Disbelief Quotes

Text Quotes
I want to regard my public as infinitely intelligent, as understanding notions of the suspension of disbelief and as realising all the time that this is not a slice of life, this is openly a film (Disbelief Quotes)
To love another is somethinglike prayer and it can’t be planned, you just fallinto its arms because your belief undoes your disbelief. (Disbelief Quotes)
Perry listened to the surf as their tempers drifted toward him, carrying disbelief and anxiousness and outrage. The silent roar of the Tides (Disbelief Quotes)
Irene Diamond’s Fertile Ground is a provocative book. It stirs me to vigorous assent. It also triggers wide-eyed disbelief. . . . As it prods me to explosions of disagreement, it also provokes useful thought. (Disbelief Quotes)
In order to have faith, or follow any other organized religion, I’d have to suspend a degree of disbelief. (Disbelief Quotes)
People like Jefferson, Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony and M. L. K. are larger than life to me. I find myself staring at photographs of Lincoln almost in disbelief that he was a man who walked the earth and not merely some fiction writer’s creation. (Disbelief Quotes)
The written tone and the spoken tone change and the reporters’ disbelief in the veracity of the government spreads to the readers and the viewers. (Disbelief Quotes)
As a child, I was just never that interested in the lives of my favourite actors, like Cary Grant. I do wonder whether knowing too much about someone’s personal life interrupts an audience’s ability to suspend disbelief, to really invest in the characters. My preference would always be that people engage with the work. (Disbelief Quotes)
Whenever you’re writing a book or creating a movie or a game, your first task is to get the reader to suspend disbelief, to buy into the logic and boundaries of your world, even though those boundaries might include things like dragons and magic. (Disbelief Quotes)
Think about it for a brief moment. Suspend disbelief. Wind the clock forward 100 years. Do you think, as a species, we will still be struggling with the things that vex us today? Will we still be arguing about the same stuff? We will still be eating Cocoa Puffs? We are at the end of the beginning. (Disbelief Quotes)
Whenever you’re writing a book or creating a movie or a game, your first task is to get the reader/audience/player to suspend disbelief, to buy into the logic and boundaries of your world, even though those boundaries might include things like dragons and magic. To do that, you need long threads - of history and culture. (Disbelief Quotes)
When I was a boy during Thatcher, you watched elections and wept in disbelief as the whole country turned blue, Scotland turned red, and we still got the Tories. (Disbelief Quotes)
Impossibilitarians are defeated before the battle even begins. The best attitude that accommodates failure is disbelief. You can’t do it because you believe you can’t! You can do it because you believe you can! (Disbelief Quotes)
The people has no definite disbelief in the temples of theology. The people has a very fiery and practical disbelief in the temples of physical science (Disbelief Quotes)
It has been said of many modern Christian theologians that their primary aim is to find ways to express disbelief as belief. (Disbelief Quotes)
So little is actually worthy of belief or disbelief. Better to strive to coexist than seek to disapprove . . . (Disbelief Quotes)
The martyr endured tortures to affirm his belief in truth but he never asserted his disbelief in torture. (Disbelief Quotes)
... as belief is a passion of the mind, no degree of criminality is attachable to disbelief; ... (Disbelief Quotes)
It’s absolutely fine when Wile E. Coyote walks in with a band-aid on his head, after a 3,000-pound rock is dropped on him. That is what Ed Wood meant by the suspension of disbelief. (Disbelief Quotes)
I have been through the stages of disbelief and shock, to anger and ultimately grief over the loss of the family I so badly wanted for my children. (Disbelief Quotes)
Musicals are, by nature, theatrical, meaning poetic, meaning having to move the audience’s imagination and create a suspension of disbelief, by which I mean there’s no fourth wall. (Disbelief Quotes)
Democracy represents the disbelief in all great men and in all elite societies: everybody is everybody’s equal (Disbelief Quotes)
The art of movies is to allow the audience to suspend their disbelief. They need to use their imaginations (Disbelief Quotes)
Sometimes I read a script and it’s obvious from early on that it’s one where the suspension of disbelief has to develop strongly from page one. Some are more reality-based (Disbelief Quotes)
The secret of making something work in your lives is first of all, the deep desire to make it work; then the faith and belief that it can work; then to hold that clear definite vision in your consciousness and see it working out step by step, without one thought of doubt or disbelief (Disbelief Quotes)
It wasn’t just about doing tricks. It’s about taking an audience to another place, a special place, so they can really suspend their disbelief. Its about amazing the audience as well as moving them (Disbelief Quotes)
Suspend for a moment your disbelief and encounter once again the sense of wonder you knew when there was... magic! (Disbelief Quotes)
In listening to stories we tend to suspend disbelief in order to be entertained, whereas in evaluating statistics we generally have an opposite inclination to suspend belief in order not to be beguiled (Disbelief Quotes)
There’s something really powerful about groups and shared experiences. People might be skeptical about their ability to change if they’re by themselves, but a group will convince them to suspend disbelief. A community creates belief (Disbelief Quotes)
The generation of atmosphere, the aura of the uncanny, is one of the most important secrets of magic. It contributes to the willing suspension of disbelief, the feeling that, within the circle, or in the presence of the magical shrine, anything may happen (Disbelief Quotes)