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It’s like, if you can’t focus on a movie for 90 minutes without looking at your phone, then don’t go to the movies! You’ve got some issues, so you should probably stay home and work on those issues, and not distract everyone with lights, and sounds, oh my gosh, the tapping on the screens, it makes me crazy!  (Distract Quotes) When you have fans who are hassling you the entire game and you ignore them, they respect you because their job is to try and distract you. And if they don’t distract you, that means you’re focused on doing your job. And who knows, by the end, sometimes you even win them over  (Distract Quotes) If you love something, you have to stay really focused and can’t let outside things distract you  (Distract Quotes) When you’re right there in the crisi, you’ll do anything to make yourself feel better, distract yourself from the misery, deny reality, not matter how stupid  (Distract Quotes) Money does not guarantee happiness or peace of mind, it can take your mind off things, distract you, but it can’t replace the generic stuff a person needs!  (Distract Quotes) A speech is something you say so as to distract attention from what you do not say  (Distract Quotes) Gossip is just a tool to distract people who have nothing better to do from feeling jealous of those few of us still remaining with noble hearts  (Distract Quotes) Yet if there’s no reason to live without a child, how could there be with one? To answer one life with a successive life is simply to transfer the onus of purpose to the next generation; the displacements amounts to a cowardly and potentially infinite delay. Your children’s answer, presumably, will be to procreate as well, and in doing so to distract themselves, to foist their own aimlessness onto their offspring  (Distract Quotes) It’s my attempt to remain invisible, not distract the reader from the story with obvious writing  (Distract Quotes) Life will throw everything but the kitchen sink in your path, and then it will throw the kitchen sink. It’s your job to avoid the obstacles. If you let them stop you or distract you, you’re not doing your job, and failing to do your job will cause regrets that paralyze you more than a bad back  (Distract Quotes) Of true knowledge at any time, a good part is merely convenient, necessary indeed to the worker, but not to an understanding of his subject: One can judge a building without knowing where to buy the bricks; one can understand a violin sonata without knowing how to score for the instrument. The work may in fact be better understood without a knowledge of the details of its manufacture, of attention to these tends to distract from meaning and effect  (Distract Quotes) An inner life and inner enemies to conquer, battle and destroy. These enemies are the various desires that seek to distract our concentration by causing our thoughts to cling to outward things, things that will pass away  (Distract Quotes) And yet, we know how fatal the pursuit of liveliness may be: it may result in... tiresome acrobatics... Flashy effects distract the mind. They destroy their persuasiveness; you would not believe a man was very intent on ploughing a furrow if he carried a hoop with him and jumped through it at every other step... When virtuosity gets the upper hand of your theme, or is better than your idea, it is time to quit  (Distract Quotes) People are under the illusion that it’s easy... Technically, it is complex. You have a million options with equipment to distract you. I tell my students to simplify their equipment  (Distract Quotes) If we don’t accept loneliness, then capitalism wins hands down. Because capitalism is all about trying to convince people that you can distract yourself, that you can make it better. And it ain’t true  (Distract Quotes) The idea of a detached art, of poetry as a charm which exists only to distract our leisure, is a decadent idea and an unmistakable symptom of our power to castrate  (Distract Quotes) Cheese crumbs spread before a pair of copulating rats will distract the female but not the male  (Distract Quotes) Throughout your career people will try to distract you. Some will scream at you, others will say things behind your back, and a few feral animals will literally try to throw their stiletto heel in in your lane and trip you. Keep your eyes straight ahead and just run your race  (Distract Quotes) All of society is built to prop up that lie, the whole world a big, noisy puppet show meant to distract us from the fact that at the end, you’ll die, and you’ll probably be alone  (Distract Quotes) Take time to determine the way you will live your life. But once you know the way you should go, let nothing distract you from your path  (Distract Quotes) If the media is sending girls the message that their value lies in their bodies, this can only leave them feeling disempowered and distract them from making a difference and becoming leaders  (Distract Quotes) You turn inward. There’s nothing to distract you, so you begin to look at yourself  (Distract Quotes) Part of a horror movie has to be a bit fakey for me to really enjoy it. The new ones are so realistic that they distract me from the ride through the horror  (Distract Quotes) Stay away from lazy parasites, who perch on you just to satisfy their needs, they do not come to alleviate your burdens, hence, their mission is to distract, detract and extract, and make you live in abject poverty  (Distract Quotes) An artist’s studio should be a small space because small rooms discipline the mind and large ones distract it  (Distract Quotes) Although I am flexible and ready to take advice, I can’t carry an umbrella of thoughts over my head that would distract me and affect my music making  (Distract Quotes) The important thing when it comes to grooming, as when it comes to clothes, is you do not want anything to distract from the strength and power of your ideas,  (Distract Quotes) We know the utility of prayer from the efforts of the wicked spirits to distract us during the divine office; and we experience the fruit of prayer in the defeat of our enemies  (Distract Quotes) Writing directly from a feeling of anger or sadness is difficult, but if you distract part of your brain with word games, the ignored emotion often tiptoes in  (Distract Quotes) Why should any of these things that happen externally distract thee? Give thyself leisure to learn some good thing: cease roving to and fro  (Distract Quotes)
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