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Diversion Quotes

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God is not a diversion  (Diversion Quotes) Golf is an ideal diversion, but a ruinous disease  (Diversion Quotes) Kittens believe that all nature is occupied with their diversion  (Diversion Quotes) Old ideas give way slowly; for they are more than abstract logical forms and categories, they are habits, predispositions, deeply ingrained attitudes of diversion and preference  (Diversion Quotes) I seek in the reading of books, only to please myself, by an honest diversion  (Diversion Quotes) Most sorts of diversion in men, children and other animals, are in imitation of fighting  (Diversion Quotes) Ironing is a great diversion from the reality you don’t want to face  (Diversion Quotes) Violence is not a catalyst but a diversion  (Diversion Quotes) At its best, fiction is not a diversion but a means of knowing the world  (Diversion Quotes) When there are no consequences, being wrong is simply a diversion  (Diversion Quotes) What is one person’s diversion may be another’s supreme test  (Diversion Quotes) An army is a diversion of energy from the productive life of a nation  (Diversion Quotes) Everything that is good in the arts is done by some sort of diversion  (Diversion Quotes) Opera is a beautiful and important diversion for me  (Diversion Quotes) The Cause of God is not a theatrical display that is presented every hour, of which some new diversion may be asked for every day. If it were thus, the Cause of God would become mere child’s play.  (Diversion Quotes) I think, when men tell women to lose weight, it’s a diversion from their own lack of size in certain areas  (Diversion Quotes) Each generation is smarter than the generation before, and they need total diversion and encouragement and things to think about.  (Diversion Quotes) Words are so often used in the opposite sense, as a screen of diversion. It’s the struggle towards truthfulness which is the same whether one is writing a poem, a novel or an argument  (Diversion Quotes) Leisure was the sine qua non of the full Renaissance. The feudal nobility, having lost its martial function, sought diversion all over Europe in cultivated pastimes: sonneteering, the lute, games and acrostics, travel, gentlemanly studies and sports, hunting and hawking, treated as arts  (Diversion Quotes) Having fun is not a diversion from a successful life; it is the pathway to it  (Diversion Quotes) Man’s origin was as spirit, not a physical body. These souls projected themselves into matter, probably for their own diversion. Through the use of his creative powers for selfish purposes, man became entangled in matter and materiality to such an extent that he nearly forgot his divine origin and nature  (Diversion Quotes) This whole phenomenon of the diversion of organizations from their purposes and ideals does not seem very serious when the scum rise to the top in the bridge club or the offices of a small magazine publisher  (Diversion Quotes) Now, how do you explain Obama’s claim, that he can kill American citizens without due process? Well, he has his attorney general get up and say, Well, it doesn’t say in the constitution judicial process. It just says due process. Now that’s a lawyerly diversion from the truth.  (Diversion Quotes) Housework is a breeze. Cooking is a pleasant diversion. Putting up a retaining wall is a lark. But teaching is like climbing a mountain  (Diversion Quotes) Iraq is no diversion. It is a place where civilization is taking a decisive stand against chaos and terror, we must not waver  (Diversion Quotes) This death cult has no reason and is beyond negotiation. This is what makes it so frightening. This is what causes so many to engage in a sort of mental diversion. They don’t want to confront this horror. So they rush off in search of more comprehensible things to hate.  (Diversion Quotes) Because of guilt there is painful diversion; because of greed there is playful diversion; because of grass there is pleasurable diversion  (Diversion Quotes) The biggest challenge for newspapers has been that the public has far more choices for news, information, and diversion than in the past  (Diversion Quotes) Gil Thorpe is a great diversion and is to book writing as poetry is to prose  (Diversion Quotes) The United States government first learned of the diversion of the W-88 nuclear warhead design in late 1995  (Diversion Quotes)
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