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Disrupt Quotes

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Mobile will probably disrupt much of what we know of web 2.0  (Disrupt Quotes) I won't let love disrupt, corrupt, or interrupt me  (Disrupt Quotes) You either disrupt your own company or someone else will  (Disrupt Quotes) A good football team plays offense and defense. You have to be aggressive and disrupt  (Disrupt Quotes) Disrupt, and you will be saved  (Disrupt Quotes) Oh, the transition concerns me because as we move towards an important political event, it’s clear to me that the terrorists and insurgents will move as hard as they can to disrupt this process.  (Disrupt Quotes) I hope you can feel the omniscience of this moment, as we have been blocking this traffic as far as you can see on the left. Sense the grandeur of your power as we disrupt one life after another  (Disrupt Quotes) But there was something about the largest object in the solar system vanishing that tended to disrupt normal schedules  (Disrupt Quotes) We must take the battle to the enemy, disrupt his plans, and confront the worst threats before they emerge  (Disrupt Quotes) Our law enforcement must have every tool necessary to find and disrupt terrorists at home and abroad. That’s the task of the 21st century  (Disrupt Quotes) I like learning stuff. The more information you can get about a person or a subject, the more you can pour into a potential project. I made a decision to do different things. I want to do things that have a better chance of being thought of as original. I do everything I can to disrupt my comfort zone  (Disrupt Quotes) I think there is a legitimate critique of reformism, as a politics that is content with making small changes in society without asking for bigger and deeper changes. And revolutionary reforms, meaning actions that we take in small ways to make the world a better place and disrupt some of the ways that capitalism is reproduced  (Disrupt Quotes) I want the American people to understand, we have a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle and defeat Al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan.  (Disrupt Quotes) The mission - the overall mission is to dismantle and defeat and disrupt al-Qaeda. But we have to make sure there’s not a safe haven that returns in Afghanistan.  (Disrupt Quotes) The most dangerous madmen are those created by religion, and... people whose aim is to disrupt society always know how to make good use of them on occasion  (Disrupt Quotes) The beauty of the innovation that flows from the open web is that no one has to ask for permission, get a credential, or win a Disrupt or Launch award to go prove their idea is worthy. They just... put up a page on the web, iterate, iterate, iterate... and eventually, a Facebook emerges.  (Disrupt Quotes) Difficult times disrupt your conventional ways of thinking and push you to forge better habits of thought, performance and being.  (Disrupt Quotes) I always follow the same idea: Start small and disrupt to create something big  (Disrupt Quotes) People do have viewing patterns, and you disrupt those at your own peril. That’s something that everybody learned after 1988. The numbers have gone down every year since that strike. Big time.  (Disrupt Quotes) Never let the little things, disrupt the biggest things you cherish in life. The smallest mistake, can cause the biggest regret and hurt to your closest companion.  (Disrupt Quotes) Clearly, there are things a runner does, intentionally or not, that disrupt team cohesion. And there are also things a runner doesn’t do that can cause problems: not trying, showing up late, skipping team-building activities, and ignoring the coach’s instructions.  (Disrupt Quotes) A fundamental premise in cancer therapy is trying to identify how the metabolism of cancer cells differs from normal tissue. When differences are identified, it often paves the way for treatments that will disrupt the cancer’s metabolism while sparing normal tissue.  (Disrupt Quotes) I’ve been doing voices as long as I can remember. When I was little I could pick up on sounds, and then I discovered you could distort what you hear and make people laugh or disrupt a class.  (Disrupt Quotes) Special interests and opponents have figured out how easy it is to disrupt town halls and get their own message out. The days of the truly free-form town halls may be over.  (Disrupt Quotes) You get those couples who are very fearful of bringing children into the mix because they feel like somehow that link between them as a couple is going to somehow dissolve or become less powerful or whatever. And that somehow the child is going to disrupt their happy stage.  (Disrupt Quotes) I remember trying not to disrupt everyone else in the room, fumbling around trying to figure out how to use the medium with a beautiful model disrobed in front of me  (Disrupt Quotes) There is two things that can disrupt business in this country. One is War, and the other is a meeting of the Federal Reserve Bank  (Disrupt Quotes) No matter how many plots we uncover and disrupt, no matter how many terrorist organizations we degrade or destroy, another individual or group will rise to take their place  (Disrupt Quotes) People are not fundamentally bad. It only takes the smallest of correctives to take care of that tiny minority that wants to disrupt the community  (Disrupt Quotes) People do have viewing patterns, and you disrupt those at your own peril. That’s something that everybody learned after 1988. The numbers have gone down every year since that strike. Big time  (Disrupt Quotes)
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