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Disinfectant Quotes

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Sunlight is the best disinfectant  (Disinfectant Quotes) Sunshine is the best disinfectant  (Disinfectant Quotes) There is no disinfectant like success  (Disinfectant Quotes) Lemons clean everything. It’s the greatest disinfectant  (Disinfectant Quotes) Humor itself is a great disinfectant. It enables people to listen  (Disinfectant Quotes) When you start hiding things away, that’s when the darkness creeps up. Sunlight is the best disinfectant  (Disinfectant Quotes) Prayer, in one phase of its operation, is a disinfectant and a preventive. It purifies the air; it destroys the contagion of evil  (Disinfectant Quotes) In the week before a race, I try to stay away from germ areas. I keep disinfectant wipes in my bag for when I have to use a supermarket trolley or something like that  (Disinfectant Quotes) Obama has already rejected the bright sunlight of public knowledge, which is democracy’s great disinfectant and cure  (Disinfectant Quotes) Obama has already rejected the bright sunlight of public knowledge, which is democracy’s great disinfectant and cure.  (Disinfectant Quotes) When you start hiding things away, that’s when the darkness creeps up. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.  (Disinfectant Quotes)