Directions Quotes

Text Quotes
Land! An island! We devoured it greedily with our eyes and woke the others, who tumbled out drowsily and stared in all directions as if they thought our bow was about to run on to a beach. Screaming seabirds formed a bridge across the sky in the direction of the distant island, which stood out sharper against the horizon as the red background widened and turned gold with the approach of the sun and the full daylight (Directions Quotes)
Cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the human mind. They realize... that we have an infuriating inability to understand, let alone follow, even the simplest and most explicit of directions (Directions Quotes)
The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination (Directions Quotes)
I’ve explored a variety of directions and themes over the years. But I think in my painting you can see the signature of one artist, the work of one wrist (Directions Quotes)
... one of the main functions of an analogy or model is to suggest extensions of the theory by considering extensions of the analogy, since more is known about the analogy than is known about the subject matter of the theory itself... A collection of observable concepts in a purely formal hypothesis suggesting no analogy with anything would consequently not suggest either any directions for its own development (Directions Quotes)
I have learned that there is no failure in running, or in life, as long as you keep moving. It’s not about speed. And gold medals. It’s about refusing to be stopped. you might find that one particular direction proves difficult, but there are many directions on a compass. Infinite, in fact. As long as you keep searching, you’ll find your winning way (Directions Quotes)
If we reconstructed human spirituality painstakingly, we would end up with a mangnificent tree whose branches go in so many directions, yet all trying to touch the heavens (Directions Quotes)
Eventually we realize that not knowing what to do is just as real and just as useful as knowing what to do. Not knowing stops us from taking false directions. Not knowing what to do, we start to pay real attention. Just as people lost in the wilderness, on a cliff face or in a blizzard pay attention with a kind of acuity that they would not have if they thought they knew where they were. Why? Because for those who are really lost, their life depends on paying real attention. If you think you know where you are, you stop looking (Directions Quotes)
I hope that you choose ultimately to follow your heart, and learn that whatever your plans, your goals, your dreams, life will take you in directions you haven’t even dreamed of. Be open to the path not chosen, the door unopened, welcome your fear, and the choices that allow you that fear... Through all the changes, through all the disappointments, the unexpected turns, the victories, and the pain, the losses that you will experience, there will always be a constant, along with your breath, there will always be one thing that you will know, that you have the ability to choose your heart (Directions Quotes)
It is the client who knows what hurts, what directions to go, what problems are crucial, what experiences have been deeply buried (Directions Quotes)
Life’s greatest tragedy is not that it will someday end, but that most only live to follow directions and sometimes we end up totally lost (Directions Quotes)
Loss provides an opportunity to take inventory of our lives, to reconsider priorities, and to determine new directions (Directions Quotes)
Being an entrepreneur isn’t just a job title, and it isn’t just about starting a company. It’s a state of mind. It’s about seeing connections others can’t, seizing opportunities others won’t, and forging new directions that others haven’t (Directions Quotes)
Knowledge is not the same as morality, but we need to understand if we are to avoid past mistakes and move in productive directions. An important part of that understanding is knowing who we are and what we can do... Ultimately, we must synthesize our understandings for ourselves (Directions Quotes)
Lasorda’s standard reply when some new kid would ask directions to the whirlpool was to tell him to stick his foot in the toilet and flush it (Directions Quotes)
Brains aren’t designed to get results; they go in directions. If you know how the brain works you can set your own directions. If you don’t, then someone else will (Directions Quotes)
Early on I was very involved with the notion of the painting as an object and tended to attack that idea from different directions (Directions Quotes)
There are people we meet in life who miss being important to us by inches, days, or heartbeats. Another place or time or a different emotional frame of mind and we would willingly fall into their arms; gladly take up their challenge or invitation. But as it is, we encounter them when we are discontent or content and they are not. Whatever they are, we are not and vice versa. Two trains going in different directions that pass for a few powerful moments at full speed, blasting noise and wind but then they are gone. Whatever serious chemistry might have been possible if, isn’t (Directions Quotes)
A witty vicar once said that a good marriage is like a pair of scissors with the couple inseparable joined, often moving in opposite directions, yet always destroying anyone who comes between them. The trick is for the blades to learn to work smoothly together, so as not to cut each other (Directions Quotes)
It is a tricky business to know when you should set goals and objectives in order to achieve a focus, and when you would be better off dealing with the acceptance and management of your current reality so you can later step into new directions and responsibilities with greater stability and clarity. Only you will know the answer to that, and only in the moment (Directions Quotes)
Cancer begins and ends with people. In the midst of scientific abstraction, it is sometimes possible to forget this one basic fact. Doctors treat diseases but they also treat people, and this precondition of their professional existence sometimes pulls them in two directions at once (Directions Quotes)
Some days, I’m as shallow as a baking pan, but I still stretch miles in all directions (Directions Quotes)
The road makes a noise all its own. It’s a single note that stretches in all directions, low and nearly inaudible, only I could hear it loud and persistent (Directions Quotes)
To achieve originality we need to abandon the comforts of habit, reason, and the approval of our peers, and strike out in new directions (Directions Quotes)
Do not ask directions from the people around you. Ask directions from the person who called you (Directions Quotes)
Then it was like a genie out of the bottle and it began to walk all on its own and in directions I did not want (Directions Quotes)
Searching all directions with one’s awareness, one finds no one dearer than oneself. In the same way, others are fiercely dear to themselves. So one should not hurt others if one loves oneself (Directions Quotes)
Conservatism cherishes tradition; innovation fetishizes novelty. They tug in different directions, the one toward the past, the other toward the future (Directions Quotes)
Optimism requires confidence, and confidence is built on trust. And trust, as we know, flows in both directions (Directions Quotes)
Most men, if you just tell them what to do in a businesslike fashion, will follow directions without thinking about it. One proceeds on the assumption that they’ll do as they’re told, and they do (Directions Quotes)