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Gay marriage is a complete red herring to distract everyone from the economy and the war and health care and education  (Distract Quotes) There is no need to distract the attention of the community from the essence of the subject substituting it with secondary questions dealing with the search of those who did it [hacker’s attacks]  (Distract Quotes) A hundred things may come up to distract him and attempt to drive him away, but his picture is of paramount importance  (Distract Quotes) Adorable candy will help distract us from the astounding horror of a man being nailed to a cross  (Distract Quotes) May your quarterback’s creepy sexting help distract you from your baseball team being swept again  (Distract Quotes) I hope recent political debates help distract people from debating your age  (Distract Quotes) Maybe you could try to distract yourself from all this bad news by actually doing some work  (Distract Quotes) My opponents will do anything they can to distract from their own flawed candidate. Bob Menendez is under federal criminal investigation. As far as I know, he is the only candidate for Senate under federal criminal investigation  (Distract Quotes) The nerds provide the toys that distract the morons. So the nerds are sort of the new drug-dealers. We’re the drug dealers of the 21st century because we provide all the brain candy for the mouth-breathers, for lack of a better word  (Distract Quotes) I’m the kind of person that as long as you respect me and don’t distract me before the game, then I’ll respect you in return and accommodate you after the game. Sometimes the situation dictates that I talk, but everybody should understand I’m not going to talk every day, whether we’re in first place or last place  (Distract Quotes) Anti-drug fanatics and cops are the criminals - it’s like McCarthyism. They need someone to dislike to distract the public from the really important problems  (Distract Quotes) Don’t let people get the best of you they say what they want but don’t let that distract you from accomplishing your goals  (Distract Quotes) Our state of wellness determines our response to any situation. Never allow the busyness of life to distract you from taking care of your well being.  (Distract Quotes) It’s easy to make something avant garde. To do something in the traditional way is much more brave in the sense that you’re - your technique is so much more exposed because there’s not all this flashy stuff to distract the viewer.  (Distract Quotes) People are constantly not feeling, but numbing themselves, either through medication or playing on their phones. If you start feeling bad, it’s like, ‘Distract! Distract! Put on Storage Wars!’ And I know because I’m guilty of it, too.  (Distract Quotes) Donald Trump’s going to start a war, he’s going to start attacking immigrants or Muslims or Black Lives Matter or whatever. Because he’s going to have to distract them from the no jobs.  (Distract Quotes) A lot of people tell me a lot of things about my conduct, my game, my future... but I try to stay away from their words of wisdom. I don’t let it distract me. On the field, you will be facing the ball alone. If you fail, you will the only one to blame. So, you should be the one deciding for yourself.  (Distract Quotes) I give money for church organs in the hope the organ music will distract the congregation’s attention from the rest of the service.  (Distract Quotes) Gay marriage is a complete red herring to distract everyone from the economy and the war and health care and education.  (Distract Quotes) Carly Simon abandoned the stage for seven years after collapsing from nerves before a concert in Pittsburgh in 1981. When she resumed performing, she would sometimes ask members of her band to spank her before she went onstage, to distract her from her anxiety.  (Distract Quotes) I believe conspiracy theories are part of a larger conspiracy to distract us from the real conspiracy. String theory.  (Distract Quotes) You don’t need a digital David Petraeus or a President Bush avatar to distract you from the truth. You don’t need to wait decades to have disinformation beamed into your head. You just need a constant stream of misleading information, half truths, and fictions to be promoted, pushed, and peddled until they are accepted as fact.  (Distract Quotes) The writing doesn’t distract me while I’m drawing and vice versa. I can devote my full attention to each.  (Distract Quotes) The purpose of bread and circuses is, as Neil Postman said in his book Amusing Ourselves to Death, to distract, to divert emotional energy towards the absurd and the trivial and the spectacle while you are ruthlessly stripped of power.  (Distract Quotes) A life of abundance knows nothing about a mind that allows its obstacles to distract it from life’s endless possibilities.  (Distract Quotes) Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation...tooting, howling, screeching, booming, crashing, whistling, grinding, and trilling bolster his ego. His anxiety subsides. His inhuman void spreads monstrously like a gray vegetation.  (Distract Quotes) I always think, ‘What does this picture mean? What’s the best place to put my camera? Do I have anything extra in the picture, things in the background that will distract? Am I in the basic position that will give the essential things for this picture but not too much?’  (Distract Quotes) [The spirit of party] serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another.  (Distract Quotes) One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals. And so when I hear about negative and false attacks, I really don’t invest any energy in them, because I know who I am.  (Distract Quotes) A house means a family house, a place specially meant for putting children and men in so as to restrict their waywardness and distract them from the longing for adventure and escape they’ve had since time began.  (Distract Quotes)
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