Disease Quotes

Text Quotes
Health is more than the absence of disease. Health is about jobs and employment, education, the environment, and all of those things that go into making us healthy (Disease Quotes)
Health is more than absence of disease; it is about economics, education, environment, empowerment, and community. The health and well being of the people is critically dependent upon the health system that serves them. It must provide the best possible health with the least disparities and respond equally well to everyone (Disease Quotes)
I and my companions suffer from a disease of the heart which can be cured only with gold (Disease Quotes)
Your mind is software. Program it. Your body is a shell. Change it. Death is a disease. Cure it. Extinction is approaching. Fight it (Disease Quotes)
American children are the heaviest worldwide, and they are getting heavier at a faster rate than other children around the globe. This spread of obesity foreshadows an explosion in degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer waiting to erupt in our children’s future. Together we can stop this tragedy from ever happening (Disease Quotes)
I guess that one of the most important things I’ve learned is that nothing is ever completely bad. Even cancer. It has made me a better person. It has given me courage and a sense of purpose I never had before. But you don’t have to do like I did... wait until you lose a leg or get some awful disease, before you take the time to find out what kind of stuff you’re really made of. You can start now. Anybody can (Disease Quotes)
What I can argue is that no one should have to die of a disease that is treatable (Disease Quotes)
For the public ever to break command science it must first understand the basis of its enormous powers..... Traditionally, the power of medical sciences has been based on the fear of disease, particularly infectious disease (Disease Quotes)
Homeopathy has been of tremendous value in reversing diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, skin eruptions, allergic conditions, mental or emotional disorders, especially if applied at the onset of the disease (Disease Quotes)
Racism is a disease in society. We’re all equal. I don’t care what their colour is, or religion. Just as long as they’re human beings they’re my buddies (Disease Quotes)
Smallpox was the worst disease in history. It killed more people than all the wars in history (Disease Quotes)
Against the disease of writing one must take special precautions, since it is a dangerous and contagious disease (Disease Quotes)
Disease is nothing else but an attempt on the part of the body to rid itself of morbific matter (Disease Quotes)
Good medicine is bitter to the mouth, but has an effect on the disease. Faithful words hurt one’s ears, but have value for one’s conduct (Disease Quotes)
Gay sexuality inevitably involves brutal physical abusiveness and the unnatural imposition of alien substances into internal organs, orally and anally, that inevitably suppress the immune system and heighten susceptibility to disease (Disease Quotes)
With breast cancer, nothing is straightforward. It makes sense for most people to make their dietary decisions based on what it does for heart disease. That’s where the data are most strong (Disease Quotes)
The disease of men is that they neglect their own fields and go to weed the fields of others (Disease Quotes)
I take a less gloomy view. A good life means fighting to be human under growing difficulties. A lot of young folk know this and fight very hard, but after a few years life gets easier for them and they think they’ve become completely human when they’ve only stopped trying. I stopped trying, but my life was so full of strenuous routines that I wouldn’t have noticed had it been not for my disease. My whole professional life was a diseased and grandiose attack on my humanity. It is an achievement to know that I am simply a wounded and dying man. Who can be more regal than a dying man? (Disease Quotes)
The transformation of disease, as exemplified by the case of diabetes, is a valuable and elegant concept that serves to remind us that the tally sheet for medical science must carry a column for debit as well as credit (Disease Quotes)
I’m here to tell you that I am proud of a couple of things. First, I am very good at projectile vomiting. Second, I’ve never had a really serious venereal disease (Disease Quotes)
The angling fever is a very real disease and can only be cured by the application of cold water and fresh, untainted air (Disease Quotes)
It takes approximately forty years for innovative thought to be incorporated into mainstream thought. I expect and hope that orthomolecular medicine, within the next five to ten years, will cease to be a specialty in medicine and that all physicians will be using nurition as an essential tool in treating disease (Disease Quotes)
A lot of women ask themselves why they should bring a child into the world? So that it will be hungry, so that it will be cold, so that it will be betrayed and humiliated, so that it will be slaughtered by war or disease? They reject the hope that its hunger will be satisfied, its cold warmed, that loyalty and respect will accompany it through life, that it will be a devote a life to the effort to eliminate war and disease (Disease Quotes)
... if it comes to a choice between regulated studies on a few animals and a treatment for an incurable disease... most people reluctantly make the same choice (Disease Quotes)
It’s not about curing the disease, but healing the life; then the physical benefits come (Disease Quotes)
When men do not run they are likely to die prematurely from dysfunction of the heart and vascular systems or from disabling chronic disease (Disease Quotes)
I look upon cancer in the same way that I look upon heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, or even obesity, for that matter, in that by dramatically strengthening the body’s immune system through diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise, the body can rid itself of the cancer, just as it does in other degenerative diseases. Consequently, I wouldn’t have chemotherapy and radiation because I’m not interested in therapies that cripple the immune system, and, in my opinion, virtually ensure failure for the majority of cancer patients (Disease Quotes)
In 1978, in the space of 10 months, 28 leukemia patients came to me and they could all work after six days. It is a portal vein circulation disease, not cancer of the blood. So far 150 leukemia patients have come to me and I could help all of them. Do not fear this disease any more (Disease Quotes)
As a doctor, as well as a mother and a world citizen, I wish to practice the ultimate form of preventive medicine by ridding the earth of these technologies that propagate disease, suffering, and death (Disease Quotes)
You cannot tackle hunger, disease, and poverty unless you can also provide people with a healthy ecosystem in which their economies can grow (Disease Quotes)