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Dio Quotes

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Lawrence immediately saw that it was a trick question. You would have to be some kind of idiot to make the facile assumption that the current would add or subtract 5 miles per hour to or from the speed of the boat  (Dio Quotes) Fear has no brains; it is an idiot. The dismal witness that it bears and the cowardly counsel that it whispers are unrelated  (Dio Quotes) You’re a fine fastidious young man, as proud as a lion, as gentle as a girl. You’d make a good catch for the devil  (Dio Quotes) Sometimes I think my papa is an accordion. When he looks at me and smiles and breathes, I hear the notes  (Dio Quotes) Papa was a man with silver eyes, not dead ones. Papa was an accordion! But his bellows were all empty. Nothing went in and nothing came out  (Dio Quotes) To stay vigorous, a company needs to provide a stimulating and challenging environment for all these types: the dreamer, the entrepreneur, the professional manager, and the leader. If it doesn’t, it risks becoming yet another mediocre corporation  (Dio Quotes) Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery. I quit such odious subjects as soon as I can, impatient to restore everybody not greatly in fault themselves to tolerable comfort, and to have done with all the rest  (Dio Quotes) I was born inside the movie of my life. The visuals were before me, the audio surrounded me, the plot unfolded inevitably but not necessarily. I don’t remember how I got into the movie, but it continues to entertain me  (Dio Quotes) Now could you please ask these idiots to stop pointing their bullets at me? It’s terribly wasteful  (Dio Quotes) ... mediocre people find their way into positions of authority... because when it comes to even the most important positions, our selection decisions are a good deal less rational than we think  (Dio Quotes) This isn’t a game. We don’t want mediocre employees who can keep the status quo. We want souls. We want to win. And you’ve spent most of your time here being mediocre  (Dio Quotes) You must walk to the beat of a different drummer. The same beat that the wealthy hear. If the beat sounds normal, evacuate the dance floor immediately! The goal is to not be normal, because as my radio listeners know, normal is broke  (Dio Quotes) School is just like having a job. You have to show up, you have to do your work, and you have to be around tons of idiots or mean people. Now that I think about it, it’s worse than having a job. At least there you get paid  (Dio Quotes) One can’t help but marvel at the variety of ways that women had devised to make us look like flaming idiots  (Dio Quotes) It always shocked me how you could understand so many things and be such a complete idiot about so many others  (Dio Quotes) To be silent the whole day long, see no newspaper, hear no radio, listen to no gossip, be thoroughly and completely lazy, thoroughly and completely indifferent to the fate of the world is the finest medicine a man can give himself  (Dio Quotes) Truth is a risky proposition. It’s the nature of mediocre human beings to believe that lies are necessary, that they serve a purpose, that truth is subversive, that candor is dangerous, that the very scaffold of communal life is supported by lies  (Dio Quotes) I’d made it back to the land of the living. No matter how boring or mediocre a world it might be, this was it  (Dio Quotes) Scores only matter if they’re very good, no one pays much attention to the bad or mediocre ones  (Dio Quotes) Sometimes I think of myself as a little bee. I go from one area of the studio to another and gather pollen and sort of stimulate everybody. I guess that’s the job I do  (Dio Quotes) I looked at him like he was an idiot, but he didn’t notice. Or maybe he got it so often, he thought that was how people looked at him  (Dio Quotes) She liked the life she had. She loved habits. She craved a day with nothing in it, a long, quiet stretch of hours in the studio  (Dio Quotes) When she listened to songs that she loved on the radio, something stirred inside her. A liquid ache spread under her skin, and she walked out of the world like a witch  (Dio Quotes) It’s not so much that the old friend is a better friend. It’s just that you know the person better, and you know they don’t really care if you’re acting like a poor, grovelling idiot. They know you would do the same for them  (Dio Quotes) The challenge is to resist circumstances. Any idiot can be happy in a happy place, but moral courage is required to be happy in a hellhole  (Dio Quotes) Drive away and try to keep smiling. Get a little rock and roll on the radio and go toward life with all the courage you can find and all the belief you can muster. Be true, be brave, stand  (Dio Quotes) If I lost him here, to this idiotic fight, after I fought and guarded him for two weeks, after I cried and thought he was dying, I would find him in the afterlife and I would murder him again  (Dio Quotes) I watched the way they looked at each other. Any idiot could see they were in love, even if they were the only two idiots who couldn’t  (Dio Quotes) The idiot had shot their own dog. That’s what happened when the destructive potential of a man’s weapons exceeded his intelligence  (Dio Quotes) Just as your hand has the power to hide the sun, mediocrity has the power to hide your inner light. Do not blame others for your own incompetence  (Dio Quotes)
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