Disappointment Quotes

Text Quotes
Disappointment over nationalistic authoritarian regimes may have contributed to the fact that today religion offers a new and subjectively more convincing language for old political orientations (Disappointment Quotes)
I don’t feel a lack of hope. It’s just disappointment that after all these years we’re still fighting meaningless wars for a handful of people (Disappointment Quotes)
I don’t think actors should ever expect to get a role, because the disappointment is too great. You’ve got to think of things as an opportunity. An audition’s an opportunity to have an audience (Disappointment Quotes)
I was blessed with a long career where I won gold medals for myself and my country. Nothing stands out as a disappointment (Disappointment Quotes)
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t angry some days. But I really have worked hard to put a lot of the anger and disappointment in the past (Disappointment Quotes)
Obviously the first sentiment is disappointment that we didn’t get the car home and more disappointment that at the time that it stopped the car was in the lead (Disappointment Quotes)
Young alienation, disappointment and heartache is all a part of the first real growing up that we do (Disappointment Quotes)
Don’t fall in love with politicians, they’re all a disappointment. They can’t help it, they just are (Disappointment Quotes)
Not only is our love for our children sometimes tinged with annoyance, discouragement, and disappointment, the same is true for the love our children feel for us (Disappointment Quotes)
I have to be happy in the here and now because every time you start focusing on your legacy you’re really setting yourself up for disappointment (Disappointment Quotes)
Disenchantment, whether it is a minor disappointment or a major shock, is the signal that things are moving into transition in our lives (Disappointment Quotes)
You know, a song is like a kid. You bring it up. And sometimes something you thought was going to be fantastic, by the time it’s finished, is a bit of a disappointment... Beyond a certain point, the music isn’t mine anymore. It’s yours (Disappointment Quotes)
Usually a feeling of disappointment follows the book, because what I hoped to write is not what I actually accomplished. However, it becomes a motivation to write the next book (Disappointment Quotes)
Opening day. All you have to do is say the words and you feel the shutters thrown wide, the room air out, the light pour in. In baseball, no other day is so pure with possibility. No scores yet, no losses, no blame or disappointment. No hangover, at least until the game’s over (Disappointment Quotes)
Yes, disappointment over perceived unfairness, injustice, promises not kept, tends to go hand in hand with increasing prosperity. Expectations are dashed. What can I say! (Disappointment Quotes)
The biggest disappointment has been seeing the number of people in this business with very shortsighted views (Disappointment Quotes)
Please let me assure you, however, that the keen disappointment and regret which I feel in this regard serve only to enhance my profound appreciation of the great honor which you have done me; and my sincere gratitude for your generous action (Disappointment Quotes)
Kids now are so used to surround sound and the power in theater speakers, that the concert hall is a disappointment to them (Disappointment Quotes)
The satirical direction I have chosen is an indication of my disappointment in man, which is the opposite way of saying that I have high expectations for the human race (Disappointment Quotes)
They may turn out to be a great disappointment, or perhaps they may be full of enchanting surprises (Disappointment Quotes)
If we bring not the good courage of minds covetous of truth, and truth only, prepared to hear all things, and decide upon all things, according to evidence, we should do more wisely to sit down contented in ignorance, than to bestir ourselves only to reap disappointment (Disappointment Quotes)
What keeps me going is a constant sense of disappointment with what I’ve already done (Disappointment Quotes)
How many young hearts have revealed the fact that what they had been trained to imagine, the highest earthly felicity, was but the beginning of care, disappointment, and sorrow, and often led to the extremity of mental and physical suffering (Disappointment Quotes)
In education, in marriage, in religion, in everything, disappointment is the lot of women. It shall be the business of my life to deepen this disappointment in every woman’s heart until she bows down to it no longer (Disappointment Quotes)
Anxiety is the poison of human life; the parent of many sins and of more miseries. In a world where everything is doubtful, and where we may be disappointed, and be blessed in disappointment, why this restless stir and commotion of mind? Can it alter the cause, or unravel the mystery of human events? (Disappointment Quotes)
Life is life, and one has experiences that are painful and some that are very pleasant, and one has reward and sacrifice and more reward and disappointment and joy and happiness, and it’s always going to be the same (Disappointment Quotes)
When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in (Disappointment Quotes)
My main disappointment was always that a book had to end. And then what? But I don’t think I was ever disappointed by the books. I must have been what any author would consider an ideal reader. I felt every pain and pleasure suffered or enjoyed by all the characters. Oh, but I identified! (Disappointment Quotes)
Let me conclude by saying in my experience the glittering prizes in life come more to those who persevere despite setback and disappointment than they do to the exceptionally gifted who, with the confidence of the talents bestowed upon them, often pursue the tasks leading to success with less determination (Disappointment Quotes)
Oh, I’m developing a beautiful character! It droops a bit under cold and frost, but it does grow fast when the sun shines. That’s the way with everybody. I don’t agree with the theory that adversity and sorrow and disappointment develop moral strength. The happy people are the ones who are bubbling over with kindliness (Disappointment Quotes)