot. I was working very hard then  (Dio Quotes) Everyone seems to be playing well within the boundaries of his usual rule set. I have yet to hear anyone say something that seemed likely to mitigate the idiocy of this age  (Dio Quotes) By definition, gay is smart. I see plenty of macho heterosexual idiots, but nine times out of 10 you can have a great conversation if you find a gay guy  (Dio Quotes) There are many movies that have done it very badly. The studios have gone for quick profits and audiences are feeling angry. People aren’t taking the time and spending the money to do it right. I am  (Dio Quotes) It’s all false pressure; you put the heat on yourself, you get it from the networks and record companies and movie studios. You put more pressure on yourself to make everything that much harder  (Dio Quotes) When the first record came out, I’d go down to radio stations pretty much every day to get the record played, and I would walk in and they’d tell us how much they loved the record, but they weren’t sure how much they could play it because they were already playing a girl  (Dio Quotes) Nobody seems to know yet how television is going to affect the radio, movies, love, housekeeping or the church, but it has definitely revived vaudeville  (Dio Quotes) There’s two facets to writing a song. There’s you sitting in your room writing the sentiments of the song; the lyrics, the melody and the changes, and then there’s the part where you go into the studio and you put clothing on it  (Dio Quotes) I’m someone who has always been quite clear about what I like. In the studio, I’m not a control freak but I know what I want  (Dio Quotes) Country radio certainly widens the boundaries of what I can do. Other artists may do something more edgy that gets on radio and that opens the door for me to be more edgy, I think  (Dio Quotes) I now have a home recording studio, which I can operate entirely on my own, as well as a portable version of the same which allows me to record anywhere I like and simply swap out the hard drives for use in the home studio  (Dio Quotes) I wanted to be the perfect artist. I’d do three hours of media interviews a day, going to every radio station I could squeeze in. I’d sign autographs after the show until everybody left  (Dio Quotes) I was a kid, and I remember my mother singing. She was also a radio soap opera actress, but my mother sang  (Dio Quotes) I think we have to bottom out. When the studios jump out of the ring, perhaps the artist can get back in  (Dio Quotes) Once you work with a studio on a film, the studio is sort of like this enormous clam that just opens, takes everything and then closes, and no one enters again. They own it all  (Dio Quotes) The actors are in control, getting outrageous amounts of money. The reason they’re getting this kind of money is because the studios don’t know what else to do. They don’t have a clue about what to do except to pay an actor a lot of money  (Dio Quotes) There are people, radio talk show hosts, those kind of people, it’s their job to only have one opinion, they can’t tell you about their feelings. They have to go with what pays their bills  (Dio Quotes) The only thing I’d ever done with news was to read copy sitting at the microphone in the studio  (Dio Quotes)
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