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Diurnal Quotes

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The diurnal sun sets at night, but the sun of the heart never disappears  (Diurnal Quotes) In big houses in which things are done properly, there is always the religious element. The diurnal cycle is observed with more feeling when there are servants to do the work  (Diurnal Quotes) No motion has she now, no force; she neither hears nor sees; rolled around in earth’s diurnal course, with rocks, and stones, and trees  (Diurnal Quotes) Nobody knows what either sleep or waking consciousness is, even though these two have long been seen as the two sides of being: part of life’s unvarying diurnal rhythm.  (Diurnal Quotes) No motion has she now, no force; she neither hears nor sees; rolled around in earth’s diurnal course, with rocks, and stones, and trees.  (Diurnal Quotes)