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Dio Quotes

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I started in 1946 in radio. I was ten years old. I was discovered singing in a school play. Someone was in the audience and it’s six degrees of separation  (Dio Quotes) People tend to think that because I need all this time on my own in the studio, that I need time on my own, period. and that’s not really true  (Dio Quotes) If I was going to be broke I decided I might as well be with actors as anyone else. They were cheerful idiots and seemed to take it better  (Dio Quotes) I had to go into a studio and compose and write and press up 12 songs in 14 hours. When you’re recording a song from scratch it takes you 14 hours to do just one song  (Dio Quotes) Our studio is kind of built into our home, so it’s a place you can ramble, and we can do a pretty good recording here. The band is really comfortable her  (Dio Quotes) I would love to do a big studio movie, just because they’re going to put the money into distributing it. A lot of times you do these little movies, you love them and they never get seen by anyone  (Dio Quotes) I’ve turned my guest house into this little studio, and we have actors come over and do readings  (Dio Quotes) If part of the purpose of making an album is to get some radio play, then you might as well think about that. But that’s not really how we picked the songs  (Dio Quotes) And film acting is incredibly tedious, just by its nature. It’s incredibly, mind numbingly slow  (Dio Quotes) The magic can happen in a studio. Special things can happen in a recording studio, even though it may seem like a clinical environment from the outside looking in  (Dio Quotes) I can make everything I do come from my laptop. Even when I go to a big studio, all I do is to plug in my laptops. That’s they way I do it  (Dio Quotes) The more melodies and chord changes, the less good it is for the clubs, but the better it is for radio, because it makes it really emotional  (Dio Quotes) I lived in the studio apartment that I bought for four years before I bought it in 1989, so I was already in it. I began living there in 1985, so I’ve had the same address and phone number since then  (Dio Quotes) There are so many venues in which stars are exposed today, that we just know much more and the studios don’t have the control over stars like they used to, in the 30s, 40s, and 50s  (Dio Quotes) There’s a lot of people out there who have seen us once somewhere in a pub or heard our songs late night on radio. We’d done four years of it before we’d even released a single. It’s put us in good stead  (Dio Quotes) Of course, it gave the studio an enormous power, because I don’t know any other place who had that skill with images to communicate with. and the need of these kinds of images are even greater now than they ever were because we are losing our life symbols  (Dio Quotes) We thought everybody read comics. We didn’t know we were weird. We didn’t know people that collected comics were strange. It was as normal as listening to rock music on the radio  (Dio Quotes) We’ve been working with the very best in the business. The studio really just let us alone to make the films  (Dio Quotes) Because the stuff that they feed kids now, they’ll have a bunch of idiots in the next millennium as far as art and culture is concerned  (Dio Quotes) I’m still proud of what I’ve done, even if it hasn’t been the biggest song on the radio or hasn’t gone to number one  (Dio Quotes) Wonder, connected with a principle of rational curiosity, is the source of all knowledge and discover, and it is a principle even of piety; but wonder which ends in wonder, and is satisfied with wonder, is the quality of an idiot  (Dio Quotes) Now, when we first started, I would be playing something good and then feel like I wasn’t doing the right thing and launch into some idiotic cliche. Luckily for me, bobby was patient  (Dio Quotes) I went out with this boy on the proviso that he didn’t tell anybody we were together. The idiot didn’t keep his mouth shut. I dumped him. I never went out with a boy from school again  (Dio Quotes) It’s going to seem idiotic to say this, but I think that at a given moment we all need a place to ourselves where we can refuge ourselves and cut ourselves off from the world  (Dio Quotes) What one does in the studio is to pose a series of problems to oneself. I’ve got to look for some deeper meaning, for some reason for this thing to be in the world. There’s enough stuff in the world  (Dio Quotes) Before that, they thought talking movies might eliminate radio as well. But radio just keeps getting stronger  (Dio Quotes) Now on the other hand, if someone is selling a product, opening a dance studio, or has some other aim to help themselves, then I tend to look askance at some of these strange stories from outer space  (Dio Quotes) I’ve just built a studio in my mama’s old bedroom, which I thought was fitting; she died last year. We’ve recorded nine songs recorded in there already; we’re sort of just chipping away  (Dio Quotes) It was exactly what was released two months later with the exception of a couple of reaction shots which we went back in to get. I liked the movie very much and asked him what the studio’s problem was. I felt that he was at a point where they might have worn him down  (Dio Quotes) We work hard when we’re in the studio, but then when we take our breaks, we walk outside and look around  (Dio Quotes)
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