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Dio Quotes

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The problem with doing a schlocky or big budget studio film is that it wouldn’t actually be fun for me. It wouldn’t be exciting  (Dio Quotes) I think stuff on the radio is mostly good, but it’s just not what I’m into. I’m not into rap metal  (Dio Quotes) I’m hyperactive, and I went in the studio and I would just start making records, for no reason  (Dio Quotes) Every time I went into the studio some engineer tried to impress me with how they’re going to capture my sound with all kinds of tricks. But they limited the sound and never allowed me to play how I felt  (Dio Quotes) Recently I’ve been participating in radio and television talk programs doing broadcasts and conferences, and shooting my mouth off and really going to town  (Dio Quotes) I like touring, I like being in the studio, a bit of both. I like to have a bit of time at home as well  (Dio Quotes) Multiplicity was a movie that tested really well. People seeing the movie really liked it, but then the studio couldn’t market it. We opened on a weekend with nine other films  (Dio Quotes) I’m concerned about the insidious influence of the media’s bad messages that undermine the lessons parents try to instill in their sons and daughters  (Dio Quotes) I don’t typically work that late into the night in a studio, I’m more productive during the day  (Dio Quotes) My cameraman and I devised a method, which we started using from my second film, which applies mainly to day scenes shot in the studio, where we used bounced light instead of direct light. We agreed with this thing of four or five shadows following the actors is dreadful  (Dio Quotes) It is kind of tedious after a while, to parse politicians doing the same thing over and over again. The facts change from week to week, but the sort of masquerade doesn’t  (Dio Quotes) The thrill of hearing your own voice recorded is still there, I still love it, going into the studio and thinking how can I sing this song and between the producers and the musicians you find a way of doing it  (Dio Quotes) I like radio better than television because if you make a mistake on radio, they don’t know. You can make up anything on the radio  (Dio Quotes) You can’t get any movement larger than five people without including at least one flippin idiot  (Dio Quotes) Exploitation films were famous for taking an issue an exploiting it because they could move much faster than a studio could. If there was any hot topic, they would run out and make a quick movie and make a buck on it, by changing it around and using it, in some way, to give some relevance  (Dio Quotes) I’ve been messing around in the studio the last couple of years. But I don’t want to worry about being taken seriously as a singer. It just really feels good to do it  (Dio Quotes) This is a business built on promotion. We’ve been giving music away to radio stations for 30 years  (Dio Quotes) It’s the formulaic studio movies the make money, and when they do, the actors in them are automatically movie stars  (Dio Quotes) So I don’t think I’m gonna pull my head into my shell just because a bunch of people start acting like idiots  (Dio Quotes) I work out in a studio. Every day, regardless where I am, at least two hours. I need it. I can’t cease it  (Dio Quotes) And the insidious thing is that people will either see a movie because it did well last weekend or won’t see it because it didn’t do well  (Dio Quotes) You can’t do psychological thrillers. There’s no audience. I’ve heard this. I’ve heard this from studios  (Dio Quotes) A nuclear weapon of some dimension, whether it’s actually a nuclear weapon, or a dirty bomb, or some kind of radiological device. Yes, I think it’s probably a near thing  (Dio Quotes) I’m not a guy to go in the studio and spend months, let alone years, like some people do. I cannot even be in the studio for a month, it will drive me nuts  (Dio Quotes) And I maintain good relationships with all the studios so I’ve never been bullied into any cut, frankly  (Dio Quotes) What I’ve figured out how to do is make people feel comfortable on television and on the radio, which enables me to have access to them, which is key for what I do  (Dio Quotes) When I was 10, 11, 12 years old, I would pretend to be on the radio. I bought a mixer and these big, ugly headphones and I would literally broadcast the cassette tapes in my bedroom  (Dio Quotes) I really think the mind of someone who hasn’t been welded into place by their work or studios or actors or this whole society is a wonderful mind to work with, so I’d like to do a big picture with an unknown director  (Dio Quotes) And no again: My studio is not a first or any step toward becoming any type of businessman on my part  (Dio Quotes) I’ve had the luxury of owning my own studio, 24 analogue, 48 digital, endless effects, endless hardcore gear, that I don’t have to rent, I don’t get stuck with the bills, it’s all mine  (Dio Quotes)
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