Discouraged Quotes

Text Quotes
Brain tumor survivors: don’t become hopelessly discouraged if you are experiencing deficits. You in a war and you are bound to have a few battle wounds. (Discouraged Quotes)
Being a girl, my parents could have discouraged me from racing ... but my family has such a passion and so much confidence in me, and that goes a long way. (Discouraged Quotes)
Because a person has to be either working or looking for work to be counted as part of the labor force, an increase in the number of people too discouraged to continue their search for work would reduce the unemployment rate, all else being equal - but not for a positive reason. (Discouraged Quotes)
I have become down-hearted, I have become discouraged, I have become depressed. I’m just like you. I’m a human being and I have my problems. (Discouraged Quotes)
There’s a lot of mediocrity being celebrated, and a lot of wonderful stuff being ignored or discouraged. (Discouraged Quotes)
Character is proportionate to N, the number of consecutive failures without being discouraged, or equivalently, the number of successive rejections without being intimidated. (Discouraged Quotes)
Keep your heart in peace and let nothing trouble you, not even your faults. You must humble yourself and amend them peacefully, without being discouraged or cast down, for God’s dwelling is in peace. (Discouraged Quotes)
I feel very discouraged with the state of gay and lesbian publishing because I don’t feel like we’re really welcome in the mainstream and then you get ghettoized and put on some lesbian book club reading list where you don’t want to be either. (Discouraged Quotes)
Caretaking is different from care giving. Care giving has no second agendas or hidden motives. The care is given from love for the joy of giving without expectation, no strings attached. It cannot be manipulated or discouraged because love cannot be manipulated or discouraged. (Discouraged Quotes)
We are called upon to help the discouraged beggars in life’s marketplace. But one day we must come to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. (Discouraged Quotes)
Great leaders inspire. They maintain a hopeful attitude, even in the face of discouraging setbacks, constant criticism and abundant opposition. People don’t follow discouraged leaders. They follow those who persist with hope. (Discouraged Quotes)
My parents never discouraged me. There were a couple times when my dad criticized a couple things that I did, but it was nothing. So through the bad shows, I never wanted to quit. (Discouraged Quotes)
Never let someone who draws a line and say you can’t cross it intimidate you. Don’t be discouraged when someone says you can’t do it. You might have been the only one sent to do it. (Discouraged Quotes)
Sadly, semi-consciousness, along with daydreaming, is a capacity that is actively discouraged among children in schools, and our society is much poorer and harsher as a consequence. The value of liminal space and transitional imagination remain personally and culturally undeveloped. (Discouraged Quotes)
I’m very excited about dance and love it with a deep passion. I also struggle, tire and become discouraged. But what has always revived me...has been the rebirth of energy each time the creative process is awakened and artistic activity begins to unfold even in some infinitesimal measure. (Discouraged Quotes)
I have had so much at heart. Defeated, not conquered; disappointed, not discouraged. I have but to be more energetic and more faithful in the difficult and painful vocation to which my life is devoted. (Discouraged Quotes)
We must be careful, as we seek to become more and more godlike, that we do not become discouraged and lose hope. (Discouraged Quotes)
Don’t ever give up. You can’t let discouragement get you down. You can always find negative people that will try to discourage you from your goals. You can’t be discouraged, and you can’t let the word no stop you. (Discouraged Quotes)
Keep believing. You may be tired, discouraged, but don’t give up on your future. (Discouraged Quotes)
Don’t get discouraged, and think positive all the time. Don’t get down on yourself if you lose out a couple of times. It’s just a lot of hard work. (Discouraged Quotes)
Everybody is going to have their critics. It’s easy to get discouraged in life. (Discouraged Quotes)
Jesus showed patience and love to all who came to Him seeking relief for their physical, emotional, or spiritual illnesses and who felt discouraged and downtrodden. (Discouraged Quotes)
The possibilities are endless, so never be discouraged by a setback, no matter how big (Discouraged Quotes)
Don’t be discouraged - every relationship you have is a failure, until you find the right one (Discouraged Quotes)
It’s an unfortunate fact that I’m easily discouraged. But the fortunate truth is I’m stubborn as hell and near impossible to sway in my resolve. (Discouraged Quotes)
One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself. (Discouraged Quotes)
Do your thing. Do it unapologetically. Don’t be discouraged by criticism. You probably already know what they’re going to say. Pay no mind to the fear of failure. It’s far more valuable than success. Take ownership, take chances, and have fun. And no matter what, don’t ever stop doing your thing. (Discouraged Quotes)
Lift up your eyes, discouraged one. When you feel like giving up, when they say it can’t be done, it’s up to you to show them why they’re wrong. (Discouraged Quotes)
You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total of this world’s happiness now. How? By giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who is lonely or discouraged. Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime. (Discouraged Quotes)
If it were not for repentance and forgiveness, I would become discouraged and discontinue my labors. (Discouraged Quotes)