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Dio Quotes

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We were telling everybody we weren’t getting back together when we were in the studio actually recording. We wanted to try it on, to see how it would fit  (Dio Quotes) At the same time, one of the things I noticed was that the moment there was any kind of audio attached to virtual reality, it really improved the experience, even though the audio didn’t feel like a sound engineer or composer had been anywhere near it  (Dio Quotes) As I went to college, I went into radio and television. Now I suppose most people think that’s one step ahead of basket weaving as a major in college, but it was part of the journalism department  (Dio Quotes) I’ve done a few studio films in the last few years where I feel like I’ve done good work, and then I only end up in two scenes. That’s been very disappointing  (Dio Quotes) And I like being able to go back and forth, and I don’t really care if it’s a small budget or big budget or studio or independent, as long as it’s got a story that’s compelling and there’s enough money to make the picture  (Dio Quotes) The orchestration of press, radio and television to create a continuous, lasting and total environment renders the influence of propaganda virtually unnoticed precisely because it creates a constant environment  (Dio Quotes) I’m not one for walking the beaches humming a melody. I love the discipline of sitting in the studio, writing and listening. That is my domain  (Dio Quotes) Honestly, I feel like I am a leading man, and it’s just going to take the right project, the female and the right studio. It’s got to all gel together, you know what I mean?  (Dio Quotes) I just wanted to make sure that what I write is what appears on screen, to not have some idiot change it on its way to the screen  (Dio Quotes) Hollywood studio executives don’t recognize the value of female performers as much as male performers  (Dio Quotes) As an audience member, those studio films are fun. I like an adventure tale, and I also like to go see something that has more of a social pulse. I like to keep learning and trying new things. And if the scripts are good, it doesn’t really matter  (Dio Quotes) I’m really shy with my acting when it’s off, because the camera gives me an excuse to be in character, whereas otherwise I would just feel like an idiot  (Dio Quotes) Well, my closest friends are still the ones that I went to school with, but it’s nice to go to work, at the studios, and have people there that you’re willing to talk to and have a good conversation with  (Dio Quotes) In the studio system, things are expected of a film. By the first, second, third act, there’s a generic language that comes out of the more commercial system  (Dio Quotes) The bosses of our mass media, press, radio, film and television, succeed in their aim of taking our minds off disaster. Thus, the distraction they offer demands the antidote of maximum concentration on disaster  (Dio Quotes) Great artists are people who find the way to be themselves in their art. Any sort of pretension induces mediocrity in art and life alike  (Dio Quotes) There’s a million new people in the studio every day creating new stuff so I really had to be on my toes with this one so I could get it out before somebody else could  (Dio Quotes) You know, 20 years... the films of television when it started, the literature, radio in communist countries, they’re clean as a whistle; there was no violence, no sex, no drugs, nothing  (Dio Quotes) In the nineteenth century the more grandiose word inspiration began to replace the word idea in the arts  (Dio Quotes) I was never encouraged to do it and I played the accordion, which I hated. I wish I had taken piano because I definitely would have written more songs of my own, but I didn’t  (Dio Quotes) And for me the only way to live life is to grab the bull by the horns and call up recording studios and set dates to go in recording studios. To try and accomplish something  (Dio Quotes) I remember attaching a wire clothing hanger to the antenna of my radio in my bedroom, so I could get the frequency and get that station and listen to the top 10 every night  (Dio Quotes) They think my life is glamourous. It’s not true. I obviously get to come in and do radio interviews. That’s the glamour. But other than that, I eat and sleep and that’s it. Eat, sleep and do shows  (Dio Quotes) I’m the kind of person who can hear that stuff. If you sing along to the radio and you’re not going to sing unison with the melody, but find the harmony, I find that pretty easy to do  (Dio Quotes) There is always a heavy demand for fresh mediocrity. In every generation the least cultivated taste has the largest appetite  (Dio Quotes) I think good radio often uses the techniques of fiction: characters, scenes, a big urgent emotional question. And as in the best fiction, tone counts for a lot  (Dio Quotes) Where radio is different than fiction is that even mediocre fiction needs purpose, a driving question  (Dio Quotes) You’d think that radio was around long enough that someone would have coined a word for staring into space  (Dio Quotes) Studios were just run differently. There really was a head of a studio. There were people who loved their studios. Who worked for their studios and were loaned out to other people and everybody sort of got a piece. Well now there’s a handful now  (Dio Quotes) I, I don’t think anybody’s continually happy, uh, except idiots, you know. You know, you have to have little moments of depression  (Dio Quotes)
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