Directors Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m pretty sure a lot of directors would be thrilled to cast age appropriate roles. I am (Directors Quotes)
I’ve worked with acting coaches, I’ve been going out on auditions and meeting with casting directors. But I’m not known as an actress (Directors Quotes)
I’m sure there are directors who don’t like to work with actors and don’t know how to be sensitive to actors (Directors Quotes)
Sometimes directors feel like they have to justify that hat that they are wearing they’ve got on as a director, and they come in and they tweak and interfere (Directors Quotes)
I think since I did Monster I really started understanding how hard it is for first time directors. I think there’s a lot of great stories out there, but it’s high risk (Directors Quotes)
In the 90s, indie movies could get financing, because financers gave money straight to directors... Now it’s a different system. Indie movies got co-opted by the studio system (Directors Quotes)
In my own experience of male and female directors, people have a much, much harder time taking a direct command from a woman. It’s somehow very difficult for people (Directors Quotes)
I happen to have worked with male directors who don’t understand women at all. Not at all. I’m flabbergasted by their ignorance (Directors Quotes)
I enjoy collaborating with all of the directors I have worked with. I love collaborating with creative people on interesting projects (Directors Quotes)
I’ve been very lucky to work with a lot of amazingly supportive directors (Directors Quotes)
You have to give directors and cinematographers a word blueprint for visuals, but I had to learn that from experience (Directors Quotes)
I think most directors subscribe to the principle that less is more, and the best direction is the most concise direction (Directors Quotes)
Music and language are a vital element. We, as actors and directors, offer it to people who want to experience it. Sometimes the actual meaning is less important than the words themselves (Directors Quotes)
Personally, I can’t stand violence. In any standard American mainstream movie, there’s 20 times more violence than in any one of my films, so I don’t know why those directors aren’t asked why they’re such specialists for violence (Directors Quotes)
The lack of women directors is a sad fact of life. Kathryn Bigelows thrilling Best Director win may help turn things around (Directors Quotes)
Hmm, can I be obvious and say there is probably a double standard for male vs. female directors? Sadly, I think that’s actually the case. And it probably stems from the fact that there are proportionately so many fewer women directors than men ones that each project is perhaps more closely scrutinized for its content (Directors Quotes)
I’ve worked with multiple directors throughout the ‘Saw’ series with a lot of conversations as they bring their particular installment to the screen. If I’ve been able to do anything throughout the course of these films, it’s been to help shape dialogue and to try to make things as delicate and as intelligent as I can (Directors Quotes)
I had a very blessed journey with the upbringing I had. When you’re working on sets as a stuntman, you have a firsthand account of the dynamics between actors and directors, because you’re working hand in hand with them. You’re not sitting outside the process watching. You become part of the process. You also see your tradecraft and see how movies are made (Directors Quotes)
Reviewers are certainly entitled to their own opinions. I’ve become buddies with enough writers and directors, and to be perfectly honest, the ones that have lasted a long time don’t pay a lot of attention to the reviews (Directors Quotes)
Every single director stops at the moment he thinks he has the shot. Sometimes, directors shoot an establishing shot where everything is in the shot. He’s going to use this at the beginning and the end (Directors Quotes)
In N.Y.C., I auditioned for mostly ‘quirky friend’ roles. Since casting directors in L.A. lacked a preconceived notion of me, I was able to reinvent my type a bit, which was essential in booking the role of Amanda on ‘Ugly Betty.’ I don’t believe I would have auditioned for that role in N.Y (Directors Quotes)
I used to play a lot of foreign women in my youth because I was prettier then. I would go for interviews, and directors would look at these sultry, exotic looks, hear this clipped accent and think the two don’t go together. So they would give me a foreign accent (Directors Quotes)
[Akiro] Kurosawa, no doubt, was a big influence. Movies sometimes more than directors have influenced me: The Grapes of Wrath, by John Ford, was an extraordinary discovery. Sergei Eisenstein, of course. Later on, [Ingmar] Bergman (Directors Quotes)
I think I’ve grown up in an era where character acting on film has become less desirable for the producers and directors and therefore the audience. They have got used to the people that those actors really are (Directors Quotes)
We knew, very early on, that we had to be very, very clear that directors need to speak to actors and actresses and be very clear about what is expected, and find out whether they’re comfortable with that. Wardrobe has to be in place. There have to be checks (Directors Quotes)
One of the things about working for an old school studio like Warner Bros. is that there is an institutional culture and institutional memory, in terms of production design, camera work, and directors who understand how to do this kind of thing (Directors Quotes)
Playing Japanese characters and being in environments that are Japanese, like a character’s apartment or whatever, if you have directors or art directors who just don’t know what’ s what with Japanese culture, then pretty soon something’s just passed through. I’ve been through many times where I’ve pointed out the incorrectness of so much of what’s been done to a set (Directors Quotes)
I’ve done so many movies with first-time directors, and honestly I just go with gut instinct. People that usually can tell me a good story, and talk to me about why the movie is the movie they want to make. I just go with my gut (Directors Quotes)
There are so many ways to help, by either sharing your skills or expertise, joining our board of directors or advisory boards, and donating. Regardless of what or how you share with ISF, we recognize that we don’t have all the answers, and that solutions lie not in commonality but in diversity. Welcoming a broad range of thinkers, creators, and doers is what makes this organization thrive (Directors Quotes)
I find that a lot of actors who are good and open to challenges have lived a full life. When you walk into an audition, you have more to say for yourself because you come from the real world. It’s more enticing for directors, I think (Directors Quotes)