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Writing is the process of finding something to distract you from writing, and of all the helpful distractions - adultery, alcohol and acedia, all of which aided our writing fathers - none can equal the Internet.  (Distract Quotes) Never let anyone distract your focus from accomplishing great opportunities in your life .  (Distract Quotes) I try to focus on practice. This is work time. This is where we work, this is our office. I try not to let it distract me too much.  (Distract Quotes) You can never let anything distract you from your main objective. My only goal is to be great. That’s all I want. That’s all I ever aspire to be. Greatness is something nobody can ever take away from you, no matter what happens. So I put all my energy and focus into my craft.  (Distract Quotes) I was free from fear for the first time ever while making the music. Fear’s job is to distract us from the truth. There’s no fear on my record.  (Distract Quotes) I really try to have fun. If I don’t have fun, you won’t have fun. That’s what my gift is: to relieve people from a little of the pain and comfort in their lives by allowing my comedy to distract them. A good laugh is almost as good as any doctor visit.  (Distract Quotes) As millions of Americans look for work, the Obama campaign and Democrats are attempting to distract attention away from this administration’s dismal record. The attack they have launched against Mitt Romney shows just how worried they are about facing him in the general election.  (Distract Quotes) When you read a book, you are letting another person distract your thoughts and work your emotions. If they are adept, there’s nothing better than turning off and getting lost.  (Distract Quotes) I think we live in delusional times, whether it’s with a great ability to totally distract ourselves with technology, or with speed and the velocity of life.  (Distract Quotes) I’d distract myself until finally it was a combination of things. The show was over and I had time on my hands. I had taken time and played and just relaxed.  (Distract Quotes) When I write, I write for myself, and I have high expectations... so I’m just trying to meet those. I’m not going to distract myself with other people’s expectations.  (Distract Quotes) Because we spoke so loudly, opponents of reproductive health access demonized and smeared me and others on the public airwaves. These smears are obvious attempts to distract from meaningful policy discussions and to silence women’s voices regarding their own health care.  (Distract Quotes)
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