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Dio Quotes

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There was one day when I just didn’t feel like I could do weight training after my cardio, so I didn’t. You do have to know when to stop, or you can hurt yourself  (Dio Quotes) I think the more mediocre you are the better you do because people need to think you’re their friend, they don’t want to be threatened by you, you’ve got to be warm, you’ve got to be not too smart, not too pretty, not too anything  (Dio Quotes) Music itself is a great source of relaxation. Parts of it anyway. Working in the studio, that’s not relaxing, but playing an instrument that I don’t know how to play is unbelievably relaxing, because I don’t have any pressure on me  (Dio Quotes) When I really started liking music was when I could play some of it myself, and after a couple of years of playing folk music, I kinda rediscovered those hits that were on the radio all the time when I was a kid  (Dio Quotes) And usually the studios they don’t want you to have credit for your movies because they want to take credit for the movies because if you get credit for your movies they’ve got to pay you more  (Dio Quotes) We must fight as a race for everything that makes for a better country and a better world. We are dreaming idiots and trusting fools to do anything less  (Dio Quotes) I got out of high school, bought a recording studio and started operating it as an engineer and a producer  (Dio Quotes) If I had a choice about going to a meeting at a studio or changing a nappy, I’d choose the nappy  (Dio Quotes) Carefully execute every instruction given to you by the director, producer, and studio. But that would be a life not worth living  (Dio Quotes) In radio I had one, maybe two people who cared about getting it done. I’d really be a loser if I forgot where I came from. So I show them the love. And how hard is it really to be interested in someone’s life?  (Dio Quotes) Good, bad mediocre or whatever it is, if a director wants me in his movie, I take it as a compliment  (Dio Quotes) There’s something really nice about not sitting separate from the crew in some massive trailer away from the studio. To actually be there with them, it’s more of a creative process  (Dio Quotes) We are already expected to be the goodie two shoes. I went through that during my junior high schools where I wasn’t allowed to watch television. I wasn’t allowed to listen to the radio  (Dio Quotes) I hate biographies which say, I was called to such and such an office, and he offered me so and so, and I got so and so money. I find that very tedious. The best biographies are written by other people  (Dio Quotes) Most of the time I meet my trainer at the gym and we do a lot of everything: weights circuit with cardio, football drills, sprinting with weights on the treadmill  (Dio Quotes) When I think of the artists I admire and seek out musically. It’s because I’m curious about where they’re going to go the next time they have a chance to put a record out. It’s not about where I find them on the radio dial, or how many records they’re selling  (Dio Quotes) I went from a guy, kind of a working actor, a supporting player, to magazine covers and being offered the studio pictures really quickly. Nobody was comfortable with it. I wasn’t really comfortable with it  (Dio Quotes) Being in the studio is like painting, you know, you can really take your time, and try different things, and kind of go deep into it  (Dio Quotes) If you stick with a vision, it might not all work, but some of it will be absolute genius. To me, 15 minutes worth of absolute genius in a film is so much better than two hours of mediocrity. I would rather pay to see something different like that  (Dio Quotes) I like making black and white films in natural surroundings, but I much prefer shooting a color film inside a studio where the colors are easier to control  (Dio Quotes) I don’t believe in making pencil sketches and then painting landscape in your studio. You must be right under the sky  (Dio Quotes) I used to record but just in my own studio or in my friend’s back when I toyed with the idea of being a rapper  (Dio Quotes) You can tell the difference between songs that were created in a garage and songs that were created in the studio  (Dio Quotes) We didn’t have television in those days, and many people didn’t even have radios. My mother would read aloud to my father and me in the evening  (Dio Quotes) All of my books have the potential to become movies, it’s just a question of finding a studio who wants to get behind me and put up the money to make the movie  (Dio Quotes) A talent somewhat above mediocrity, shrewd and not too sensitive, is more likely to rise in the world than genius  (Dio Quotes) I think the challenges for me was to go into the studio with these incredible jazz players and come up to their level of excellence. That’s always a challenge  (Dio Quotes) Jazz radio is not very friendly to pop singers who decide to make a jazz record. But a lot of people have been. A lot of the people I’ve talked to like the record  (Dio Quotes) If you are strong and fighting the weak, then if you kill your opponent then you are a scoundrel... if you let him kill you, then you are an idiot  (Dio Quotes) Giving people what they want isn’t just good radio; it’s also the right way to run a country  (Dio Quotes)
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