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Dio Quotes

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Beware the mediocrity that threatens middle age, its limitation of thought and interest, its dullness of fancy, its too external life, and mental thinness  (Dio Quotes) Of two evils, had not an author better be tedious than superficial! From an overflowing vessel you may gather more, indeed, than you want, but from an empty one you can gather nothing  (Dio Quotes) It’s not our disadvantages or shortcomings that are ridiculous, but rather the studious way we try to hide them, and our desire to act as if they did not exist  (Dio Quotes) The materials of true poetry are always humble, absolutely idiosyncratic, the autobiographical tatters that, in gifted hands, are made into the memoir that fits us all  (Dio Quotes) I’m not any happier anywhere than when I’m in the studio. I’m over the moon about it. It keeps me young, it keeps me feeling like I have some purpose  (Dio Quotes) Studios weren’t banging on my door to offer me parts... And I thought, well how am I ever going to make movies that speak to my heart and to my values?  (Dio Quotes) I love to work out and do cardio and have a healthy, active lifestyle, but I also am not going to, like, freak out over food  (Dio Quotes) Movies have kind of become a tad bit uninspired, in that the big studio movies are spending more money to chase the big money with all these franchises and superhero movies. Some of them have been great, but some of them are a little tiresome  (Dio Quotes) Sometimes, the best songs are the ones you write without any pen and paper or audio recording device or guitar in your hands. Because there’s nothing between you and the melody; it’s just a great lyric  (Dio Quotes) The studio experience fluctuates depending on who you work with, it’s not like it’s all one experience. Every studio is different, every producer’s personality is different. You never know what you’re going to do  (Dio Quotes) Studios might support people trying to do something a little bit different and they’d be more open to the fact that there’s more than one path to the waterfall  (Dio Quotes) I have a weird sense that people ten years younger than me don’t own a radio, or maybe they own a radio, but they don’t call it a radio  (Dio Quotes) Children have a fastidiousness that time is slow to cure. It is to be wondered, for example, whether if the elderly were half as hungry as children are they would yet find so many things at table to be detestable  (Dio Quotes) It is the nature of human beings, and especially of the mediocre ones, to wish to change everything. They desire it all the more because they know popularity will accrue rather to those who disturb than to those who maintain order  (Dio Quotes) Pot is an insidious drug because it can steal your life away from you, without you even being aware of it. I had a love affair with pot for ten years. Pot was my most devoted partner  (Dio Quotes) Radio is truly the theater of the mind. The listener constructs the sets, colors them from his own palette, and sculpts and costumes the characters who perform in them  (Dio Quotes) When it’s all over and the on the air signs go off there isn’t a more lost feeling in the world. The wonderful, exciting, even glamorous, studio is now just a room dirty with coffee cartons and cigarette butts  (Dio Quotes) If you’re an extraordinarily gifted woman, the door is open. What women are fighting for is the right to be as mediocre as men  (Dio Quotes) My goal has been to learn how to get movies made without losing sight of the reasons I began. I have had to learn to recognize the insidious nature of the beast without becoming one  (Dio Quotes) The state of radio is not great. It’s like playing the lottery. The chances of hitting are mind boggling slim  (Dio Quotes) For a long time I was trying to be poppier and younger. I didn’t want to be on public radio or do any of that stuff for older people. Then I realized that that is exactly what I listen to  (Dio Quotes) More and more, I’ve started to understand that no show is dead unless somebody decrees it’s dead at a studio  (Dio Quotes) I know when I feel good when I play. There’s a closeness with musicians you only get from playing live, even in the studio it’s still playing live. For me, it’s what expands my soul  (Dio Quotes) I honestly just love being in my studio working on music. That’s all the inspiration I need. And I don’t write with an end result in mind, I just write for the simple love of writing  (Dio Quotes) Women are more in touch with their feelings, they’re more emotionally developed, they know what’s important in life, and the men run around like idiots trying to figure that out until they meet a woman that can show them what’s important  (Dio Quotes) And one of the things that makes me happiest and proudest is that the talk radio venue, the whole market has expanded. There are all kinds of people doing it  (Dio Quotes) The planet needs trees. If there is indeed that carbon dioxide out there in the atmosphere, the only species on the planet that can actually trap it for us in a natural process of photosynthesis are the trees  (Dio Quotes) You hear these stories about people who take apart their radio and put it back. Or just learn a lot from taking it apart. But I wasn’t as into that stuff as I was just into how computer programs work  (Dio Quotes) It’s always a shock to the people who run studios when a movie that is for women is a hit. They have an infinite capacity to be shocked  (Dio Quotes) There’s no such thing as a war against terrorism. It’s idiotic. These are slogans. These are lies. It’s advertising, which is the only art form we ever invented and developed  (Dio Quotes)
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