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I do not share the pessimism of the age about the novel. They are one of our greatest spiritual, aesthetic and intellectual inventions. As a species it is story that distinguishes us, and one of the supreme expressions of story is the novel. Novels are not content. Nor are they are a mirror to life or an explanation of life or a guide to life. Novels are life, or they are nothing  (Distinguishes Quotes) I think that what most artists are trying to do is trying to understand. I think what distinguishes creative people and/or artists from another type of person is perhaps a willingness to go headlong into that uncertainty  (Distinguishes Quotes) A leader, you see, is one of the things that distinguishes a mob from a people  (Distinguishes Quotes) Everything which distinguishes man from the animals depends upon this ability to volatilize perceptual metaphors in a schema, and thus to dissolve an image into a concept  (Distinguishes Quotes) Perhaps the habit which distinguishes civilized people from others is that of discussion, exchange of opinion and ideas, the ability to differ without quarrelling, to say what you have to say civilly and then to listen civilly to another speaker  (Distinguishes Quotes) It’s love and the capacity for love that distinguishes one human being from another  (Distinguishes Quotes) Setbacks and fear are inevitable. The thing that distinguishes the ultimate successes from the ultimate failures is this: What do you do with them?  (Distinguishes Quotes) What distinguishes success from failures is that the successes constantly thirst for new ideas and knowledge  (Distinguishes Quotes) In daily life what distinguishes the master is the using those materials he has, instead of looking about for what are more renowned, or what others have used well  (Distinguishes Quotes) Clothes and jewellery should be startling, individual. When you see a woman in my clothes, you want to know more about them. To me, that is what distinguishes good designers from bad designers  (Distinguishes Quotes) What really distinguishes this generation in all countries from earlier generations... is its determination to act, its joy in action, the assurance of being able to change things by one’s own efforts  (Distinguishes Quotes) Because reason... is the only thing that makes us men, and distinguishes us from the beasts, I would prefer to believe that it exists, in its entirety, in each of us  (Distinguishes Quotes) It is not what the man of science believes that distinguishes him, but how and why he believes it. His beliefs are tentative, not dogmatic; they are based on evidence, not on authority or intuition  (Distinguishes Quotes) I think you judge yourself too severely, a quality that always distinguishes people of true worth  (Distinguishes Quotes) The increase of disorder or entropy is what distinguishes the past from the future, giving a direction to time  (Distinguishes Quotes) What distinguishes the language of science from language as we ordinarily understand the word?... What science strives for is an utmost acuteness and clarity of concepts as regards their mutual relation and their correspondence to sensory data  (Distinguishes Quotes) A leader is one of the things that distinguishes a mob from a people. He maintains the level of individuals. Too few individuals and a people reverts to a mob  (Distinguishes Quotes) It is willingness of people to give of themselves over and above the demands of the job that distinguishes the great from the merely adequate  (Distinguishes Quotes) The personal freedom to think and feel and speak authentically and to be conscious of so doing is the quality that distinguishes us as human  (Distinguishes Quotes) In my travels all over the world, I have come to realize that what distinguishes one child from another is not ability, but access. Access to education, access to opportunity, access to love  (Distinguishes Quotes) Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacle s, discouragement s, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak  (Distinguishes Quotes) Once a musician has enough ability to get into a top music school, the thing that distinguishes one performer from another is how hard he or she works. That’s it. And what’s more, the people at the very top don’t work just harder or even much harder than everyone else. They work much, much harder  (Distinguishes Quotes) For a long time now I haven’t existed. I’m utterly calm. No one distinguishes me from who I am. I just felt myself breath as if I’d done something new, or done it late. I’m beginning to be conscious of being conscious. Perhaps tomorrow I will wake up to myself and resume the course of my existence. I don’t know if that will make more happy or less. I don’t know anything  (Distinguishes Quotes) I’m one of those people who was meant to have a very ordinary life. I have no special talent, no great beauty, nothing that distinguishes me from a hundred, thousand other girls. But I can’t go through an entire lifetime without at least one night of magic  (Distinguishes Quotes) You worthy critics, or whatever you may call yourselves, are ashamed or afraid of the momentary and passing madness which is found in all real creators, the longer or shorter duration of which distinguishes the thinking artist from the dreamer. Hence your complaints of unfruitfulness, for you reject too soon and discriminate too severely  (Distinguishes Quotes) As two proud and independent peoples, there is much that distinguishes us one from the other, but there is also much that we share: a vast continent, with its common hardships and uncommon duties; generations of mutual respect and support, and an abiding friendship that grows ever stronger  (Distinguishes Quotes) The egalitarian doctrine is manifestly contrary to all the facts established by biology and by history. Only fanatical partisans of this theory can contend that what distinguishes the genius from the dullard is entirely the effect of postnatal influences  (Distinguishes Quotes) What distinguishes our species is thought. The cerebral cortex is in a way a liberation. We need no longer be trapped in the genetically inherited behavior patterns of lizards and baboons: territoriality and aggression and dominance hierarchies. We are each of us largely responsible for what gets put in to our brains. For what as adults we wind up caring for and knowing about. No longer at the mercy of the reptile brain we can change ourselves. Think of the possibilities  (Distinguishes Quotes) What distinguishes the majority of men from the few is their ability to act according to their beliefs  (Distinguishes Quotes) The ability to make love frivolously is the chief characteristic which distinguishes human beings from beasts  (Distinguishes Quotes)
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