Directors Quotes

Text Quotes
The one thing about program television that’s absolutely incompatible with any concept of art is that all decisions have to be made by program directors, whereas art is autonomous. It may be dependent, but it knows no superiors. (Directors Quotes)
I like characters. I like spirited characters whether they exist in fiction or real life. Whether they’re the invention of artistic people or directors, musicians. I think music and art and fashion designers inspire me and I like characters. (Directors Quotes)
Some of the best art in the world is collaborative, a mix of voices that are stronger together than separate. Take the Beatles, for example. Or every great movie ever made. We like to say they’re the director’s vision, but really, they’re huge collaborations between directors, writers, actors, even producers. (Directors Quotes)
Every director is different. One of the great things about getting to work with so many directors in one TV series is collaborating with different artistic visions and voices. And they all have something to offer and making the story better and bringing their vision to what you see in the frame. (Directors Quotes)
I’m not the kind of actress who asks a lot of questions of my directors unless it’s something I really need to know. (Directors Quotes)
Because I’ve always aspired to direct and produce, I’ve literally worked with about 200 directors and countless producers, so what I appreciate is how, through osmosis and through actually asking questions and through people offering wisdom, there’s a lot in there. (Directors Quotes)
I get asked why there aren’t more female directors all the time. I’m kind of reluctant to talk about it. That’s not because I think the question is irrelevant or stupid. It’s just that there are so many mitigating factors. (Directors Quotes)
Talent has no gender. People are hiring young male directors right out of film school, off of a student film or off of a film at Sundance for millions of dollars. You can do the same with a female. It’s not a risk about the work if you respect the film that they made. (Directors Quotes)
In films, I didn’t crave the type of attention I had sort of stumbled into in my music career. And I do not audition well. I’m really not good at it. Early on, I did movies like ‘Alpha Dog’ and ‘Black Snake Moan’ because the directors didn’t ask me to audition. (Directors Quotes)
The directors I respect are the ones who have a collaborative attitude, who collaborate with actors. (Directors Quotes)
There’s a bunch of directors that I really admire, and Australian ones as well. It would be nice to do a film at home. (Directors Quotes)
The time I’m not spending with my kid has to be worth it, so when I sat down with my agents after I was ready to go back to work, I told them: It’s all about the directors. (Directors Quotes)
Movies, I don’t really get the bad guys. In theater, I get more bad guys. Both audiences and directors are more willing... to allow people to stretch. In movies, you do one thing, and then that’s their reference. (Directors Quotes)
I think comedy directors tend to feel a need to justify the bad behavior, and I just never think that. I like bad behavior, I’ve always liked bad behavior, I’m a fan of bad behavior, and I don’t think you have to justify bad behavior. (Directors Quotes)
The biggest mistake in student films is that they are usually cast so badly, with friends and people the directors know. Actually you can cover a lot of bad direction with good acting. (Directors Quotes)
I’ve been in so many bad movies and worked with so many bad directors that I go into a film expecting nothing. (Directors Quotes)
We had many good directors - John Carpenter, Brian De Palma - but things have become polluted by business, money and bad relationships. The success of the horror genre has led to its downfall. (Directors Quotes)
Filmmaking is not a balancing act, although some directors think it is. I don’t believe in it. I like ups and downs. They’re the best way to translate my feelings to the screen. (Directors Quotes)
There are lots of good directors I would like to work with; I want to be inspired and challenged by them. (Directors Quotes)
So many directors say nothing beautifully, and so many others say great and profound things but have no idea how to read a light meter or arrange a shot. (Directors Quotes)
I’m only wanted by directors for the image I give off, and it makes me angry. I always wanted to be an actor and not a beauty pageant winner. (Directors Quotes)
Personally I’m very happy to be behind the scenes. I like collaboration, I like working with directors. (Directors Quotes)
The X-Files’ from the beginning was a very visual show, and with Bob Mandel directing the pilot and Dan Sackheim being involved in the production of the pilot and directing the first episode, they brought a visual style to it that was elaborated on by so many good directors. (Directors Quotes)
I’ve read a hundred fantastic scripts that didn’t pan out as films, and I completely put that on the directors. I’ve also read some mediocre scripts that have ended up being amazing, and I credit that to the directors. They’re the storytellers. If you don’t have a good storyteller, you really have nothing. (Directors Quotes)
Some directors were brilliant in the silent era but never felt at home in sound. It’s like a sculptor being forced to take up painting. (Directors Quotes)
I’m always being told by directors that I add chemistry to scenes, so I mean how difficult could it be? (Directors Quotes)
I also get fed up with the fact that casting agents and directors have this impression of me as being frail and petite. I find it very patronizing. I’m quite beefy and strong. I was a gymnast in school and I have lots of muscles. (Directors Quotes)
I don’t feel that I was often compartmentalized as an African-American actor, yet I am fully aware of the plight that actors, directors and producers of color face in our industry. I choose to focus on being proactive in creating opportunities for myself and others while acknowledging that we are not playing on a level playing field. (Directors Quotes)
Sometimes I get insecure about being a real director because I look at the great directors, and they have such command. But maybe that keeps me critical of myself. Maybe it keeps me moving forward. (Directors Quotes)
I love being involved in all of the creative stuff; I love talking ideas with directors. Anyone with an imagination can create something fun. (Directors Quotes)