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Dio Quotes

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My studio is arranged so that I have a comfortable seating area for meeting with clients, an office area beyond that and a painting area, which includes room for art students to sit and watch as I work  (Dio Quotes) We are the mediocre, we are the half givers, we are the half lovers, we are the savourless salt. Break the hard crust of complacency. Quicken in us the sharp grace of desire  (Dio Quotes) It is largely on television and radio that real probing of what politicians are up to has to happen  (Dio Quotes) The whole country was tied together by radio. We all experienced the same heroes and comedians and singers. They were giants  (Dio Quotes) If I am a prolific writer and turn my hand, with what seems to some as indecent haste, from novels to screenplays to stage and radio plays, it is because there is so much to be said, so few of us to say it, and time runs out  (Dio Quotes) I was not a studious kid, and I struggled to find things that would command my attention and engage my ideas and energies  (Dio Quotes) It will be nearly impossible to slow warming appreciably without condemning much of the world to poverty unless energy sources that emit little or no carbon dioxide become competitive with conventional fossil fuels  (Dio Quotes) The total efforts of the last 20 years of climate policy has likely reduced global emissions by less than 1 percent, or about 250 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year  (Dio Quotes) I’m not only a writer, but have directed and produced, know the difficulties of the line producer, can deal with the studio, can talk with the director and get his or her vision and help exact that. I think it just gives you more tools  (Dio Quotes) I look for things that are very different from my life, and that are curious and idiosyncratic to me. And then, I like to find if I’m able, just a little bit, to step into a world that I know very little about. That’s great fun  (Dio Quotes) The way I make music is just a reflection of how I think music should be made. Where you sit in a studio, and you make music, and you use technology to your advantage, not to hide all the blaring mistakes  (Dio Quotes) We need an idiot middle ground, where we have to be honest and say, kids can be idiots and cops can be idiots  (Dio Quotes) I think the purpose of test screenings is different for the studio and for the filmmaker. For the studio, I think they want to know whether the film works or not  (Dio Quotes) What primitive tastes the ancients must have had if their poets were inspired by those absurd, untidy clumps of mist, idiotically jostling one another about  (Dio Quotes) God gave us so many emotions, and so many strong ones. Every human being, even if he is an idiot, is a millionaire in emotions  (Dio Quotes) They’re us!They’ve repopulated the world, and now they’ve achieved the same state of idiocy they were in before, ready to blow themselves up all over again. Great, isn’t it? That’s the human race!  (Dio Quotes) I like doing the readings and the autographing, but the interviewing gets a little tedious because you get asked the same questions every day and sometimes three or four times a day  (Dio Quotes) There is no greatness apart from self control. Development that does not include self government will only guarantee our mediocrity  (Dio Quotes) One thing that seems to surprise the studios is finding out later my willingness to audition. Under the right circumstances, I actually enjoy it very much  (Dio Quotes) I imagined calling in to my own radio show: Yeah hi, I’m a werewolf, and I’m stuck in a cabin in the woods with another werewolf and a werewolf hunter  (Dio Quotes) Whatever people may say, the fastidious formal manner of the upper classes is preferable to the slovenly easygoing behaviour of the common middle class. In moments of crisis, the former know how to act, the latter become uncouth brutes  (Dio Quotes) Nothing is so pleasant... as to display your worldly wisdom in epigram and dissertation, but it is a trifle tedious to hear another person display theirs  (Dio Quotes) Writing more and more to the sound of music, writing more and more like music. Sitting in my studio tonight, playing record after record, writing, music a stimulant of the highest order, far more potent than wine  (Dio Quotes) The greater a man’s talents, the more marked his idiosyncracies. Yet in the provinces originality is considered perilously close to lunacy  (Dio Quotes) Mediocrity is perhaps due not so much to lack of imagination as to lack of faith in the imagination, lack of the capacity for this abandon  (Dio Quotes) The really intelligent are as abnormal as the defective. The great masses of men are rather mediocre, and those above and below are exceptions  (Dio Quotes) How tedious is retirement! You cannot imagine to yourself the monotony with which day comes after day  (Dio Quotes) Surfing is like that. You are either vigorously cursing or else you are idiotically pleased with yourself  (Dio Quotes) Habit, a particularly insidious thug who chokes passion and smothers love. Habit puts us on autopilot  (Dio Quotes) Mediocre prose might be read as an escape, might be spoken on television by actors, or mouthed in movies. But mediocre poetry did not exist at all. If poetry wasn’t good, it wasn’t poetry. It was that simple  (Dio Quotes)
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