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Dio Quotes

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In most of the stuff that I’ve done over the years as a sideman, I wasn’t really a session musician, because to me, a session musician is a guy who makes his living in the studio, and I never really did that  (Dio Quotes) Each of is endlessly generating waves with our actions. If you could see the earth from a vibratory point of view, you would see something like radio waves billions of them, cascading constantly into very complex patterns all over the earth  (Dio Quotes) I just want to be in the studio. When you’ve got all the gear you want in your own house, it’s difficult to go out and do something else, you know?  (Dio Quotes) A lot of people think that I grew up in recording studios and knew the whole process, but that was never the case  (Dio Quotes) So when it was my turn to start developing projects, I knew the writers I wanted to work with, and I had met every head of studio, every executive and a lot of producers. I started finding things, little crumbs off other people’s tables that I would make my own  (Dio Quotes) I’ve been involved with some huge studio projects that have been bloody awesome. It all starts with a great script, doesn’t it?  (Dio Quotes) I think audiences ultimately want something new. I think the business model for a franchise is such that it’s very low risk because you have data and studios love data  (Dio Quotes) It’s a great feeling to be recognized by your peers. It’s an even better feeling to be welcomed and accepted by country radio and its listeners. If desire is any part of this equation, then I’m a contender!  (Dio Quotes) If you’re hiring, if you’re the person doing the hiring, forgive a scar or two. Remember that when we were young, we were also idiots. There were just no cameras there to catch it  (Dio Quotes) Some people are denizens of the studio. I’m more of a denizen of the live appearance. I love the live thing  (Dio Quotes) The studio part, to me, can be pretty laborious. You’re inside for hours on end and can be pretty frustrating to get the sound you hear in your head to come out of those speakers  (Dio Quotes) I want to go create my own independent content and entertainment, in new models and in new ways, and essentially show studios and networks that people are good  (Dio Quotes) I love to go into the studio on days when I’m not even doing anything. It’s like my senior club. Some people go to senior centers, well I go to my senior center  (Dio Quotes) Don’t forget, I’ve been fired by studios; I’m not the studio’s guy. I’m a guy who can work with studios, but if you ask any studio, I stand up to these people  (Dio Quotes) Local television is a slightly different story. It is under much more pressure in the same way that all local businesses are, whether that’s a local newspaper, local radio or local television. But I think television in the aggregate is actually in very good shape  (Dio Quotes) It’s good to wander into the studio and walk out with something that’s better than you’d imagined it to be. If everything was as you imagined it to be, it just wouldn’t be as much fun  (Dio Quotes) However appalling to consider, however tedious to enact, every novel requires furniture, whether it is to be named or unnamed, for the characters will be unable to remain in standing position for the duration of the story  (Dio Quotes) What’s important is how we use our time on this earth, not how conspicuously we give our money away. What’s important is the energy and courage we are willing to expend reversing entropy, battling cynicism, suffering and challenging mediocre minds, staring down those who would trample our dreams, taking a stand for magic, and advancing the potential of the human race  (Dio Quotes) I learn stuff from making music every time I go in the studio. I’m continuing to try to find new ways to play in a song or be in a song and have a positive impact on a song  (Dio Quotes) If stocks are attractive and you don’t buy, you don’t just look like an idiot, you are an idiot  (Dio Quotes) The death of a friendship was usually slow and insidious, like the wearing away of a hillside after years of too much rain. A handful of misunderstandings, a season of miscommunication, the passing of time, and where once stood two women with a dozen years of memories and tears and conversation and laughter-where once stood two women closer than sisters-now stood two strangers  (Dio Quotes) The habit some writers indulge in of perpetual quotation is one it behooves lovers of good literature to protest against, for it is an insidious habit which in the end must cloud the stream of thought, or at least check spontaneity. If it be true that le style c’est l homme, what is likely to happen if l homme is for ever eking out his own personality with that of some other individual?  (Dio Quotes) A studio allows me more freedom. You can create your own sort of reality which is actually more exciting than shooting on location. You can conjure up a complete atmosphere of escapism for the public  (Dio Quotes) Just as someone who’s been interested in radio and programming for so long, I can usually tell when an interviewer is doing a segment just to fill a programming slot. They ask questions, but they don’t care about the answers  (Dio Quotes) We have been stuffed full of praise for mediocrity and had our foibles diagnosed away with hyphenated jargon and pop psychology  (Dio Quotes) I usually enter the studio with a mix of songs that I’ve been listening to that are relevant to the sound I want to achieve  (Dio Quotes) I love writing songs. I love doing my radio show and talking to the fans and listening to what they have to say, but there’s a certain responsibility that comes along with being given the gift of music. I take that seriously, but at the same time I try to use it to do something that makes a difference in a positive way  (Dio Quotes) It’s so exciting to be doing radio on the cutting edge of technology. Being in on something new is the biggest thrill in the world  (Dio Quotes) We stand for free speech. This means we are not going to ban distasteful subreddits. We will not ban legal content even if we find it odious or if we personally condemn it  (Dio Quotes) Television is likely to do more to revolutionize politics than sound broadcasting did. Political candidates may have to adopt new techniques to benefit from visual radio: their dress, their smiles and gestures, all will be important. How they look, as well as what they say, may determine to an appreciable extent their popularity. The eyes of the public will be upon them  (Dio Quotes)
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