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Dio Quotes

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Your woman knows your weaknesses better than anybody. She knows where you will falter and give up. She knows the degree of mediocrity you will settle for. And, she knows your true capacity as a full man, a man of free consciousness and love. Her gift, if she is a good woman, is to test you with her darkest moods, over and over and over, until your consciousness is unperturbed by feminine challenge, and you are able to pervade her with your love, just as you are here to pervade the world. In response to your fearless consciousness, she will drench your world in love and light  (Dio Quotes) If you have one volcano in the world, that one volcano puts out more carbon dioxide than everything man puts out  (Dio Quotes) Life isn’t a music player where you choose whats being played, it is a radio where you have to enjoy whats being played  (Dio Quotes) Yes, I believe sincerely that every man has consummate genius within him. Some appear to have it more than others only because they are aware of it more than others are, and the awareness or unawareness of it is what makes each one of them into masters or holds them down to mediocrity  (Dio Quotes) Nothing in the world can be compared to the human face. It is a land one can never tire of exploring. There is no greater experience in a studio than to witness the expression of a sensitive face under the mysterious power of inspiration. To see it animated from inside, and turning into poetry  (Dio Quotes) One training device is the ergometer. I never owned one, never trained on one, and practically never used one. The few national team tests I took on ergs were dismal failures, which worked wonders to further my dislike of these beastly creatures. Boring. Tedious. Noisy. Ergs have greatly cheapened rowing. Graceless. Greasy. Grim. The erg is to rowing what having sex by yourself is to having sex. Stop it!  (Dio Quotes) Solar bursts typically last from half a minute to a couple of minutes and often sound like a rapid hissing noise followed by a gradual decrease back to the original audio level  (Dio Quotes) So, if we decrease the use of carbon dioxide, are we not taking away plant food from the atmosphere?  (Dio Quotes) The idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that is harmful to our environment is almost comical. Every time we exhale, we exhale carbon dioxide. Every cow in the world, you know, when they do what they do, you’ve got more carbon dioxide  (Dio Quotes) Even idiots can grow up a little bit. It should be a bit more subdued... The first celebration should be subdued, and the fourth one should be crazy  (Dio Quotes) Digital is a disaster. No digital radio has the correct time and they don’t even agree with each other  (Dio Quotes) Cinema, radio, television, and magazines are a school of inattention: people look without seeing, listen without hearing  (Dio Quotes) For me, a really radical position for journalism to take is to stop being cynical. Cynicism is what passes for insight among the mediocre  (Dio Quotes) I believe everyone who breathes air on this earth, regardless of their job or their bank account, must give back more than just carbon dioxide  (Dio Quotes) When I go into the studio, I’m strictly for business... I don’t like any fooling around in the studio  (Dio Quotes) I think that boxing is actually not as dangerous as the politics. In boxing, you’re gonna get a bloody nose or a black eye. In politics you can obviously get either dioxin in the food or bullet in the head  (Dio Quotes) The ultimate trick is to convince, persuade. Every single person out there is an idiot, but collectively they’re a genius  (Dio Quotes) I am convinced that those who get themselves involved in the machinery of power politics, even for the purpose of destroying it, are bound to fail in their purpose. To destroy it we have to stay out of it. If we want to cut down a tree, it is of no use to climb into its branches. The desire to keep contact with something, even to destroy it, is a subtle and insidious illusion  (Dio Quotes) Man’s proper stature is not one of mediocrity, failure, frustration, or defeat, but one of achievement, strength, and nobility. In short, man can and ought to be a hero  (Dio Quotes) I can be an artist a posteriori, not a priori. If my pictures tell the story, our story, human story, then in a hundred years, then they can be considered an art reference, but now they are not made as art. I’m a journalist. My life’s on the road, my studio is the planet  (Dio Quotes) I’ve become absolutely convinced that the seminal difference between successful companies and mediocre or unsuccessful ones has little, if anything, to do with what they know or how smart they are; it has everything to do with how healthy they are  (Dio Quotes) Seeds and nuts are indispensable for cardiovascular health. The protective properties of nuts against coronary heart disease were first recognized in the early 1990s, and a strong body of literature has followed, confirming these original findings  (Dio Quotes) The writing gets done away from the keyboard and away from the studio in my head, in solitude. And then I come in and hopefully have something, then I wrestle with sounds and picture all day long. But the ideas usually come from a more obscure place, like a conversation with a director, a still somebody shows you, or whatever  (Dio Quotes) Gospel repentance is not a little hanging down of the head. It’s a working of the heart until your sin becomes more odious to you than any punishment for it  (Dio Quotes) ... unless the grace of God comes to the help of our frailty, to protect and defend it, no man can withstand the insidious onslaughts of the enemy nor can he damp down or hold in check the fevers which burn in our flesh with nature’s fire  (Dio Quotes) When we developed written language, we significantly increased our functional memory and our ability to share insights and knowledge across time and space. The same thing happened with the invention of the printing press, the telegraph, and the radio  (Dio Quotes) My songs is hard stuff which politicians don’t want on them radio station because they still want people to live in ignorancy  (Dio Quotes) I’m in the studio for hours in that tiny little box, and really, the performing part is what I’m most excited about  (Dio Quotes) The incredible list of supposed horrors that increasing carbon dioxide will bring the world is pure belief disguised as science  (Dio Quotes) American commercial cinema has long been dominated by men, but I don’t think there has ever been another time when women have been as underrepresented on screen as they are now. The biggest problem isn’t genuinely independent cinema, where lower budgets mean more opportunities for women in front of and behind the camera. The problem is the six major studios that dominate the box office, the entertainment chatter and the popular imagination. Their refusal to hire more female directors is immoral, maybe illegal, and has helped create and sustain a representational ghetto for women  (Dio Quotes)
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