Direction Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s better we go slowly in the right direction than go speeding off in the wrong direction (Direction Quotes)
The best feeling in the world is knowing you finally took a step in the right direction, a step towards the future where everything that you never thought was possible is possible (Direction Quotes)
I still swing the way I used to, but when I look up the ball is going in a different direction (Direction Quotes)
Life is like an elevator, it has its ups and downs but I’m the one who controls the direction it can go (Direction Quotes)
Deafness, though it be total and congenital, imposes no limits on the intellectual development of its subjects, save in the single direction of the appreciation of acoustic phenomena (Direction Quotes)
While I’m optimistic about the direction the world is headed, generally, I think there is a need for constant vigilance and pressure on repressive governments (Direction Quotes)
I think most directors subscribe to the principle that less is more, and the best direction is the most concise direction (Direction Quotes)
That awkward moment when you realize you’re walking in the wrong direction, so you hit your pockets pretending you forgot something (Direction Quotes)
While it is well enough to leave footprints on the sands of time, it is even more important to make sure they point in a commendable direction (Direction Quotes)
Every failure contains valuable data that will point you in the right direction (Direction Quotes)
Trying to find my way around the Rayburn building is always a challenge. Combining my poor sense of direction with a confusing design is not good (Direction Quotes)
Journalism should be more like science. As far as possible, facts should be verifiable. If journalists want long-term credibility for their profession, they have to go in that direction. Have more respect for readers (Direction Quotes)
Is it any wonder that Socrates was outraged at the accusation he took money to teach? Even then, philosophers saw clearly the inevitable direction the professionalization of teaching would take, that of pre-empting the teaching function, which, in a healthy community, belongs to everyone (Direction Quotes)
The problem is that when polls are wrong, they tend to be wrong in the same direction. If they miss in New Hampshire, for instance, they all miss on the same mistake (Direction Quotes)
Let the winds of evidence blow you about as though you are a leaf, with no direction of your own. Beware lest you fight a rearguard retreat against the evidence, grudgingly conceding each foot of ground only when forced, feeling cheated. Surrender to the truth as quickly as you can (Direction Quotes)
Certainly if I were to think in terms of a field that would have required a different mode of education, I think I would have leaned in the direction of being a therapist. And without the education, or a different kind of education, I think my first choice would be a landscape architect. I love to garden (Direction Quotes)
It is quite amazing how hard the subconscious works when it is made to understand that this life is not a rehearsal, there is no safety net and no assurance of any final closure. It is also quite appalling to realize how catatonic the imagination can become when we hedge our bets, opt for the safer direction at every fork in the path (Direction Quotes)
I think the Messianic concept, which is the Jewish offering to mankind, is a great victory. What does it mean? It means that history has a sense, a meaning, a direction; it goes somewhere, and necessarily in a good direction--the Messiah (Direction Quotes)
The average parent may, for example, plant an artist or fertilize a ballet dancer and end up with a certified public accountant. We cannot train children along chicken wire to make them grow in the right direction. Tying them to stakes is frowned upon, even in Massachusetts (Direction Quotes)
Religion means goal and way, politics implies end and means. The political end is recognizable by the fact that it may be attained--in success--and its attainment is historically recorded. The religious goal remains, even in man’s highest experiences, that which simply provides direction on the mortal way; it never enters into historical consummation (Direction Quotes)
I find when most people are honest about their spiritual pilgrimage, they admit to the difficulty of maintaining the habit of a spiritual discipline. What attracks me most about the Anglican spiritual tradition is that it provides purposeful spiritual direction in the life of Christ (Direction Quotes)
There is a calamitous difference between a people who have been immersed in paganism for centuries and a post-Christian society. While the culture of the latter may carry a deep tradition influenced by Christian values, its posture of rebellion will give it a direction that is more explicitly and consciously anti-Christian (Direction Quotes)
Only recently has part of America challenged the long-held assumption that America is a Christian nation. Most citizens do not recognize just how quickly we have moved in an anti-Christian direction (Direction Quotes)
For centuries, dreams have been used to communicate instruction and direction to people of purpose - great men and women. God used dreams to prepare Joseph for his future as a leader of nations. He gave battle plans to Gideon in a dream. Joan of Arc, Jacob, George Washington, Marie Curie, and the apostle Paul were all guided by their dreams (Direction Quotes)
The debt ceiling debacle is almost a horrible metaphor: It’s as if a bomb went off at 800 Pennsylvania Avenue and sent shrapnel flying in every direction. I don’t know what these guys think they’re doing, but it looks like they’re committing political suicide (Direction Quotes)
There are four directions: North, South, East, and West. We are going in the fifth direction, which is the direction of stories (Direction Quotes)
If direction is a look, montage is a heartbeat. To foresee is the characteristic of both; but what one seeks to foresee in space, the other seeks in time (Direction Quotes)
How come regional pandering only works in one direction, right? You never see a Southern politician trying to win votes in New York State by saying, ‘I read books and make a mean vegan meatloaf.’ (Direction Quotes)
The utmost the American novelist can hope for, if he hopes at all to see his work included in the literature of his time, is that it may eventually be found to be along in the direction of the growing tip of collective consciousness. Preeminently the novelist’s gift is that of access to the collective mind (Direction Quotes)
Giving advice is like playing pinball: only by pushing and pulling can you encourage the ball to go in a new direction and increase your score. But too much pushing and pulling can cause a tilt and stop the game (Direction Quotes)